Reputation: 117
I am using ZXing.Net camera barcode scanner, xamarin forms, and C# and it appears to be working good. But I have an issue where if I go the the next page via Navigation.PushAsync(), then click the Back Navigation Button, the ZXingScannerPage camera will not reload...(it will only be a still image of the last pic taken) do I reload the ZXingScannerPage so that the camera is actively upon pressing the Back Navigation? Is the anyway to refresh the camera view attached to the page?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2440
Reputation: 91
I have found a workaround which may be useful. On content page, create a local content variable. If I instantiate the scanner and add it to Content in OnAppearing method, then set Content = null OnDisappearing method. Nulling the Content seems to trigger the necessary cleanups up the stack.
Here's my code:
public class QrCodeScanPage : ZXingScannerPage
View _content;
public QrCodeScanPage()
void InitScanner()
IsAnalyzing = true;
IsScanning = true;
DefaultOverlayTopText = "Align the barcode within the frame";
DefaultOverlayBottomText = string.Empty;
OnScanResult += ScanPage_OnScanResult;
Title = "Scan Code";
var item = new ToolbarItem
Text = "Cancel",
Command = new Command(async () =>
IsScanning = false;
await Navigation.PopAsync();
if (Device.RuntimePlatform != Device.iOS)
item.IconImageSource = "toolbar_close.png";
void ScanPage_OnScanResult(ZXing.Result result)
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
IsScanning = false;
IsAnalyzing = false;
await Navigation.PushAsync(new QrCodeScanResultPage());
protected override void OnAppearing()
IsScanning = true;
IsAnalyzing = true;
if (Content != null)
_content = Content;
if (Content == null)
Content = _content;
protected override void OnDisappearing()
Content = null;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 117
The solution that I found that works for me to allow back navigation using ZXing Scanner page is to remove all instances of ZXing Scanner page before push a new instance of the page to the navigation stack. In your navigation.cs, when you get ready to push the page, use this:
foreach(var x in _navigation.Navigation.NavigationStack.ToList())
if((x.GetType() == typeof(/* name of your scanner page */)))
var page = new /* your scanner page */();
_navigation.PushAsync( /* your scanner page */);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 949
Use the following code. Stop the scanning as soon as scanning is done. Don't do a manual manuver.
Entry objScanner= new Entry();
objScanner.Placeholder = "Barcode";
objScanner.Keyboard = Keyboard.Numeric;
objScanner.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand;
objScanner.WidthRequest = Application.Current.MainPage.Width - 40;
objScanner.SetBinding(Entry.TextProperty, "ElementValue", BindingMode.TwoWay);
objScanner.BindingContext = control;
objScanner.Focused += async (s, e) =>
var scanPage = new ZXingScannerPage();
await Navigation.PushAsync(scanPage);
scanPage.OnScanResult += (result) =>
// Stop scanning
scanPage.IsScanning = false;
// Pop the page and show the result
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
await Navigation.PopAsync();
objScanner.Text = result.Text;
// await DisplayAlert("Scanned Barcode", result.Text, "OK");
Upvotes: 1