Reputation: 23
I am trying to get the file version of all the files inside a folder which I managed to do (but not in a good way) but now I want to stick the folder name along with the version so I would know which version is for which folder. I am not very good in command line and only use it for some small tasks whenever I need it so my apology in advance.. Here is what I have done:
For /d %%a in (C:\high\low\*) Do (For /d %%* in (%%a) Do wmic datafile where name="%%~da\\high\\low\\%%~nx*\\bin\\Services.dll" get Version /value)
and I get output as:
`Version= Version= Version=
there are 20 folders under C:\high\low
and I want to go into the bin directory of each sub folder so I can see which folder has been upgraded and which one is not.
There are more than 20 folders and structure is like this:
I want to check the version number of Services.dll and need the output as:
Bolton -
Slough -
Hull -
Cosham -
Thanks in advance..
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1712
Instead of stacking for /d
you could do a dir /b/s
to find all Services.dll and parse the nasty (cr,cr,lf) output of wmic with a for /f
@Echo off&SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "tokens=*" %%A in (
'Dir /B/S C:\high\low\Services.dll ^|findstr /i "bin\\Services.dll$"'
) Do (
Set "DLL=%%~fA"
Set "DLL=!DLL:\=\\!"
For /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%B in (
'wmic datafile where name^="!DLL!" get Version /value^|findstr Version'
) Do For /f "delims=" %%D in ("%%C") Do Echo Version: %%D %%~fA
iterating through each line passed in %%A (I prefer upper case variables to better distinguish between lower case~
will allow wildcards only in the last element I can't do a Dir /B/S C:\high\low\*\bin\Services.dll
findstr /i "bin\\Services.dll$
(findstr uses by default a limited RegEx so the \
has to be escaped with another one, the $
anchors the expression at the end of the line).!
instead of %
for framing the variable namesUpvotes: 1