Reputation: 1440
I'm new with spring batch and I implemented an example of a cvs file in which columns are separated by comma, but I have an xlxs file which contains just columns without separator. I want to insert the data without using separators in my xlxs files just columns.
Here is the contents of job-report
<bean id="report" class="com.mkyong.model.Report" scope="prototype" />
<batch:job id="reportJob">
<batch:step id="step1">
<batch:chunk reader="cvsFileItemReader" writer="mysqlItemWriter"
<bean id="cvsFileItemReader" class="org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileItemReader">
<!-- Read a csv file -->
<property name="resource" value="classpath:cvs/report.csv" />
<property name="lineMapper">
<bean class="org.springframework.batch.item.file.mapping.DefaultLineMapper">
<!-- split it -->
<property name="lineTokenizer">
<property name="names" value="date,impressions,clicks,earning" />
<property name="fieldSetMapper">
<!-- return back to reader, rather than a mapped object. -->
<bean class="org.springframework.batch.item.file.mapping.PassThroughFieldSetMapper" />
<!-- map to an object -->
<property name="prototypeBeanName" value="report" />
<bean id="mysqlItemWriter"
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<property name="sql">
values (:date, :impressions, :clicks, :earning)
<!-- It will take care matching between object property and sql name parameter -->
<property name="itemSqlParameterSourceProvider">
class="org.springframework.batch.item.database.BeanPropertyItemSqlParameterSourceProvider" />
when I execute my code this error appears
org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileParseException: Parsing error at line: 1 in resource=[class path resource [cvs/report.csv]], input=[123456;139,237;37;123456]
P.S.: In my file each column contains values without separator.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1917
Reputation: 8396
If you want to read the input data of your batch job from a .XLS or .XLSX file that was created with Excel, you need to use Spring Batch extension which contains ItemReader implementations for Excel. You need to build the jar from source. Here is the link:
And use it like below:
<bean id="excelReader" class="org.springframework.batch.item.excel.poi.PoiItemReader">
<property name="resource" value="/path/to/your/excel/file" />
<property name="rowMapper">
<bean class="org.springframework.batch.item.excel.mapping.BeanWrapperowMapper">
<property name="targetType" value="com.your.package.Model" />
Upvotes: 1