
Reputation: 281

Getting No Output from my Powershell Functions

Sorry if you have seen this code but I did make some tweaks after I accepted the answer and got some interesting results and wasn't able to reopen previous thread for continuance.

My powershell seems to be running but the function calls are producing no result after $filestore in function execute. What is going on? Are my functions not reading the inputs due to lack of global variables?

$filestore = Import-Excel 'C:\594 Sample of Filestore.xlsx'
function Import-Excel
  param (
    [bool]$DisplayProgress = $true

  if ($FileName -eq "") {
    throw "Please provide path to the Excel file"

  if (-not (Test-Path $FileName)) {
    throw "Path '$FileName' does not exist."

  $FileName = Resolve-Path $FileName
  $excel = New-Object -com "Excel.Application"
  $excel.Visible = $false
  $workbook = $$FileName)

  if (-not $WorksheetName) {
    Write-Warning "Defaulting to the first worksheet in workbook."
    $sheet = $workbook.ActiveSheet
  } else {
    $sheet = $workbook.Sheets.Item($WorksheetName)

  if (-not $sheet)
    throw "Unable to open worksheet $WorksheetName"

  $sheetName = $sheet.Name
  $columns = $sheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
  $lines = $sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

  Write-Warning "Worksheet $sheetName contains $columns columns and $lines lines of data"

  $fields = @()

  for ($column = 1; $column -le $columns; $column ++) {
    $fieldName = $sheet.Cells.Item.Invoke(1, $column).Value2
    if ($fieldName -eq $null) {
      $fieldName = "Column" + $column.ToString()
    $fields += $fieldName

  $line = 2

  for ($line = 2; $line -le $lines; $line ++) {
    $values = New-Object object[] $columns
    for ($column = 1; $column -le $columns; $column++) {
      $values[$column - 1] = $sheet.Cells.Item.Invoke($line, $column).Value2

    $row = New-Object psobject
    $fields | foreach-object -begin {$i = 0} -process {
      $row | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name $fields[$i] -Value $values[$i]; $i++
    $percents = [math]::round((($line/$lines) * 100), 0)
    if ($DisplayProgress) {
      Write-Progress -Activity:"Importing from Excel file $FileName" -Status:"Imported $line of total $lines lines ($percents%)" -PercentComplete:$percents

function FindFiles {


    $length = $filestore.Length
    $GuidArray = @()

    for($line=0;$line -le $filestore.Count;$line++){

            $check = $filestore[$line]
            echo $check
            $length2 = $check.Length

            $fileGuid = $check | ForEach-Object{$_.FileGuid}

            $GuidArray = $GuidArray + $fileGuid    

    write-host "-------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    $filepath = Read-Host " Please Enter File Path to Search"

    for ($counter=0;$counter -lt $GuidArray.Count;$counter++){
        $fileArray = @()
        $guidcheck = $GuidArray[$counter]
        $file = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Force $filePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { ($_.PSIsContainer -eq $false) -and  ( $_.Name -like "*$guidcheck*") } | Select-Object Directory,Name| Format-Table -AutoSize 
        $fileArray += $file

    Write-Output $fileArray


function CopyFiles {


    for ($counter = 0;$counter -lt $fileArrray.Count;$counter++){
        echo $fileArray[$counter]


function execute {
    $filestore = Import-Excel 'C:\594 Sample of Filestore.xlsx'
    echo $filestore
    $fileArray = @(FindFiles($fileArray))

    echo "test"
    echo $fileArray

Upvotes: 0

Views: 916

Answers (1)

Mark Wragg
Mark Wragg

Reputation: 23415

At the end of FindFiles add this line:

Write-Output $GuidArray

This returns that variable to the standard output stream (the pipeline).

Similarily at the end of FindFiles2 you need to do:

Write-Output $fileArray

Upvotes: 2

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