K Guru
K Guru

Reputation: 1302

XMPPError: subscription-required - auth

Making Chat App using Smack , Try to get the Last Seen time of user but getting following Exception

org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException$XMPPErrorException: XMPPError: subscription-required - auth

Code :

  public void getLastSeen(String JID) {

        LastActivityManager mLastActivity = LastActivityManager.getInstanceFor (connection);
        try {
            try {
                mLastActivity.getLastActivity (JID);
                Log.e (TAG, "" + mLastActivity.getLastActivity (JID));

            } catch (SmackException.NoResponseException e) {
                e.printStackTrace ( );

        } catch (XMPPException.XMPPErrorException e) {
            e.printStackTrace ( );
        } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) {
            e.printStackTrace ( );


getting above Exception on following line

  mLastActivity.getLastActivity (JID);

Anybody know why getting this exception ?

Upvotes: 0

Views: 368

Answers (2)

Sathish Gadde
Sathish Gadde

Reputation: 1623

First you need to setup roster once xmpp connection established :

  private fun setupRoaster() {
    if (conn1 == null) {
        Timber.d("setupRoaster failed , due to connection is null $conn1")
    } else {
        conn1?.let {
            roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(conn1)
            roster?.subscriptionMode = Roster.SubscriptionMode.manual
            Timber.d("setupRoaster roster?.entryCount : ${roster?.entryCount}")

                override fun processSubscribe(
                    from: Jid?,
                    subscribeRequest: Presence?
                ): SubscribeListener.SubscribeAnswer {
                    Timber.d("setupRoaster SubscribeListener calledback Approved")
                     return  SubscribeListener.SubscribeAnswer.Approve


                //Here we are observed all the roster contacts and status
                roster?.let {
                    for(ros in it.entries){
                        Timber.d("setupRoaster Info isSubscriptionPending ::  ${ros.isSubscriptionPending}  isApproved :: ${ros.isApproved} type :: ${ros.type}  isSubscribedToMyPresence : ${roster?.isSubscribedToMyPresence(ros.jid)} ros.jid : ${ros.jid}")

            Timber.d("setupRoaster success")
        Timber.d("setupRoaster failed $conn1")


To add any user into your roster use below code :

override suspend fun addContactToRoster(toUserId: String, name: String) {
    Coroutines.io {
        Timber.d("addContactToRoster 1 $toUserId")
        if(roster == null){
        if (roster != null) {

            Timber.d("addContactToRoster 2 roster?.isLoaded : ${roster?.isLoaded} ")
            try {
                roster?.let {
                    if(it.isLoaded && !it.isSubscribedToMyPresence(getJabberId(toUserId))){
                        val presence = Presence(Presence.Type.subscribe)
                        roster?.createEntry(getJabberId(toUserId), name, null)

                Timber.d("addContactToRoster Contact added to roster successfully")
            } catch (e: SmackException.NotLoggedInException) {
                Timber.d("addContactToRoster SmackException.NotLoggedInException called ${e.message} conn1?.isConnected ${conn1?.isConnected} conn1.isAuthenticated : ${conn1?.isAuthenticated}")
            } catch (e: SmackException.NoResponseException) {
                Timber.d("addContactToRoster SmackException.NoResponseException called ${e.message} conn1?.isConnected ${conn1?.isConnected} conn1.isAuthenticated : ${conn1?.isAuthenticated}")
            } catch (e: SmackException.NotConnectedException) {
                Timber.d("addContactToRoster SmackException.NotConnectedException called ${e.message} conn1?.isConnected ${conn1?.isConnected} conn1.isAuthenticated : ${conn1?.isAuthenticated}")
        } else {
            Timber.d("addContactToRoster Roster not initilized,")
            Timber.d("addContactToRoster May when user comes first time at that time internet not available so connection not established")


Once user successfully added to roster and receiver accept your subscription than you can last get activity/last seen by using below method :

 fun getLastActivity(userId: String): String? {
    Timber.d("XMPP :: getLastActivity $userId called conn1 : $conn1")
    val jabberId = getJabberId(userId)
    jabberId?.let {
        Timber.d("XMPP :: getLastActivity 1 ${jabberId}")
        conn1?.let {
            Timber.d("XMPP :: getLastActivity 2")
            if (it.isConnected && it.isAuthenticated) {
                Timber.d("XMPP :: getLastActivity 3")
                try {
                    val lastActivityManager: LastActivityManager =
                    //val jid : Jid = JidCreate.from("[email protected]");
                    val status = lastActivityManager.isLastActivitySupported(jabberId)
                    val lastStatus = lastActivityManager.getLastActivity(jabberId)
                        "XMPP :: lastStatus.toString $lastStatus \n lastStatus.lastActivity ${lastStatus.lastActivity} " +
                                "\n lastStatus.idleTime : ${lastStatus.idleTime} \n lastStatus.message : ${lastStatus.message} \n lastStatus.statusMessage : ${lastStatus.statusMessage}"
                    val milliSeconds =
                        applicationContext.getTrueTimeNow().time - (lastStatus.lastActivity * 1000)
                    //val lastSeen = getDate(milliSeconds, "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss.SSS")
                    val lastSeen = getLastSeen(milliSeconds)
                    Timber.d("XMPP :: isLastActivitySupported : $status  lastStatus : $lastStatus LastSeen : $lastSeen")
                    return lastSeen
                } catch (e: XMPPException.XMPPErrorException) {
                    Timber.d("XMPP :: Error in get last activity : ${e.message}")
                } catch (e: SmackException.NoResponseException) {
                    Timber.d("XMPP :: SmackException.NoResponseException. : ${e.message}")
                } catch (e: SmackException.NotConnectedException) {
                    Timber.d("XMPP :: SmackException.NotConnectedException. : ${e.message}")
            } else {
                Timber.d("XMPP :: handleNotConnectedException : ${it.isConnected} or authenticated ${it.isAuthenticated}")
                // handleNotConnectedException()
            Timber.d("XMPP :: Connection not connected : ${it.isConnected} or authenticated ${it.isAuthenticated}")

        Timber.d("XMPP :: Connection not established $conn1")


    return null

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 24083

Likely because you need to be subscribed to the contact's presence in order to retrieve the last activity.

Upvotes: 3

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