
Reputation: 18345

How do I format a number with commas in T-SQL?

I'm running some administrative queries and compiling results from sp_spaceused in SQL Server 2008 to look at data/index space ratios of some tables in my database. Of course I am getting all sorts of large numbers in the results and my eyes are starting to gloss over. It would be really convenient if I could format all those numbers with commas (987654321 becomes 987,654,321). Funny that in all the many years I've used SQL Server, this issue has never come up since most of the time I would be doing formatting at the presentation layer, but in this case the T-SQL result in SSMS is the presentation.

I've considered just creating a simple CLR UDF to solve this, but it seems like this should be do-able in just plain old T-SQL. So, I'll pose the question here - how do you do numeric formatting in vanilla T-SQL?

Upvotes: 266

Views: 636452

Answers (16)

Ashish Ingle
Ashish Ingle

Reputation: 13

For SQL Server 2017

SELECT FORMAT(9876543,'N')

Upvotes: -1


Reputation: 92

For SQL Server before 2012 which does not include the FORMAT function, create this function:

CREATE FUNCTION FormatCurrency(@value numeric(30,2))
    RETURNS varchar(50)
        DECLARE @NumAsChar VARCHAR(50)
        SET @NumAsChar = '$' + CONVERT(varchar(50), CAST(@Value AS money),1)
        RETURN @NumAsChar

select dbo.FormatCurrency(12345678) returns $12,345,678.00

Drop the $ if you just want commas.

Upvotes: 0

Tiến Dũng
Tiến Dũng

Reputation: 199

Please try with below query:

SELECT FORMAT(987654321,'#,###,##0')

Format with right decimal point :

SELECT FORMAT(987654321,'#,###,##0.###\,###')

Upvotes: 19

Phil Hunt
Phil Hunt

Reputation: 8541

While I agree with everyone, including the OP, who says that formatting should be done in the presentation layer, this formatting can be accomplished in T-SQL by casting to money and then converting to varchar. This does include trailing decimals, though, that could be looped off with SUBSTRING.

SELECT CONVERT(varchar, CAST(987654321 AS money), 1)

Upvotes: 271


Reputation: 89

This belongs in a comment to Phil Hunt's answer but alas I don't have the rep.

To strip the ".00" off the end of your number string, parsename is super-handy. It tokenizes period-delimited strings and returns the specified element, starting with the rightmost token as element 1.

SELECT PARSENAME(CONVERT(varchar, CAST(987654321 AS money), 1), 2)

Yields "987,654,321"

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 1534

SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar(20), (CAST(9876543 AS money)), 1), '.00', '')

output= 9,876,543

and you can replace 9876543 by your column name.

Upvotes: 12


Reputation: 80378

Demo 1

Demonstrates adding commas:

PRINT FORMATMESSAGE('The number is: %s', format(5000000, '#,##0'))
-- Output
The number is: 5,000,000

Demo 2

Demonstrates commas and decimal points. Observe that it rounds the last digit if necessary.

PRINT FORMATMESSAGE('The number is: %s', format(5000000.759145678, '#,##0.00'))
-- Output
The number is: 5,000,000.76


SQL Server 2012+.

Upvotes: 26

Francisco Cabrera
Francisco Cabrera

Reputation: 9

  #            SQL Query Script                                            #
  #            ----------------                                            #
  # Funcion.:  dbo.fn_nDerecha ( Numero, Pos_Enteros, Pos_Decimales )      #
  #    Numero        : es el Numero o Valor a formatear                    #
  #    Pos_Enteros   : es la cantidad posiciones para Enteros              #
  #    Pos_Decimales : es la cantidad posiciones para Decimales            #
  #                                                                        #
  # OBJETIVO:  Formatear los Numeros con Coma y Justificado a la Derecha   #
  #  Por Ejemplo:                                                          #
  #   dbo.fn_nDerecha ( Numero, 9, 2 )         Resultado = ---,---,--9.99  #
  #               dado  Numero = 1234.56       Resultado =       1,234.56  #
  #               dado  Numero = -1.56         Resultado =          -1.56  #
  #               dado  Numero = -53783423.56  Resultado = -53,783,423.56  #
  #                                                                        #
  # Autor...:  Francisco Eugenio Cabrera Perez                             #
  # Fecha...:  Noviembre 25, 2015                                          #
  # Pais....:  Republica Dominicana                                        #

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_nDerecha]
    -- Agregue Argumentos, para personalizar la funcion a su conveniencia
    @Numero_str    varchar(max)
   ,@Pos_Enteros   int
   ,@Pos_Decimales int
RETURNS varchar(max)
  --  Declare la variable del RETURN aqui, en este caso es RESULT
  declare @RESULTADO varchar(max)
  set     @RESULTADO = '****'

