Finding distances on the surface of the earth means using Great Circle distances, worked out with the Haversine formula, also called the Spherical Cosine Law formula.
The problem is this: Given a table of locations with latitudes and longitudes, which of those locations are nearest to a given location?
I have the following query:
z.latitude, z.longitude,
* COS(RADIANS(z.latitude))
* COS(RADIANS(p.longpoint - z.longitude))
+ SIN(RADIANS(p.latpoint))
* SIN(RADIANS(z.latitude)))) AS distance
FROM doorbots as z
JOIN ( /* these are the query parameters */
SELECT 34.0480698 AS latpoint, -118.3589196 AS longpoint,
2 AS radius, 111.045 AS distance_unit
) AS p ON 1=1
WHERE z.latitude between ... and
z.longitude between ...
How to use earthdistance
extension to change my complicated formula in the query?
Is it equivalent change?
z.latitude, z.longitude,
round(earth_distance(ll_to_earth(p.latpoint, p.longpoint), ll_to_earth(z.latitude, z.longitude))::NUMERIC,0) AS distance
FROM doorbots as z
JOIN ( /* these are the query parameters */
SELECT 34.0480698 AS latpoint, -118.3589196 AS longpoint,
2 AS radius, 111.045 AS distance_unit
) AS p ON 1=1
WHERE z.latitude between ... and
z.longitude between ...
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You can get the most out of earthdistance
with the following queries:
Locations close enough (i.e. within 1000000.0 meters -- 621.371192 miles) to (34.0480698, -118.3589196):
select *
from doorbots z
where earth_distance(ll_to_earth(z.latitude, z.longitude), ll_to_earth(34.0480698, -118.3589196)) < 1000000.0; -- in meters
select *
from doorbots z
where point(z.longitude, z.latitude) <@> point(-118.3589196, 34.0480698) < 621.371192; -- in miles
Top 5 locations closest to (34.0480698, -118.3589196):
select *
from doorbots z
order by earth_distance(ll_to_earth(z.latitude, z.longitude), ll_to_earth(34.0480698, -118.3589196))
limit 5;
select *
from doorbots z
order by point(z.longitude, z.latitude) <@> point(-118.3589196, 34.0480698)
limit 5;
To use indexes, apply the following one to your table:
create index idx_doorbots_latlong
on doorbots using gist (earth_box(ll_to_earth(latitude, longitude), 0));
Use index for: locations close enough (i.e. within 1000000.0 meters -- 621.371192 miles) to (34.0480698, -118.3589196):
with p as (
select 34.0480698 as latitude,
-118.3589196 as longitude,
1000000.0 as max_distance_in_meters
select z.*
from p, doorbots z
where earth_box(ll_to_earth(z.latitude, z.longitude), 0) <@ earth_box(ll_to_earth(p.latitude, p.longitude), p.max_distance_in_meters)
and earth_distance(ll_to_earth(z.latitude, z.longitude), ll_to_earth(p.latitude, p.longitude)) < p.max_distance_in_meters;
Use index for: top 5 locations closest to (34.0480698, -118.3589196):
select z.*
from doorbots z
order by earth_box(ll_to_earth(z.latitude, z.longitude), 0) <-> earth_box(ll_to_earth(34.0480698, -118.3589196), 0)
limit 5;
Upvotes: 6