Reputation: 1195
Basically I'm trying to use a Module or Public functions to pull a datediff that is only for business days. Everything works as far as the code is concerned but for some reason with a particular date field (one I've added after the database has been in production for some time) the code is not working correctly and I'm getting the "Data Type Mismatch in Expression". I'm 99% sure this is a data problem. If I compare two different dates it runs, I've created a test table with 10 records and it runs.
The field is set to Date/Time. I guess my question is, is there anyway to get rid of the ""'s or make it so the code will accept these blanks as nulls? or convert them?
This is where I call the function in the query:
Exp1: BusinessDays([IntCallDate],[aIntCall1])
And here is the code in the module...
Thanks for any help - MUCH appreciated!!!
Public Function BusinessDays(dteStartDate As Date, dteEndDate As Date) As Long
On Error GoTo err_workingDays
Dim lngYear As Long
Dim lngEYear As Long
Dim dteStart As Date, dteEnd As Date
Dim dteCurr As Date
Dim lngDay As Long
Dim lngDiff As Long
Dim lngACount As Long
Dim dteLoop As Variant
Dim blnHol As Boolean
Dim dteHoliday() As Date
Dim lngCount As Long, lngTotal As Long
Dim lngThanks As Long
If IsDate(dteStartDate) And IsDate(dteEndDate) Then 'added here begin
dteStart = dteStartDate
dteEnd = dteEndDate
lngYear = DatePart("yyyy", dteStart)
lngEYear = DatePart("yyyy", dteEnd)
If lngYear <> lngEYear Then
lngDiff = (((lngEYear - lngYear) + 1) * 7) - 1
ReDim dteHoliday(lngDiff)
ReDim dteHoliday(6)
End If
lngACount = -1
For lngCount = lngYear To lngEYear
lngACount = lngACount + 1
'July Fourth
dteHoliday(lngACount) = DateSerial(lngCount, 7, 4)
lngACount = lngACount + 1
dteHoliday(lngACount) = DateSerial(lngCount, 12, 25)
lngACount = lngACount + 1
'New Years
dteHoliday(lngACount) = DateSerial(lngCount, 1, 1)
lngACount = lngACount + 1
'Thanksgiving - 4th Thursday of November
lngDay = 1
lngThanks = 0
If Weekday(DateSerial(lngCount, 11, lngDay)) = 5 Then
lngThanks = lngThanks + 1
End If
lngDay = lngDay + 1
Loop Until lngThanks = 4
dteHoliday(lngACount) = DateSerial(lngCount, 11, lngDay)
lngACount = lngACount + 1
'Memorial Day - Last Monday of May
lngDay = 31
If Weekday(DateSerial(lngCount, 5, lngDay)) = 2 Then
dteHoliday(lngACount) = DateSerial(lngCount, 5, lngDay)
lngDay = lngDay - 1
End If
Loop Until dteHoliday(lngACount) >= DateSerial(lngCount, 5, 1)
lngACount = lngACount + 1
'Labor Day - First Monday of Septemeber
lngDay = 1
If Weekday(DateSerial(lngCount, 9, lngDay)) = 2 Then
dteHoliday(lngACount) = DateSerial(lngCount, 9, lngDay)
lngDay = lngDay + 1
End If
Loop Until dteHoliday(lngACount) >= DateSerial(lngCount, 9, 1)
'MsgBox dteHoliday(5)
lngACount = lngACount + 1
lngDay = (((255 - 11 * (lngCount Mod 19)) - 21) Mod 30) + 21
dteHoliday(lngACount) = DateSerial(lngCount, 3, 1) + lngDay + _
(lngDay > 48) + 6 - ((lngCount + lngCount \ 4 + _
lngDay + (lngDay > 48) + 1) Mod 7)
For lngCount = 1 To DateDiff("d", dteStart, dteEnd)
dteCurr = (dteStart + lngCount)
If (Weekday(dteCurr) <> 1) And (Weekday(dteCurr) <> 7) Then
blnHol = False
For dteLoop = 0 To UBound(dteHoliday)
'MsgBox dteHoliday(dteLoop) & " " & dteLoop
If (dteHoliday(dteLoop) = dteCurr) Then
blnHol = True
End If
Next dteLoop
If blnHol = False Then
lngTotal = lngTotal + 1
'MsgBox dteCurr
End If
End If
Next lngCount
BusinessDays = lngTotal
Else 'Add
BusinessDays = -1 ' add
End If 'add
MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & vbCr & _
"Description: " & Err.Description
Resume exit_workingDays
End Function
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2379
Reputation: 43056
You're getting a data type mismatch because you have declared the parameters as Date
type. While a Date/Time
column in the database can hold a null value, a Date
variable in VBA cannot. You must therefore declare the parameters as Variant
s, and do some type checking at the head of your function.
This means that my comment to another answer (saying that IsDate
will always return true here) is misleading. Rather than deleting the meaningless IsDate
check, you should make the check meaningful by changing the parameter type from Date
to Variant
Hope this helps.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4703
I'm not sure that this line:
If IsDate(dteStartDate) And IsDate(dteEndDate) Then 'added here begin
is necessary, since you'll get Type Mismatch errors if you try to feed other types of values into the function. In any case, you also/instead should have something like:
If dteStartDate <= dteEndDate Then
with the Else portion returning a "known bad" answer, the way your code does here:
Else 'Add
BusinessDays = -1 ' add
End If 'add
This is just an expansion of the answers already posted by Jim Anderson and mwolfe02 . If you accept this answer/vote it up, you should also vote up theirs....
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3622
You can't ReDim an array to a negative value.
When lngEYear < lngYear, lngDiff will be less than zero.
Upvotes: 0