Reputation: 31
From a large PowerShell Object that I have retrieved via an Invoke-RestMethod, I am looking to shrink this down to select attributes and create a new (smaller) object that I can then convert into a JSON array.
Sample set courtesy of 'The Scripting Guy':
$request = ''
$output = Invoke-WebRequest $request | ConvertFrom-Json
Gives me:
type-id : e431f5f6-b5d2-343d-8b36-72607fffb74b
name : Nirvana
ipis : {}
disambiguation : 90s US grunge band
country : US
life-span : @{end=1994-04-05; ended=True; begin=1988-01}
sort-name : Nirvana
isnis : {0000000123486830}
aliases : {@{name=Nirvana US; type-id=; sort-name=Nirvana US; end=;
begin=; primary=; type=; locale=; ended=False}}
begin_area : @{name=Aberdeen; disambiguation=; sort-name=Aberdeen;
area : @{sort-name=United States; id=489ce91b-6658-3307-9877-795b68554c98; iso-3166-1-codes=System.Object[]; disambiguation=; name=United States}
type : Group
id : 5b11f4ce-a62d-471e-81fc-a69a8278c7da
end_area :
gender :
gender-id :
If I use the select option on the root-level attributes, this works as expected:
$request = '
$output = Invoke-WebRequest $request | ConvertFrom-Json
$output | select name, disambiguation | ConvertTo-Json
"name": "Nirvana",
"disambiguation": "90s US grunge band"
But if I try to add one of the nested attributes, it doesn't work as I'd hope...
$output | select name, disambiguation, area.sortname | ConvertTo-Json
"name": "Nirvana",
"disambiguation": "90s US grunge band",
"area.sort-name": null # <-- Expect "United States"
What I'd like to see:
"name": "Nirvana",
"disambiguation": "90s US grunge band",
"area": {
"sort-name": "United States"
I've also tried expanding the array, but this seems to lose my root level fields which I want to retain:
$output | select -expand area | select name, disambiguation, sort-name | ConvertTo-Json
"name": "United States", # <-- Taken from the value
"disambiguation": "", # <-- Lost when expanding
"sort-name": "United States"
Any suggestions/pointers greatly appreciated!
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2555
Reputation: 31
As provided by TessellatingHeckler
select name, @{Name='sort-name'; Expression={$_.area.{sort-name}}}
Upvotes: 1