Reputation: 363
Given a graph
G = [1 - 5, 2 - 4, 2 - 6, 3 - 4, 3 - 6, 3 - 9, 4 - 7, 5 - 7, 6 - 7, 6 - 8, 6 - 9]
I must find all neighbors for each node , and create a list with this form
Graph = [(1, [5]), (2, [4, 6]), (3, [4, 6, 9]), (4, [2, 3, 7]), (5, [1, 7]), (6, [2, 3, 7, 8, 9]), (7, [4, 5, 6]), (8, [6]), (9, [3, 6])].
Here is my approach :
neigh(N,[(V - Ne)|T],Graph) :-
allneigh(N,G,L) :-
N1 is N - 1,
add_first(0, L, L).
add_first(X, L, [X|L]).
add_last(X, [], [X]).
add_last(X, [Y|L1], [Y|L2]):- add_last(X,L1,L2).
I run my Prolog code :
?- allneigh(9,[1 - 5, 2 - 4, 2 - 6, 3 - 4, 3 - 6, 3 - 9, 4 - 7, 5 - 7, 6 - 7, 6 - 8, 6 - 9],G).
And this is my result ,
G = [(1, [5|_464]), (2, [4, 6|_508]), (3, [4, 6, 9|_556]), (4, [2, 3, 7|_606]), (5, [1, 7|_658]), (6, [2, 3, 7, 8, 9|_712]), (7, [4, 5, 6|_769]), (8, [6|_827]), (9, [3, 6|_883])]
Why do I have this behavior ?
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Views: 564
Reputation: 5675
Another way is to use foldl :
:- use_module(library(lambda)).
all_neighbors(G, N) :-
foldl(\X^Y^Z^(X = A - B,
( select((A,V), Y, Y1)
-> append(V, [B], V1),
sort([(A,V1) | Y1], Y2)
; sort([(A,[B])| Y], Y2)),
( select((B,W), Y2, Y3)
-> append(W, [A], V2),
sort([(B,V2)|Y3], Z)
; sort([(B,[A]) | Y2], Z))),
G, [], N).
The result
?- all_neighbors( [1-5,2-4,2-6,3-4,3-6,3-9,4-7,5-7,6-7,6-8,6-9], N).
N = [(1,[5]),(2,[4,6]),(3,[4,6,9]),(4,[2,3,7]),(5,[1,7]),(6,[2,3,7,8,9]),(7,[4,5,6]),(8,[6]),(9,[3,6])].
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 476614
Short answer: because of the second underscore (_
) in the first line of neigh/3
% ^ culprint
Since you do recursion on that part, all lists you generate are open ended:
?- neigh(N,[1 - 5, 2 - 4, 2 - 6, 3 - 4, 3 - 6, 3 - 9, 4 - 7, 5 - 7, 6 - 7, 6 - 8, 6 - 9],L).
N = 9,
L = [3, 6|_G4581] ;
N = 9,
L = [0, 3, 6|_G4581] ;
N = 9,
L = [0, 3, 6|_G4581] ;
N = 9,
L = [0, 0, 3, 6|_G4581] ;
You can perform a quick fix by using an empty list, like:
But there are more issues:
backtracks even if you add 0
, since the second line of add_first/3
does not exclude X
being 0
anyway?In general I would say the code is not much "declarative" and uses a lot of conventions (like using an 0
) to filter out corner cases and edge cases. You also use add_last/3
, etc. which is usually something you want to avoid since it is quite inefficient.
Let us first define a helper function range(N,L).
that for a given N
, generates a list L=[1,2,...,N]
range(N,L) :-
range(I,N,[]) :-
I > N.
range(I,N,[I|L]) :-
I =< N,
I1 is I+1,
Now we can use a complex one-liner to construct such a graph:
allneigh(N,G,L) :-
Which gives:
?- allneigh(9,[1 - 5, 2 - 4, 2 - 6, 3 - 4, 3 - 6, 3 - 9, 4 - 7, 5 - 7, 6 - 7, 6 - 8, 6 - 9],G).
G = [ (1, [5]), (2, [4, 6]), (3, [4, 6, 9]), (4, [2, 3, 7]), (5, [1, 7]), (6, [2, 3|...]), (7, [4|...]), (8, [...]), (..., ...)] [write]
G = [ (1, [5]), (2, [4, 6]), (3, [4, 6, 9]), (4, [2, 3, 7]), (5, [1, 7]), (6, [2, 3, 7, 8, 9]), (7, [4, 5, 6]), (8, [6]), (9, [3, 6])] ;
(the second line is only the output written in full).
Upvotes: 2