Reputation: 11
trying to figure out how to modify the code below to add to a text file that happens to have an extra CRLF at the end of the file. I get confusing results depending on where I put the CHR(10). Any ideas how to strip the CRLF or remove the blank line? I need to end up with no extra CRLF's !!!
'This script will add lines to the RandomCSV file if it is not in a multiple of 20. 'If the file is already a mulitiple of 20, nothing should happen.
dim filesys, readfile, contents, lines, remainder, LinesToAdd, StaticLine, Appendfile, Count
dim field1, field2, field3, field4
set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set readfile = filesys.OpenTextFile("C:\RandomCSV.txt", 1, false)
contents = readfile.ReadAll
Lines = readfile.line
MsgBox "The file contains this many lines " & Lines
remainder = lines mod 20
LinesToAdd = (20 - remainder)
MsgBox "Adding this many lines " & LinesToAdd
If LinesToAdd <> 20 then
Set Appendfile = filesys.OpenTextFile("C:\RandomCSV.txt", 8, false)
For Count = 1 to LinesToAdd
Appendfile.write Chr(34) & "Field1" & Chr(34) & Chr(44) & Chr(34) & "Field2" & Chr(34) & Chr(44) & Chr(34) & "Field3" & Chr(34) & Chr(44) & Chr(34) & "Field4" & Chr(10)
End If
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Views: 2457
Reputation: 1
Here's what I ended up doing to get rid of the CRLF at the end of the file. Seems to work fine:
'Get rid of blank Line at End of file
Dim strEnd
Const ForReading = 1 'Const ForWriting = 2
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\RandomCSV.txt", ForReading) strFile = objFile.ReadAll objFile.Close
intLength = Len(strFile) strEnd = Right(strFile, 2)
If strEnd = vbCrLf Then
strFile = Left(strFile, intLength - 2)
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:randomCSV.txt", ForWriting)
objFile.Write strFile
End If
strFile = ""
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