  -----------------------------------------------  --
  declare @Numero_num numeric(28,12)
  set     @Numero_num =
  case when isnumeric(@Numero_str) = 0 
       then 0
       else round (convert( numeric(28,12), @Numero_str), @Pos_Decimales)
  --  -----------------------------------------------  --
  --  Aumenta @Pos_Enteros de @RESULTADO,
  --      si las posiciones de Enteros del dato @Numero_str es Mayor...
  declare   @Num_Pos_Ent int
  set       @Num_Pos_Ent = len ( convert( varchar, convert(int, abs(@Numero_num) ) ) )
  declare   @Pos_Ent_Mas int
  set       @Pos_Ent_Mas =
  case when @Num_Pos_Ent > @Pos_Enteros
       then @Num_Pos_Ent - @Pos_Enteros
       else 0
  set       @Pos_Enteros = @Pos_Enteros + @Pos_Ent_Mas
  --  -----------------------------------------------  --
  declare @p_Signo_ctd       int
  set     @p_Signo_ctd       = (case when @Numero_num < 1 then 1 else 0 end)
  declare @p_Comas_ctd       int
  set     @p_Comas_ctd       = ( @Pos_Enteros - 1 ) / 3
  declare @p_Punto_ctd       int
  set     @p_Punto_ctd       = (case when @Pos_Decimales > 0 then 1 else 0 end)
  declare @p_input_Longitud  int
  set     @p_input_Longitud  = ( @p_Signo_ctd + @Pos_Enteros ) +
                                 @p_Punto_ctd + @Pos_Decimales
  declare @p_output_Longitud int
  set     @p_output_Longitud = ( @p_Signo_ctd + @Pos_Enteros   + @p_Comas_ctd )
                             + ( @p_Punto_ctd + @Pos_Decimales )
  --  ===================================================================  --

  declare @Valor_str varchar(max)
  set     @Valor_str = str(@Numero_num, @p_input_Longitud, @Pos_Decimales)

  declare @V_Ent_str varchar(max)
  set     @V_Ent_str = 
  (case when @Pos_Decimales > 0 
        then substring( @Valor_str, 0, charindex('.', @Valor_str, 0) )
        else            @Valor_str end)
  declare @V_Dec_str varchar(max)
  set     @V_Dec_str = 
  (case when @Pos_Decimales > 0 
        then '.' + right(@Valor_str, @Pos_Decimales)
        else '' end)
  set @V_Ent_str = convert(VARCHAR, convert(money, @V_Ent_str), 1) 
  set @V_Ent_str = substring( @V_Ent_str, 0, charindex('.', @V_Ent_str, 0) )

  set @RESULTADO    = @V_Ent_str + @V_Dec_str 
  set @RESULTADO = ( replicate( ' ', @p_output_Longitud - len(@RESULTADO) ) + @RESULTADO )

  --  ===================================================================  -

-- =================================================================== -


  --  ===================================================================  --

/* This function needs 3 arguments: the First argument is the @Numero_str which the Number as data input, and the other 2 arguments specify how the information will be formatted for the output, those arguments are @Pos_Enteros and @Pos_Decimales which specify how many Integers and Decimal places you want to show for the Number you pass as input argument. */

Upvotes: 0

Thomas Mueller
Thomas Mueller

Reputation: 4239

In SQL Server 2012 and higher, this will format a number with commas:

select format([Number], 'N0')

You can also change 0 to the number of decimal places you want.

Upvotes: 333

Mitchell Stiles
Mitchell Stiles

Reputation: 11

Another UDF which is hopefully generic enough and does not make assumptions about whether you want to round to a specific number of decimal places:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_FormatNumber] (@number decimal(38,18))

RETURNS varchar(50)

    -- remove minus sign before applying thousands seperator
    DECLARE @negative bit
    SET @negative = CASE WHEN @number < 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
    SET @number = ABS(@number)

    -- add thousands seperator for every 3 digits to the left of the decimal place
    DECLARE @pos int, @result varchar(50) = CAST(@number AS varchar(50))
    SELECT @pos = CHARINDEX('.', @result)
    WHILE @pos > 4
        SET @result = STUFF(@result, @pos-3, 0, ',')
        SELECT @pos = CHARINDEX(',', @result)

    -- remove trailing zeros
    WHILE RIGHT(@result, 1) = '0'
        SET @result = LEFT(@result, LEN(@result)-1)
    -- remove decimal place if not required
    IF RIGHT(@result, 1) = '.'
        SET @result = LEFT(@result, LEN(@result)-1)

    IF @negative = 1
        SET @result = '-' + @result

    RETURN @result

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 11

Here is a scalar function I am using that fixes some bugs in a previous example (above) and also handles decimal values (to the specified # of digits) (EDITED to also work with 0 & negative numbers). One other note, the cast as money method above is limited to the size of the MONEY data type, and doesn't work with 4 (or more) digits decimals. That method is definitely simpler but less flexible.

