Reputation: 1520
I have read the Load Balancing page at to start of, but still am confused as to the right approach to loadbalancing between back end GRPC instances. We are deploying multiple gRPC 'microservice' instances and want our other gRPC clients to be able to be routed between them. We are deploying these as pods in kubernetes (actually Google Container Engine).
Can anyone explain the 'recommended' approach to loadbalancing gRPC client requests between the gRPC servers? It seems that clients need to be aware of the endpoints - is it not possible to take advantage of the inbuilt LoadBalancer in Container Engine to help?
Upvotes: 20
Views: 14118
Reputation: 11
At Fulcrum we had a similar case.
We also built a product completely on microservices architecture and decided to use gRPC framework. We then immediately faced the problem of how to load balance traffic using the Application Load Balancer (Layer 7). As it turned out – AWS does not support HTTP 2.0 yet.
As the commenter above pointed out, Envoy is a great option here. It's been developed at Lyft and it's great. It's very lightweight compared to the alternatives and it's easy to incorporate into a microservices architecture.
Basically, we used the standard Frontend Envoy load balancer. Besides, there're also load balancers called sidecars. Each of them is placed just near each instance of service. They work specifically with the service nearby & they are also connected with each other.
As a result, Frontend proxy always has a connection or it can create one when needed. It uses a 'round-robin' model for sending requests.
Here's a complete description of our experience with load balancing gRPC > We also created a very simple service that you can download from our GitHub and launch the playground on your own machine:
- address:
port_value: $LISTEN_PORT
- filters:
- name: envoy.http_connection_manager
codec_type: http2
stat_prefix: ingress_grpc
http2_protocol_options: {}
name: service_route
- name: service_host
- "*"
- match:
prefix: "/"
grpc: {}
cluster: service_cluster
seconds: 0
nanos: 0
- name: envoy.router
config: {}
- name: service_cluster
connect_timeout: 0.25s
type: strict_dns
lb_policy: round_robin
http2_protocol_options: {}
- socket_address:
access_log_path: "/dev/null"
port_value: 80
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 41
As mentioned by Samarendra
You can check Envoy,Originally built at Lyft.
It has first class support for HTTP/2 and gRPC for both incoming and outgoing connections.
We have been using envoy for our gRPC services at gojek and it is serving us well under quite high load.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1292
If in AWS/ECS a will work to round robin connections between your target groups.
You do need to do something to listen to the healthcheck which NLBs can only do in HTTP1. Also you get to terminate your own SSL.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 780
For Load balancing between grpc server, kubernates default load balancing wont help as it is a L4 load balancer. you would be requiring L7 load balancer.
Why L7?
grpc uses http2 where connections are persistent and request will be sent through same connection. L4 load balancer will load balance using tcp connections, but u need a load balance at request level so we would require a L7 load balancer. especially when communication is between grpc servers.
there are couple of options, you could use Linkered/Envoy
for this, they are work good with kubernates and provide a good service mesh also.
to expose your services to outside work you can use nghttpx and nghttpx Ingress controller.
you can also use client side load balancing, but i don't see a good merit in that.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 586
I can't talk about kubernetes, but regarding gRPC loadbalancing, there are basically two approaches:
with "round_robin" as the argument (in the future it'd also be possible to select via "service configuration", but the design for how to encode that config in DNS records hasn't been finalized yet).Let me know if you have any questions.
Upvotes: 15
Reputation: 4021
You might want to check out nghttpx and the nghttpx Ingress controller projects. These projects make it possible to perform L7 load balancing for HTTP/2 streams.
Also have a look at, for some information about the endpoint management bundled in Google Cloud Platform.
Upvotes: 0