Reputation: 1469
Harris corner detector
I want to implement the method of harris corner detector with python but I am stuck please give some advice. The method that I have implemented can be found HERE
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL.Image import *
import scipy
from scipy import ndimage, signal
def conv2(x, y, mode='same'):
return np.rot90(signal.convolve2d(np.rot90(x, 2), np.rot90(y, 2), mode=mode), 2)
def harris(im):
l, c = im.size
k = 0.04
imarr = np.asarray(im, dtype=np.float64)
dx = np.array([[-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float64)
dy = dx.transpose()
mat3x3 = np.array([[-1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1]], dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(0, (c-3), 2):
for j in range(0, (l-3), 2):
mat3x3[0, 0] = imarr[i, j]
mat3x3[0, 1] = imarr[i, j+1]
mat3x3[1, 0] = imarr[i, j+2]
mat3x3[1, 1] = imarr[i+1, j]
mat3x3[1, 1] = imarr[i+1, j+1]
mat3x3[0, 0] = imarr[i+1, j+2]
mat3x3[0, 0] = imarr[i+2, j]
mat3x3[0, 0] = imarr[i+2, j+1]
mat3x3[0, 0] = imarr[i+2, j+2]
Ix = conv2(mat3x3, dx, mode='same')
Iy = conv2(mat3x3, dy, mode='same')
Ix2 = Ix * Ix
Iy2 = Iy * Iy
Ixy = Ix * Iy
Sx2 = conv2(mat3x3, Ix2, mode='same')
Sy2 = conv2(mat3x3, Iy2, mode='same')
Sxy = conv2(mat3x3, Ixy, mode='same')
Hxy = [[Sx2, Sxy], [Sy2, Sxy]]
R = np.linalg.det(Hxy) - k*(np.power((np.linalg.eig(Hxy)), 2))
# print(R[0, 0])
if(R[0, 0] > 0):
imarr[i, j] = 127
imarr[i, j+1] = 127
imarr[i, j+2] = 127
imarr[i, j+3] = 127
imarr[i+1, j] = 127
imarr[i+1, j+1] = 127
imarr[i+1, j+2] = 127
imarr[i+1, j+3] = 127
imarr[i+2, j] = 127
imarr[i+2, j+1] = 127
imarr[i+2, j+2] = 127
imarr[i+2, j+3] = 127
imarr[i+3, j] = 127
imarr[i+3, j+1] = 127
imarr[i+3, j+2] = 127
imarr[i+3, j+3] = 127
return imarr
im = open('chess.png')
em = harris(im)
plt.imshow(em, 'gray')
that is an exemple of what I want to do : harris exempe
Upvotes: 2
Views: 7838
Reputation: 1469
def Harris():
if im == None:
msg.showerror('error', 'Ouvrire une image')
return 0
msg.showinfo('wait', 'Le programme traite l\'image, veuillez patienter')
global em
neim = imap1()
imarr = np.asarray(neim, dtype=np.float64)
ix = ndimage.sobel(imarr, 0)
iy = ndimage.sobel(imarr, 1)
ix2 = ix * ix
iy2 = iy * iy
ixy = ix * iy
ix2 = ndimage.gaussian_filter(ix2, sigma=2)
iy2 = ndimage.gaussian_filter(iy2, sigma=2)
ixy = ndimage.gaussian_filter(ixy, sigma=2)
c, l = imarr.shape
result = np.zeros((c, l))
r = np.zeros((c, l))
rmax = 0
for i in range(c):
print('loking for corner . . .')
for j in range(l):
print('test ', j)
m = np.array([[ix2[i, j], ixy[i, j]], [ixy[i, j], iy2[i, j]]], dtype=np.float64)
r[i, j] = np.linalg.det(m) - 0.04 * (np.power(np.trace(m), 2))
if r[i, j] > rmax:
rmax = r[i, j]
for i in range(c - 1):
print(". .")
for j in range(l - 1):
if r[i, j] > 0.01 * rmax and r[i, j] > r[i - 1, j - 1] and r[i, j] > r[i - 1, j + 1] \
and r[i, j] > r[i + 1, j - 1] and r[i, j] > r[i + 1, j + 1]:
result[i, j] = 1
result = np.transpose(result)
pc, pr = np.where(result == 1)
base = plt.gca().transData
rot = transforms.Affine2D().rotate_deg(270)
plt.plot(pr, pc, 'r', transform=rot + base, linestyle="None", marker="o", markersize=1)
frame_active.configure(width=1108, height=40)
# ---------- frame de present l'image filter------------------
frame_image_fil = Frame(root_analy)
frame_image_fil.configure(width=500, height=470), y=42)
frame_image_fil.configure(borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE)
# --------- frame de title de image resultat ---------------
frame_imgreslt = Frame(root_analy)
frame_imgreslt.configure(width=500, height=40, bg='#1B3F5D'), y=512)
frame_imgreslt.configure(borderwidth=2, relief=GROOVE)
label_title1 = Label(frame_imgreslt, text='les point d\'intérêt', font=("Courier", 18), bg='#0F2130', foreground="#4F5459")
img = open('harris_test.png')
em = img
img = img.resize((491, 458), ANTIALIAS)
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
pano = Label(frame_image_fil)
pano.image = img, y=0)
return 0
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 21203
Apparently, there is no direct function available in PIL to detect corners in an image. I, however found, THIS LINK. See if it suits you.
Your best bet would be to use OpenCV's in-built functions, which give quite a good result.
THIS PAGE provides another way to find corners using scikit image
python module
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