Reputation: 45325
I have a function:
powerOf :: Int -> Int -> Int
example os usage:
*Main Data.List> powerOf 100 2
*Main Data.List> powerOf 100 5
I have two questions. First - why it doesn't works:
map (powerOf 100) [2, 5]
I want to get [2, 2].
And second question. I trying to create pariatl function. Something like this:
powerOfN :: Int -> Int
powerOfN num = powerOf num
to use it such way:
let powerOf100 = powerOfN 100
powerOf100 2
powerOf100 5
but i got the error message:
Couldn't match expected type `Int'
against inferred type `Int -> Int'
In the expression: powerOf num
In the definition of `powerOfN': powerOfN num = powerOf num
Here is full of may code:
divided :: Int -> Int -> Bool
divided a b =
let x = fromIntegral a
y = fromIntegral b
in (a == truncate (x / y) * b)
listOfDividers :: Int -> [Int]
listOfDividers num =
let n = fromIntegral num
maxN = truncate (sqrt n)
in [n | n <- [1.. maxN], divided num n]
isItSimple :: Int -> Bool
isItSimple num = length(listOfDividers num) == 1
listOfSimpleDividers :: Int -> [Int]
listOfSimpleDividers num = [n | n <- listOfAllDividers, isItSimple n]
where listOfAllDividers = listOfDividers num
powerOfInner :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
powerOfInner num p power
| divided num p = powerOfInner (quot num p) p (power + 1)
| otherwise = power
powerOf :: Int -> Int -> Int
powerOf num p = powerOfInner num p 0
powerOfN :: Int -> Int
powerOfN num = powerOf num
powerOf return maximum power of p in num. For example: 100 = 2 * 2 * 5 *5, so powerOf 100 2 = 2. 10 = 2 * 5, so powerOf 10 2 = 1.
How to fix errors? Thanks.
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Views: 393
Reputation: 17806
I think I see your confusion. You want a version of "powerOf" that takes a single argument, so you tried to define "powerOfN" which only takes one argument. But in fact "powerOf" already does that. You have to read "->" as a type operator. Just as "+" is an operator on numbers, so "->" is an operator on types; it takes two types and returns a new one. So
Foo -> Bar
is a function from a "Foo" to a "Bar". But since this is a type, you can apply another "->" operation to it, like this:
Int -> (Int -> Int)
which means a function that takes an Int, and returns a new function that takes a second Int and returns an Int as the result.
Haskell defines the "->" operator to be right associative, so the brackets in this case can be dropped, so it looks like this:
Int -> Int -> Int
Which is the type of your "powerOf" function. So you can use "powerOf" and give it one argument, and what you get back is a new function that expects the second argument. Which is what you wanted.
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Reputation: 55465
Using your code, apart from the powerOfN function. I cannot reproduce your problem with map (powerOf 100) [2,5]
*Main> map (powerOf 100) [2,5]
Do you get any sort of error?
Regarding your second problem:
powerOfN :: Int -> Int
powerOfN num = powerOf num
The type signature is incorrect.
powerOfN takes an integer and returns a function that takes an integer and returns an integer.
So the type signature should be
powerOfN :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
Which is the same as (Thanks to delnan for confirming it):
powerOfN :: Int -> Int -> Int
Upvotes: 5