Reputation: 19
It`s been almost 3 days and I still can not fix the bug. Simple situation, I would like to search for name of person (Name and surname).
It is just about the first part of if/else where I work with array of 2+ words. Thanks
- (void)searchForText:(NSString*)searchText
NSString *searchTextt = [searchText stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
NSArray *array = [searchTextt componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
NSString *firstName = searchTextt;
NSString *lastName = searchTextt;
NSString *firstName2 = searchTextt;
NSString *lastName2 = searchTextt;
NSPredicate *predicate = nil;
if ([array count] > 1) {
firstName = array[0];
lastName = array[1];
firstName2 = array[1];
lastName2 = array[0];
predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(guestName CONTAINS[cd] %@ AND guestSurname CONTAINS[cd] %@)", firstName, lastName];
NSPredicate *predicate2 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(guestSurname CONTAINS[cd] %@ AND guestName CONTAINS[cd] %@)", lastName2, firstName2];
NSPredicate *compoundPredicate = [NSCompoundPredicate orPredicateWithSubpredicates:@[predicate, predicate2]];
self.searchResults = [self.mainarray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:compoundPredicate];
} else {
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"guestSurname contains[cd] %@", searchText];
NSPredicate *predicate2 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"guestName contains[cd] %@", searchText];
NSPredicate *predicate3 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"guestCompany contains[cd] %@", searchText];
NSPredicate *compoundPredicate = [NSCompoundPredicate orPredicateWithSubpredicates:@[predicate, predicate2, predicate3]];
self.searchResults = [self.mainarray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:compoundPredicate];
- (void)updateSearchResultsForSearchController:(UISearchController *)searchController
NSString *searchString = searchController.searchBar.text;
[self searchForText:searchString];
[_maintable reloadData];
Upvotes: 1
Views: 865
Reputation: 3089
I have an array like
( { guestName = John; guestSurname = Newman; }, { guestName = John; guestSurname = Stable; }, { guestName = John; guestSurname = Carens; } )
I write fuction
- (void)searchForText:(NSString*)searchText
searchTextt = [searchText stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
NSArray *array = [searchTextt componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
NSString *firstName = searchTextt;
NSString *lastName = searchTextt;
NSPredicate *predicate = nil;
if ([array count] > 1) {
firstName = array[0];
lastName = array[1];
predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(guestName CONTAINS[cd] %@ AND guestSurname CONTAINS[cd] %@) OR (guestName CONTAINS[cd] %@ AND guestSurname CONTAINS[cd] %@)", firstName, lastName, lastName, firstName];
} else {
predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"guestName CONTAINS[cd] %@ OR guestSurnamen CONTAINS[cd] %@", firstName, lastName];
NSArray *arrResult = [arr filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];;
- (void)updateSearchResultsForSearchController:(UISearchController
NSString *searchString = searchController.searchBar.text;
[self searchForText:searchString];
[_maintable reloadData];
Try this. It's work for me I am getting result when I enter "john " in textfield.
Upvotes: 1