Reputation: 2499
I have a page that contains a couple of genericTiles. The tile content have respectively an image. The image comes from the northwind service and I have to get the data in my controller. So, every image tag needs an id. How can I do this? Or is there may a better way?
<Page expandable="true" expanded="true" id="categories" title="Categories" class="sapUiStdPage" content="{invoice>/Categories}">
<GenericTile class="tileLayout" header="{invoice>CategoryName}"
subheader="{invoice>Description}" press="onPressCategoryTile">
<Image id="categoryImage" class="categoryImageStyle"/>
controller onInit:
var sUrl, oImg;
sUrl = "$format=json";
oImg = this.byId("categoryImage");
$.get( sUrl, function( data ) {
var sTrimmedData = data.d.Picture.substr(104);
oImg.setSrc("data:image/bmp;base64," + sTrimmedData);
I want to add another image for every category. Therefore, the image tag needs an id that contains the index of the category.
How can I achieve this?
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Views: 2189
Reputation: 3994
You don't need to get the id of each image & assign the src. A formatter can be used for this. You can trim the base64 text in the formatter and return the text string.
<GenericTile class="tileLayout" header="{invoice>CategoryName}"
subheader="{invoice>Description}" press="onPressCategoryTile"> <!-- class: sapUiTinyMarginBegin sapUiTinyMarginTop -->
<Image src="{
path: 'invoice>Picture',
formatter: '.formatter.formatImage'
}" class="categoryImageStyle"/>
], function (BaseController, formatter) {
BaseController.extend("", {
formatter: formatter,
onInit: function () {
sap.ui.define([], function () {
"use strict";
return {
formatImage : function(data){
var sTrimmedData = data.substr(104);
return "data:image/bmp;base64," + sTrimmedData;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1034
Can you access the tile like this? (instead if using the ID)
Inside onInit, to get all the tiles
Upvotes: 1