Reputation: 222
I'm building a network appliance. I need to support NAT and IP packet fragmentation. When I change the source or destination address of a UDP packet, I have to correct the UDP checksum (and the IP checksum too, but that's trivial). When the packet is fragmented, I'd have to collect all the fragments to recalculate the checksum. I know the old address and the new address. I'd like to:
This process doesn't always work. Is there any way to update the checksum versus having to recalculate it from scratch?
I've tried:
long CalcCheckSumAdd(unsigned char *pbHeader, int iSize, long lInitial){
long lSum = lInitial;
while (iSize > 1){
lSum += *((unsigned short*)pbHeader);
pbHeader += 2;
iSize -= 2;
if (iSize > 0) lSum += *pbHeader;
return lSum;
long CalcCheckSumSubract(unsigned char *pbHeader, int iSize, long lInitial){
long lSum = lInitial;
while (iSize > 1){
lSum -= *((unsigned short*)pbHeader);
pbHeader += 2;
iSize -= 2;
if (iSize > 0) lSum -= *pbHeader;
return lSum;
unsigned short CalcCheckSumFinish(long lSum){
while (lSum >> 16){
lSum = (lSum & 0xFFFF) + (lSum >> 16);
return (unsigned short)(~lSum);
long CalcCheckSumUnfinish(unsigned short usSum){
// Can't totally undo lossy finish logic
return ~usSum;
unsigned short CalcCheckSumUpdateAddress(unsigned short usOldSum, unsigned long ulOldAddress, unsigned long ulNewAddress){
long lSumFixed = CalcCheckSumUnfinish(usOldSum);
lSumFixed = CalcCheckSumSubract((unsigned char*)&ulOldAddress,sizeof(ulOldAddress),lSumFixed);
lSumFixed = CalcCheckSumAdd((unsigned char*)&ulNewAddress,sizeof(ulNewAddress),lSumFixed);
return CalcCheckSumFinish(lSumFixed);
EDIT: Added unit test code below
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
long CalcCheckSumAdd(unsigned char *pbHeader, int iSize, long lInitial){
long lSum = lInitial;
while (iSize > 1){
lSum += *((unsigned short*)pbHeader);
pbHeader += 2;
iSize -= 2;
if (iSize > 0) lSum += *pbHeader;
return lSum;
unsigned short CalcCheckSumFinish(long lSum){
while (lSum >> 16){
lSum = (lSum & 0xFFFF) + (lSum >> 16);
return (unsigned short)(~lSum);
void Randomize(unsigned char *pucPacket, unsigned long ulSize){
for (unsigned long ulByte = 0; ulByte < ulSize; ulByte++){
pucPacket[ulByte] = (unsigned char)(255 * rand() / RAND_MAX);
unsigned short Calc(unsigned char *pucPacket, unsigned long ulSize){
long lSum = CalcCheckSumAdd(pucPacket,ulSize,0);
return CalcCheckSumFinish(lSum);
unsigned short Fix(unsigned short usOrig, unsigned int uiOld, unsigned int uiNew){
// TODO: Replace this with something that makes main never fail
usOrig -= uiOld & 0xffff;
usOrig -= uiOld >> 16 & 0xffff;
usOrig += uiNew & 0xffff;
usOrig += uiNew >>16 & 0xffff;
return usOrig;
void Break(unsigned char *pucPacket, unsigned int *puiOld, unsigned int *puiNew){
unsigned int *puiChange = (unsigned int*)pucPacket;
*puiOld = *puiChange;
Randomize((unsigned char*)puiNew,sizeof(unsigned int));
*puiChange = *puiNew;
void PrintBuffer(const char *szName, unsigned char *pucBuff, unsigned int uiSize){
printf("%s: ",szName);
for (unsigned int uiByte = 0; uiByte < uiSize; uiByte++){
printf("%02X",(unsigned int)pucBuff[uiByte]);
void PrintTestCase(unsigned char *pucOrig, unsigned char *pucChanged, unsigned int uiSize, unsigned short usOrig, unsigned short usChanged, unsigned short usFixed){
PrintBuffer("Original Buffer",pucOrig,uiSize);
PrintBuffer("Changed Buffer ",pucChanged,uiSize);
printf("Orig checksum: %04X\n",(unsigned int)usOrig);
printf("Changed checksum: %04X\n",(unsigned int)usChanged);
printf("Fixed checksum: %04X\n",(unsigned int)usFixed);
int main(){
srand((unsigned int)time(nullptr));
unsigned char pucDataOrig[100];
unsigned char pucDataChanged[100];
bool bTestFailed = false;
while (!bTestFailed){
unsigned short usOrig = Calc(pucDataOrig,sizeof(pucDataOrig));
unsigned int uiOld = 0,
uiNew = 0;
unsigned short usFixed = Fix(usOrig,uiOld,uiNew);
unsigned short usChanged = Calc(pucDataChanged,sizeof(pucDataChanged));
if (usChanged == usFixed){
printf("\nTest case failed\n");
bTestFailed = true;
return 0;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1458
Reputation: 36
You are right, the solution above works only on some cases, but I have a new implem that works for all kind of packet (fragmented or not, UDP, TCP, IP). Here is the implem:
/* incremental checksum update */
static inline void
cksum_update(uint16_t *csum, uint32_t from, uint32_t to)
uint32_t sum, csum_c, from_c, res, res2, ret, ret2;
csum_c = ~((uint32_t)*csum);
from_c = ~from;
res = csum_c + from_c;
ret = res + (res < from_c);
res2 = ret + to;
ret2 = res2 + (res2 < to);
sum = ret2;
sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
*csum = (uint16_t)~sum;
You can now use this function when you translated you packet address and before sending:
/* Update L4 checksums on all packet a part from [2nd, n] fragment */
switch (IS_FRAG(ipv4_hdr) ? 0 : ipv4_hdr->next_proto_id) {
struct tcp_hdr *tcp_hdr = tcp_header(pkt);
/* Compute TCP checksum using incremental update */
cksum_update(&tcp_hdr->cksum, old_ip_addr, *address);
struct udp_hdr *udp_hdr = udp_header(pkt);
/* Compute UDP checksum using incremental update */
cksum_update(&udp_hdr->dgram_cksum, old_ip_addr, *address);
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 36
You have to substract the old ip address and add the new one on the udp checksum, here is the pseudo code:
udp_hdr->dgram_cksum -= old_ipv4_addr & 0xffff;
udp_hdr->dgram_cksum -= old_ipv4_addr >> 16 & 0xffff;
udp_hdr->dgram_cksum += new_ipv4_addr & 0xffff;
udp_hdr->dgram_cksum += new_ipv4_addr >>16 & 0xffff;
That should handle UDP checksum on IP fragments.
Upvotes: 0