I'm having trouble with this code. For some odd reason it generates error messages like
Global symbol "$plan3" requires explicit package name
on multiple lines for multiple variables.
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
use CGI qw(:standard);
use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser);
use strict;
my $recipient = '[email protected]';
my $firstname, $lastname, $emailaddress, $paymentplan, $pricipalamount;
my $errors, $fn1, $lnl2, $ea3, $pp4, $pa5;
my $paymentamount;
my $email;
my $plan1 = 24, $plan2 = 48, $plan3 = 60;
my $month;
$firstname = param( "firstname" );
$lastname = param( "lastname" );
$emailaddress = param( "emailaddress" );
$paymentplan = param( "paymentplan" );
$month = param( "paymentplan" );
$principalamount = param( "principalamount" );
$errors = 0;
$fn = 0;
$ln = 0;
$ea = 0;
$pp = 0;
$pa = 0;
if ( $paymentplan == 1 ) {
$paymentplan = $plan1;
if ( $paymentplan == 2 ) {
$paymentplan = $plan2;
if ( $paymentplan == 3 ) {
$paymentplan = $plan3;
$paymount = ( $amount * 1.14 ) / ( $plan - 2 );
$email = "Welcome to the CSIT Loan Company, $firstname $lastname! \n\n Your
email address is: $emailaddress \n Your payment plan number is #$month \n
Your Prinicpal Amount is \$ $principalamount \n And your total is
\$$paymentamount! \n\n Thank you very much!";
if ( index( $address, "@" ) == -1 ) {
print "Please use an @ sign!";
$errors = 1;
if ( $firstname eq "" ) {
$fn = 1;
$errors = 1;
if ( $lastname eq "" ) {
$ln = 1;
$errors = 1;
if ( $emailaddress eq "" ) {
$ea = 1;
$errors = 1;
if ( $paymemtplan ne "24" && $paymentplan ne "48" && $paymentplan ne "60" ) {
$pp = 1;
$errors = 1;
if ( $principalamount < "5000" || $principalamount > "50000" ) {
$pa = 1;
$errors = 1;
if ( $errors == 0 ) {
print MAIL "To: $recipient\n";
print MAIL "From:apmycs2\n";
print MAIL "Subject:Server Validation\n\n";
print MAIL $email;
close( MAIL );
print "Success! this is an email to notify of successful validation";
else {
if ( $fn == 1 ) {
print "<br>Please Enter your First Name!<br>";
if ( $ln == 1 ) {
print "<br>Please Enter your Last Name!<br>";
if ( $ea == 1 ) {
print "<br>Please Enter a valid Email Address!<br>";
if ( $pp == 1 ) {
print "<br>Please Enter a Payment Plan of 1, 2, or 3!<br>";
if ( $pa == 1 ) {
print "<br>Please Enter a Principal Amount between 5000 and 50000!<br>";
print "<br><p>Thank you!<p>";
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Perl wants you to make a list assignment to declare multiple variables at the same time:
my( $plan1, $plan2, $plan3 ) = ( 24, 48, 60 );
Otherwise, you have the comma operator essentially trying to do this, where the my
applies to only the first one:
(my $plan1 = 24), ($plan2 = 48), ($plan3 = 60);
But, you might want something a bit easier to manage. You can create code that doesn't change with the number of plans that you have:
my @payment_plans = ( undef, 24, 48, 60 );
my $payment_plan_input = param( 'paymentplan' );
my $fee;
if( 1 <= $payment_plan_input and $payment_plan_input <= $#payment_plans ) {
$fee = $payment_plans[ $payment_plan_input ];
Or, a hash, which allows you to map the names you present to the customer to the fees:
my %payment_plan_fees = (
basic => 24,
medium => 48,
deluxe => 60,
my $payment_plan_input = param( 'paymentplan' );
die "Bad input!" unless exists $payment_plan_fees{$payment_plan_input};
my $fee = $payment_plan_fees{ $payment_plan_input };
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