
Reputation: 826

AWS SES SDK send email with attachments

I'm using the official AWS Golang SDK to integrate with SES but can't find any information about how to add some attachments (pdf file represented as []byte in code) to the email.

Could you help me?

The current email sending code looks like this:

sesEmailInput := &ses.SendEmailInput{
    Destination: &ses.Destination{
        ToAddresses: []*string{aws.String("To address")},
    Message: &ses.Message{
        Subject: &ses.Content{
            Data: aws.String("Some text"),
        Body: &ses.Body{
            Html: &ses.Content{
                Data: aws.String("Some Text"),
    Source: aws.String("From address"),
    ReplyToAddresses: []*string{
        aws.String("From address"),
if _, err := s.sesSession.SendEmail(sesEmailInput); err != nil {
    return err

Upvotes: 16

Views: 44001

Answers (3)

Farrukh Malik
Farrukh Malik

Reputation: 796

SES raw messages must be base64-encoded. So, you'll need to get the file content as buffer and encode it as base64 string attachment. Also, you don't need to create a new buffer for raw message data since it already accepts a string data type.

OPTIONAL: You can also omit the Destinations parameter since you're already providing the To field in the raw message data. (You can also provide the Cc and Bcc fields as well)

You could try this for example:

const sendAttachmentEmail = async () => {
  // Yo can use by this way
  const DATA = await workbook.writeToBuffer(); // This workbook is excel generated
  // Or this way
  const DATA = fs.readFileSync("files/demo-invoice.xlsx"); // This is excel file in files folder

  const SOURCE_EMAIL = "[email protected]";
  const TO_EMAIL = "[email protected]";

  let ses_mail = "From: 'AWS SES Attchament Configuration' <" + SOURCE_EMAIL + ">\n";
  ses_mail += "To: " + TO_EMAIL + "\n";
  ses_mail += "Subject: AWS SES Attachment Example\n";
  ses_mail += "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
  ses_mail += "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"NextPart\"\n\n";
  ses_mail += "--NextPart\n";
  ses_mail += "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
  ses_mail += "This is the body of the email.\n\n";
  ses_mail += "--NextPart\n";
  ses_mail += "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"demo-invoice.xlsx\"\n";
  ses_mail += "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";
  ses_mail += "Content-Disposition: attachment\n\n";
  ses_mail += data.toString("base64").replace(/([^\0]{76})/g, "$1\n") + "\n\n";
  ses_mail += "--NextPart--";

  const params = {
    RawMessage: {
      Data: ses_mail
    Source: "'AWS SES Attchament Configuration' <" + SOURCE_EMAIL + ">'"

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    ses.sendRawEmail(params, (err) => {
      if (err) {
        return reject(err);
      return resolve();

NOTE: The /([^\0]{76})/ regular expression replacement breaks your long lines to make sure that mail servers do not complain about message lines being too long when there is an encoded attachment, which might result in a transient bounce.

Upvotes: 3

Leonardo Filipe
Leonardo Filipe

Reputation: 1762

after several wasted hours, things you should know about raw emails.

follow a structure like this:

boundary=boundary_name \n\n  (create a boundary with boundary= and \n\n)
--boundary_name              (start a boundary with --)
  Header                     (add headers with Content-Type:)
                             (one blank line with \n)
  html or text or file       (add your content)
                             (one blank line with \n)
--boundary_name-- \n\n       (close boundary with -- -- and \n\n)

Example with PHP code:

$boundary = md5(time());

$html = "<h1>E-mail Test</h1>";
$html .= "<img src=\"cid:{$attachment['filename']}\">"; // Content-ID

$text = "You need HTML enabled";

$raw = '';
$raw .= "From:{$from}\n";
$raw .= "To:{$to}\n";
$raw .= "Subject:{$subject}\n";
$raw .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$raw .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"{$boundary}\"\n\n";
$raw .= "--{$boundary}\n";

    $raw .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"sub_{$boundary}\"\n\n";
    $raw .= "--sub_{$boundary}\n";
        $raw .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"\n";
        $raw .= "\n";
        $raw .= "{$text}\n";
        $raw .= "\n";
    $raw .= "--sub_{$boundary}\n";
        $raw .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"UTF-8\"\n";
        $raw .= "Content-Disposition: inline\n";
        $raw .= "\n";
        $raw .= "{$html}\n";
        $raw .= "\n";
    $raw .= "--sub_{$boundary}--\n\n";

foreach ($this->email->getFiles() as $attachment) {
    $raw .= "--{$boundary}\n";
        $raw .= "Content-Type:{$attachment['mimetype']}; name=\"{$attachment['filename']}\"\n"; // name
        $raw .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding:base64\n";
        $raw .= "Content-Disposition:attachment;filename=\"{$attachment['filename']}\"\n"; // filename
        #$raw .= "Content-Disposition:inline;name={$file_name}\n";
        $raw .= "Content-ID:<{$attachment['filename']}>\n";
        $raw .= "\n";
        $raw .= base64_encode($attachment['content']) . "\n";
        $raw .= "\n";
$raw .= "--{$boundary}--\n\n";

Final raw Message example:

From:Name From<[email protected]>
To:[email protected],[email protected]
Subject:Your subject
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="b4f53df7c26ae6945f29c42d5c2bb55f"

Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="sub_b4f53df7c26ae6945f29c42d5c2bb55f"

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

You need HTML enabled

Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Disposition: inline

<h1>E-mail Test</h1>
<img src="cid:qrcode.png"> // <-- from Header Content-ID:<name>


Content-Type:image/png; name="qrcode.png"
Content-ID:<qrcode.png> // you can use <img src="cid:qrcode.png"> in html

iVBORw0K== // base64encoded file contents

Content-Type:image/png; name="another_file.png"

iVBORw0KGg== // base64encoded file contents


Don't forget, after Headers, one blank lines before and after content


try {
    $client = new SesClient($options);
    $result = $client->sendRawEmail([
        'RawMessage' => [
            'Data' => $raw
    echo $result['MessageId'];
catch (AwsException $e) {
    echo $e->getAwsErrorMessage();       
    return false;

Upvotes: 3

Anthony Neace
Anthony Neace

Reputation: 26031

To send attachments, use the SendRawEmail API instead of SendEmail. AWS documentation will generally refer to this as constructing a 'raw message' instead of explicitly calling out how to send attachments.


From the AWS SDK for Go API Reference, linked below:

params := &ses.SendRawEmailInput{
    RawMessage: &ses.RawMessage{ // Required
        Data: []byte("PAYLOAD"), // Required
    ConfigurationSetName: aws.String("ConfigurationSetName"),
    Destinations: []*string{
        aws.String("Address"), // Required
        // More values...
    FromArn:       aws.String("AmazonResourceName"),
    ReturnPathArn: aws.String("AmazonResourceName"),
    Source:        aws.String("Address"),
    SourceArn:     aws.String("AmazonResourceName"),
    Tags: []*ses.MessageTag{
        { // Required
            Name:  aws.String("MessageTagName"),  // Required
            Value: aws.String("MessageTagValue"), // Required
        // More values...
resp, err := svc.SendRawEmail(params)

Further Reading

Upvotes: 19

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