Reputation: 3
In my data I have classified each observation to a group. I would like to plot the data in a scatter plot and frame each group to show the difference. As far as I have found there are several functions in R that do that if you have clusteres data with Kmens, pam or clara (for example autoplot() in the package ggfortify, fviz_cluster() in factoextra package or clusplot() in cluster package). As an example I use the iris data set and the package ggfortify.
#dimension reduction
IrisPrinComp <- princomp(formula=~Sepal.Length +Sepal.Width +Petal.Length +Petal.Width, data = iris )
IrisWithPrinComp <- cbind(iris, IrisPrinComp$scores)
IrisWithPrinComp$FactorSpecies <- factor(IrisWithPrinComp$Species)
ggplot(data=IrisWithPrinComp, aes(x=Comp.1, y=Comp.2, color=FactorSpecies))+geom_point()
Iris principal components scatter plot Using ggfortify I get almost what I want, except that the clusters misclassify some observations:
Irisclusters <- kmeans(x = IrisWithPrinComp[,c("Comp.1", "Comp.2")], centers = 3, iter.max = 20, nstart = 5)
IrisWithPrinComp$Cluster <- factor(Irisclusters$cluster)
autoplot(Irisclusters, data = IrisWithPrinComp, frame=T)
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Views: 865
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You can use geom_encircle
from the ggalt
# devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/ggalt")
princomp(formula = ~Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width,
data = iris) %>%
fortify() %>%
add_column(FactorSpecies = factor(iris$Species)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Comp.1, y = Comp.2, color = FactorSpecies)) +
geom_point() +
geom_encircle(aes(group = FactorSpecies))
Upvotes: 3