Reputation: 530
I am doing spring boot 1.5+ security with auth2 authentication and reactjs. for http calls using restful http client. Authentication is working perfectly and I am successfully accessing data from resource server. The issue is logout code is not working and I am getting this error on console:
POST http://localhost:8080/logout 403 ()
error: "Forbidden" message: "Invalid CSRF Token 'null' was found on the request parameter '_csrf' or header 'X-XSRF-TOKEN'.
I am sharing my code also.
1) ReactJs code
handleLogout = (e) => {
method: 'POST',
path: '/logout',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
}}).then(response => {
2) restful http client
'use strict';
// client is custom code that configures rest.js to include support for HAL, URI Templates,
// and other things. It also sets the default Accept request header to application/hal+json.
// get the rest client
var rest = require('rest');
// provides default values for the request object. default values can be provided for the method, path, params, headers, entity
// If the value does not exist in the request already than the default value utilized
var defaultRequest = require('rest/interceptor/defaultRequest');
// Converts request and response entities using MIME converter registry
// Converters are looked up by the Content-Type header value. Content types without a converter default to plain text.
var mime = require('rest/interceptor/mime');
// define the request URI by expanding the path as a URI template
var uriTemplateInterceptor = require('./uriTemplateInterceptor');
// Marks the response as an error based on the status code
// The errorCode interceptor will mark a request in error if the status code is equal or greater than the configured value.
var errorCode = require('rest/interceptor/errorCode');
var csrf = require('rest/interceptor/csrf');
// A registry of converters for MIME types is provided. Each time a request or response entity needs to be encoded or
// decoded, the 'Content-Type' is used to lookup a converter from the registry.
// The converter is then used to serialize/deserialize the entity across the wire.
var baseRegistry = require('rest/mime/registry');
var registry = baseRegistry.child();
registry.register('text/uri-list', require('./uriListConverter'));
registry.register('application/hal+json', require('rest/mime/type/application/hal'));
// wrap all the above interceptors in rest client
// default interceptor provide Accept header value 'application/hal+json' if there is not accept header in request
module.exports = rest
.wrap(mime, { registry: registry })
.wrap(defaultRequest, { headers: { 'Accept': 'application/hal+json' }});
3) application.yml of client application
debug: true
proxy-target-class: true
password: none
access-token-uri: http://localhost:9999/uaa/oauth/token
user-authorization-uri: http://localhost:9999/uaa/oauth/authorize
client-id: acme
client-secret: acmesecret
user-info-uri: http://localhost:9999/uaa/user
key-value: |
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
path: /resource/**
url: http://localhost:9000/resource
path: /user/**
url: http://localhost:9999/uaa/user
level: DEBUG
4) CorsFilter configuration in authorization server
public class CorsFilter implements Filter {
public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) {
System.out.println("*********** running doFilter method of CorsFilter of auth-server***********");
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res;
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST, PUT, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE");
response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "x-auth-token, x-requested-with");
response.addHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", "3600");
if (request.getMethod()!="OPTIONS") {
try {
chain.doFilter(req, res);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (ServletException e) {
} else {
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) {}
public void destroy() {}
5) AuthrorizationServerConfigurerAdapter of authentication server
public class OAuth2AuthorizationConfig extends AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter {
private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;
public @Autowired JwtAccessTokenConverter jwtAccessTokenConverter() throws Exception {
System.out.println("*********** running jwtAccessTokenConverter ***********");
// Setting up a JWT token using JwtAccessTokenConverter.
JwtAccessTokenConverter converter = new JwtAccessTokenConverter();
// JWT token signing key
KeyPair keyPair = new KeyStoreKeyFactory(
new ClassPathResource("keystore.jks"), "suleman123".toCharArray())
return converter;
public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
System.out.println("*********** running configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) ***********");
.withClient("acme") // registers a client with client Id 'acme'
.secret("acmesecret") // registers a client with password 'acmesecret'
.authorizedGrantTypes("authorization_code", "refresh_token",
"password") // We registered the client and authorized the “password“, “authorization_code” and “refresh_token” grant types
.scopes("openid") // scope to which the client is limited
public void configure(AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints)
throws Exception {
System.out.println("*********** running configure(AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints) ***********");
// we choose to inject an existing authentication manager from the spring container
// With this step we can share the authentication manager with the Basic authentication filter
public void configure(AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer oauthServer)
throws Exception {
System.out.println("*********** running configure(AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer oauthServer) ***********");
Upvotes: 5
Views: 3673
Reputation: 530
Finally got this working. What I have done to make it work:
1) I have installed 'react-cookie' library
npm install react-cookie --save
2) In my reactjs code I have imported react-cookie library and in method where I am using restful http client to generate logout request I am fetching Csrf-Token from cookie and sending it as request header.
handleLogout = (e) => {
method: 'POST',
path: 'logout',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf8',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'X-Csrf-Token': Cookie.load('XSRF-TOKEN')
}).then(response => {
this.setState({authenticated: false});
3) In authorization server instead of using my custom Cors Filter class which I have mentioned in my question, now I am using Spring Cors Filter code
public class CorsFilterConfig {
public FilterRegistrationBean corsFilter() {
UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource source = new UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource();
CorsConfiguration config = new CorsConfiguration();
source.registerCorsConfiguration("/**", config);
FilterRegistrationBean bean = new FilterRegistrationBean(new CorsFilter(source));
return bean;
4) In file of Authorization Server I have added this property, so CorsFilter will run before SpringSecurityFilterChain
Upvotes: 4