Reputation: 87
I'm new to Docker Compose, and I'm trying to get two images (one a Node app, the other a Neo4j db) to work together locally. My OS is Ubuntu. While each image works fine separately, I can't get the Node app image to connect to the database image.
I'm almost certain is has to do with the port connections; to be precise, with the URL parameter I'm using in the driver connection:
var driver = neo4j.driver("bolt://neo4j:7687", neo4j.auth.basic("tester", "tester"));
Where the "7687" is Neo4j's Bolt port to in the docker-compose.yml, and "neo4j" is the name I assigned to the Neo4j image (see below).
I was following (using a different JS driver) the only Node+Neo4j+Docker tutorial I could find (, and the user comments there seem to confirm that the error is in my connection URL.
To try and summarize:
"use strict"; var express = require('express'); var neo4j = require('neo4j-driver').v1; const PORT = 8080; var app = express(); //below is a test of the Neo4j connection, with which I have trouble connecting from in a Docker container router.get('/test', function (req, res) { var driver = neo4j.driver("bolt://neo4j:7687", neo4j.auth.basic("tester", "tester")); var session = driver.session(); console.log(session); var countPromise = session.readTransaction(function(transaction) { var result ="MATCH (n) RETURN COUNT(n) AS c") .then(function(result) { console.log(result); return result.records[0].get("c"); }); return result; }); countPromise.then(function(result) { res.json(result); session.close(); driver.close(); }); }); app.listen(PORT); console.log("Running on " + PORT); module.exports = app;
The Neo4j image is Docker's official Neo4j image.
I am using the following docker-compose.yml file:
nodeapp: image: node:latest volumes: - ./nodeapp:/nodeapp links: - neo4j ports: - "18080:8080" working_dir: /nodeapp entrypoint: node index.js neo4j: image: neo4j ports: - "17474:7474" - "17687:7687" volumes: - ./db/dbms:/data/dbms
When I run it (with "docker-compose up"), I can:
A. Access the Neo4j browser console fine, by pointing my browser to: "localhost:17474". I used the provided user credentials to sign in and can run Cypher queries fine.
B. If I don't try to create a Neo4j driver, I can run any regular GET function in the Node by pointing my browser to: "localhost:18080".
C. The output indicates the following: "Bolt enabled on"
So I've been concentrating on the connection URL within the Node.
But it has not connected yet.Specifically, according to the log, the program just keeps trying and failing to create the driver (it keeps repeating the line "This is a Neo4j connection test").
I'm certain there's something simple to Docker Compose that I'm missing.
Without Docker, I used the URL "bolt://localhost:7687" to successfully connect the app to the database. Now that it's in Docker, I don't know what I should use.
Thank you for any guidance.
I'm afraid none of these suggestions have worked.
Here is some more information:
Name Command State Ports ------------------------------------------------------------------------- initialnode_neo4 /docker- Up 7473/tcp, 0.0.0. j_1 0:17474->7474/tc neo4j p, ->7687/tcp initialnode_node node index.js Up>8 app_1 080/tcp
"NetworkMode": "default", "PortBindings": { "7474/tcp": [ { "HostIp": "", "HostPort": "17474" } ], "7687/tcp": [ { "HostIp": "", "HostPort": "17687" } ] }, ... "ExposedPorts": { "7473/tcp": {}, "7474/tcp": {}, "7687/tcp": {} }, ... "NetworkSettings": { "Bridge": "", "SandboxID": "5eb2b7805cc802391c08be8c85cdbb19fd42de6cc794e76e57f5214c6763c140", "HairpinMode": false, "LinkLocalIPv6Address": "", "LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0, "Ports": { "7473/tcp": null, "7474/tcp": [ { "HostIp": "", "HostPort": "17474" } ], "7687/tcp": [ { "HostIp": "", "HostPort": "17687" } ] }, ... "Gateway": "", "GlobalIPv6Address": "", "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0, "IPAddress": "", "IPPrefixLen": 16, "IPv6Gateway": "", "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02", "Networks": { "bridge": { "IPAMConfig": null, "Links": null, "Aliases": null, "NetworkID": "8ffa640b707301bb9b8b6c2a1cfb6f5deac8c1a5f5de9e9de0976697b01027ef", "EndpointID": "941911b65cf0b714fa13ac45ca967478a513fe5c282283aa0bfe20afcc0df06f", "Gateway": "", "IPAddress": "", "IPPrefixLen": 16, "IPv6Gateway": "", "GlobalIPv6Address": "", "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0, "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02" } } } ...
{"log":" _writeConnectionHolder: \n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.37931736Z"} {"log":" ConnectionHolder {\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379324034Z"} {"log":" _mode: 'WRITE',\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379330305Z"} {"log":" _connectionProvider: \n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379353139Z"} {"log":" DirectConnectionProvider {\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379363823Z"} {"log":" _address: 'neo4j:7687',\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.3793706Z"} {"log":" _connectionPool: [Object],\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379377162Z"} {"log":" _driverOnErrorCallback: [Function: bound _driverOnErrorCallback] },\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379384507Z"} {"log":" _referenceCount: 0,\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379391793Z"} {"log":" _connectionPromise: Promise { null } },\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379398668Z"} {"log":" _open: true,\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379405771Z"} {"log":" _hasTx: false,\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379412739Z"} {"log":" _lastBookmark: undefined,\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379437046Z"} {"log":" _transactionExecutor: \n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379445641Z"} {"log":" TransactionExecutor {\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379452547Z"} {"log":" _maxRetryTimeMs: 30000,\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379459251Z"} {"log":" _initialRetryDelayMs: 1000,\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379466191Z"} {"log":" _multiplier: 2,\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379472573Z"} {"log":" _jitterFactor: 0.2,\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379478888Z"} {"log":" _inFlightTimeoutIds: [] } }\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2017-05-05T16:20:59.379485201Z"} {"log":"(node:1) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 2): Error: Connection was closed by server\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2017-05-05T16:21:32.301674097Z"}
I have a co-worker who was able to connect, but he had to use a sketchy third-party library, and he couldn't connect via Bolt, only 7474.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2462
Reputation: 87
It appears the issue was due to my personal computer settings, which explains why nobody else had problems with this.
I had a local version of Neo4j running, in addition to the Docker Neo4j image, and they were all using the same ports.
This caused the connection to be refused.
The solution in my case was to:
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 171
try: var driver = neo4j.driver("bolt://neo4j:7687", neo4j.auth.basic("neo4j", "neo4j"));
The port should be 7687 and the login credentials the default unless you have changed these manually once the container is started.
One more thing, neo4j will take a few seconds to start-up so if you try to connect right away most likely the connection will fail.
Upvotes: 0