Reputation: 872
I want to train several models with caret
package (one for each of the 7 response variables) within a loop for.
My data.frame data
has 46 predictors (all of them are used to train all models) and 7 responses.
Some Rcode I tried but it failed:
models.list = list()
Ynames = names(data)[47:ncol(data)]
for(y in Ynames)
models.list[[y]] = train(, subset(data,select=-Ynames[-y]),method="".....)
My variable Ynames
contains all the responses.
Each model must be trained with a single response variable.
So for iteration 1, we would train the model for Ynames[1]
response and all 46 predictors, but it's necessary to exclude from the dataset data
all non-first response variables (Ynames[-1]
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Views: 2132
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This might be an alternative which matches your example (using iris). The subsetting was based on this post: removing a list of columns from a data.frame using subset
models.list = list()
Ynames = names(iris)[3:ncol(iris)]
for(y in Ynames)
to.remove <- Ynames[!Ynames==y]
`%ni%` <- Negate(`%in%`)
models.list[[y]] = train(, subset(iris,select = names(iris) %ni% to.remove),method="".....)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 4370
It will be easier if you avoid the formula class and use one matrix or data.frame for your responses and another for your predictors :
Y <- matrix(runif(700, 0, 100), ncol = 7)
X <- matrix(runif(4600, 0, 100), ncol = 46)
colnames(Y) <- paste("Y", 1:ncol(Y))
colnames(X) <- paste("X", 1:ncol(X))
models.list = as.list(vector(length = ncol(Y)))
for(i in 1:ncol(Y)) {
models.list[[i]] <- train(x = X, y = Y[,i], method = "lm")
Upvotes: 2