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnNumericWithCommas](@num decimal(38, 18), @decimals int = 4) RETURNS varchar(44) AS
    DECLARE @ret varchar(44)

    DECLARE @negative bit; SET @negative = CASE WHEN @num < 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

    SET @num = abs(round(@num, @decimals)) -- round the value to the number of decimals desired
    DECLARE @decValue varchar(18); SET @decValue = substring(ltrim(@num - round(@num, 0, 1)) + '000000000000000000', 3, @decimals)
    SET @num = round(@num, 0, 1) -- truncate the incoming number of any decimals
    WHILE @num > 0 BEGIN
        SET @ret = str(@num % 1000, 3, 0) + isnull(','+@ret, '')
        SET @num = round(@num / 1000, 0, 1)
    SET @ret = isnull(replace(ltrim(@ret), ' ', '0'), '0') + '.' + @decValue
    IF (@negative = 1) SET @ret = '-' + @ret

    RETURN @ret


Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 61259

For SQL Server 2012+ implementations, you will have the ability to use the FORMAT to apply string formatting to non-string data types.

In the original question, the user had requested the ability to use commas as thousands separators. In a closed as duplicate question, the user had asked how they could apply currency formatting. The following query shows how to perform both tasks. It also demonstrates the application of culture to make this a more generic solution (addressing Tsiridis Dimitris's function to apply Greek special formatting)

-- FORMAT does not do conversion, that's the domain of cast/convert/parse etc
-- Only accepts numeric and date/time data types for formatting. 
-- Formatting Types

-- Standard numeric format strings
    -- c => currency
    -- n => numeric
    FORMAT(987654321, N'N', C.culture) AS some_number
,   FORMAT(987654321, N'c', C.culture) AS some_currency
,   C.culture
        -- Language culture names
        ,   ('en-GB')
        ,   ('ja-JP')
        ,   ('Ro-RO')
        ,   ('el-GR')
    ) C (culture);

SQLFiddle for the above

Upvotes: 59

Tsiridis Dimitris
Tsiridis Dimitris

Reputation: 21

`/* Author: Tsiridis Dimitris */
/* Greek amount format. For the other change the change on replace of '.' & ',' */
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.formatAmount  (
@amtIn as varchar(20)
) RETURNS varchar(20)

return cast(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(20), CAST(@amtIn AS money), 1),1,
LEN(CONVERT(varchar(20), CAST(@amtIn AS money), 1))-3), ',','.')
 + replace(RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar(20), CAST(@amtIn AS money), 1),3), '.',',') AS VARCHAR(20))


SELECT [geniki].[dbo].[formatAmount]('9888777666555.44')`

Upvotes: 2

Charles Bretana
Charles Bretana

Reputation: 146597

here is another t-sql UDF

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Format(@num int)
returns varChar(30)
Declare @out varChar(30) = ''

  while @num > 0 Begin
      Set @out = str(@num % 1000, 3, 0) + Coalesce(','+@out, '')
      Set @num = @num / 1000
  Return @out

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 1299

I'd recommend Replace in lieu of Substring to avoid string length issues:

REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar(20), (CAST(SUM(table.value) AS money)), 1), '.00', '')

Upvotes: 61


Reputation: 432

Tried the money trick above, and this works great for numerical values with two or less significant digits. I created my own function to format numbers with decimals:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_FormatWithCommas] 
    -- Add the parameters for the function here
    @value varchar(50)
RETURNS varchar(50)
    -- Declare the return variable here
    DECLARE @WholeNumber varchar(50) = NULL, @Decimal varchar(10) = '', @CharIndex int = charindex('.', @value)

    IF (@CharIndex > 0)
        SELECT @WholeNumber = SUBSTRING(@value, 1, @CharIndex-1), @Decimal = SUBSTRING(@value, @CharIndex, LEN(@value))
        SET @WholeNumber = @value

    IF(LEN(@WholeNumber) > 3)
        SET @WholeNumber = dbo.fn_FormatWithCommas(SUBSTRING(@WholeNumber, 1, LEN(@WholeNumber)-3)) + ',' + RIGHT(@WholeNumber, 3)

    -- Return the result of the function
    RETURN @WholeNumber + @Decimal


Upvotes: 8

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