I want to use EvilDICOM library to work on some dicom images. Now I am trying to show an image in a PictureBox in C#. How can I do that?
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This will work with gray images without compression. I used the function ImageFromRawBgraArray from this question
public void loadImage(string fileName)
var dcm = EvilDICOM.Core.DICOMObject.Read(fileName);
string photo = dcm.FindFirst(TagHelper.PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION).DData.ToString();
ushort bitsAllocated = (ushort)dcm.FindFirst(TagHelper.BITS_ALLOCATED).DData;
ushort highBit = (ushort)dcm.FindFirst(TagHelper.HIGH_BIT).DData;
ushort bitsStored = (ushort)dcm.FindFirst(TagHelper.BITS_STORED).DData;
double intercept =(double) dcm.FindFirst(TagHelper.RESCALE_INTERCEPT).DData;
double slope = (double)dcm.FindFirst(TagHelper.RESCALE_SLOPE).DData;
ushort rows = (ushort)dcm.FindFirst(TagHelper.ROWS).DData;
ushort colums = (ushort)dcm.FindFirst(TagHelper.COLUMNS).DData;
ushort pixelRepresentation = (ushort)dcm.FindFirst(TagHelper.PIXEL_REPRESENTATION).DData;
List<byte> pixelData = (List<byte>)dcm.FindFirst(TagHelper.PIXEL_DATA).DData_;
double window = (double)dcm.FindFirst(TagHelper.WINDOW_WIDTH).DData;
double level = (double)dcm.FindFirst(TagHelper.WINDOW_CENTER).DData;
int minVal = 0;
int maxVal = 255;
if (!photo.Contains("MONOCHROME"))//just works for gray images
int index = 0;
byte[] outPixelData = new byte[rows * colums * 4];//rgba
ushort mask = (ushort)(ushort.MaxValue >> (bitsAllocated - bitsStored));
double maxval = Math.Pow(2, bitsStored);
for (int i = 0; i < pixelData.Count; i+=2)
ushort gray = (ushort)((ushort)(pixelData[i]) + (ushort)(pixelData[i + 1] << 8));
double valgray = gray & mask;//remove not used bits
if (pixelRepresentation == 1)// the last bit is the sign, apply a2 complement
if (valgray > (maxval / 2))
valgray = (valgray - maxval);
valgray = slope * valgray + intercept;//modality lut
//This is the window level algorithm
double half = ((window - 1) / 2.0) - 0.5;
if (valgray <= level - half)
valgray = 0;
else if (valgray >= level + half)
valgray = 255;
valgray = ((valgray - (level - 0.5)) / (window - 1) + 0.5) * 255;
outPixelData[index] =(byte)valgray;
outPixelData[index + 1] = (byte)valgray;
outPixelData[index + 2] = (byte)valgray;
outPixelData[index + 3] = 255;
index += 4;
Image newimage = this.ImageFromRawBgraArray(outPixelData, colums, rows);
pictureBox1.Image = newimage;
public Image ImageFromRawBgraArray(
byte[] arr, int width, int height)
var output = new Bitmap(width, height);
var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
var bmpData = output.LockBits(rect,
ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, output.PixelFormat);
var ptr = bmpData.Scan0;
Marshal.Copy(arr, 0, ptr, arr.Length);
return output;
Upvotes: 2