

Loop over the cfquery tag values

I have the following query where I loop over a list of values but I am getting an error at the last comma:

<cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#">
    INSERT INTO #session.tablename# ( #lFields# )
    VALUES (
        <cfloop list="#lFields#" index="kk">
            <cfqueryparam value="#TRIM(sVideoGame['#kk#'])#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" null="#NOT LEN(TRIM(sVideoGame['#kk#']))#" />,

Problem occurs with the last comma. I tried setting up a counter before the cfloop, setting it 0 and incrementing to 1 inside the cfloop. However, I am not sure how to remove the last comma based upon some condition check.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 179

Answers (2)


Reputation: 484

If your only question is how to deal with the last comma, then you can do it with

<cfset listCount = 1>
<cfloop list="#lFields#" index="kk">
<cfqueryparam value="#TRIM(sVideoGame['#kk#'])#" 
cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" null="#NOT LEN(TRIM(sVideoGame['#kk#']))#" />
<cfif listLen(lFields) is not listCount>,</cfif>
<cfset listCount = listCount+1>

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Reputation: 28873

In order to keep track of the position, you will need a from/to loop instead of a list loop. Then add a comma after you pass the first query parameter.

For ColdFusion 2016+ it can be done using the "item" and "index" attributes:

<cfloop list="#yourListVariable#" item="keyName" index="position">

    <!--- if we've passed the first parameter, add a comma --->
    <cfif position gt 1>,</cfif>

    <cfqueryparam value="#TRIM(sVideoGame[ keyName ])#" 
        null="#NOT LEN(sVideoGame[keyName])#" />

CF11 and earlier require a little more work. To simplify the code, I would recommend converting the list to an array:

<cfset keyArray = listToArray(yourListVariable)>
<cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(keyArray)#" index="position">

    <!--- if we've passed the first parameter, add a comma --->
    <cfif position gt 1>,</cfif>

    <cfqueryparam value="#TRIM(sVideoGame[ keyArray[position] ])#" 
            null="#NOT LEN(sVideoGame[ keyArray[position] ])#" />

Side note, I noticed the query uses dynamic table and column names. Be sure those values are NOT user supplied, or the query is vulnerable to sql injection.

Upvotes: 2

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