Reputation: 123
I have this kind of problem. I have an input text that have template of radio in it.
the problem is that I want to get the value of that radio when I check it and store it to the database field.
my idea is to create a variable from model but i can't pass the radio value to that variable when i save it.
please help me I am stuck with it.
here is the images of view:
Controller action:
public function actionCreate()
$model = new QbQuestion();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
$answer = $model->answer;
return $this->redirect(Url::to(['qb-question/index']));
} else {
return $this->renderAjax('create', [
'model' => $model,
<div class="qb-question-form">
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin([
'layout' => 'horizontal',
'fieldConfig' => [
'horizontalCssClasses' => [
'label' => 'col-sm-4',
'offset' => 'col-sm-offset-4',
'wrapper' => 'col-sm-8',
'button' => 'col-sm-8',
'error' => '',
'hint' => '',
]); ?>
<?php echo $form->errorSummary($model); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_cat')->dropDownList(
ArrayHelper::map(QbCategory::find()->all(), 'id', 'category'),
'prompt' => 'Select Category'
]) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_date')->dropDownList(
ArrayHelper::map(QbDate::find()->asArray()->all(), 'id',
function($model, $defaultValue) {
return $model['month'].' '.$model['year'];
'prompt' => 'Select Date'
]) ?>
<?php echo $form->field($model, 'question')->textarea(['rows' => 5]) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c1', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
]); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c2', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
]); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c3', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
]); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c4', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
]); ?>
<?php echo Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Create' : 'Update', ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>
thanks in advance.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 3404
Reputation: 5731
radio field that you have take will always return 1, So you can't identify selected answer. You can do it normal html as below:
Change in Your Form file :
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c1', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
'<input type="radio" name="QbQuestion[answer]" value="q_c1">'.'</span>{input}</div>',
]); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c2', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
'<input type="radio" name="QbQuestion[answer]" value="q_c2">'.'</span>{input}</div>',
]); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c3', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
'<input type="radio" name="QbQuestion[answer]" value="q_c3">'.'</span>{input}</div>',
]); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c4', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
'<input type="radio" name="QbQuestion[answer]" value="q_c4">'.'</span>{input}</div>',
]); ?>
Here ,QbQuestion['answer']
return you the selected answer.
Change in controller:
public function actionCreate()
$model = new QbQuestion();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
// if you have answer attribute in model class than load that attribute
// no need of this line $answer = $model->answer;
// no need of this line $model->$answer;
// you can do it manually as below
return $this->redirect(Url::to(['qb-question/index']));
} else {
return $this->renderAjax('create', [
'model' => $model,
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3893
The reason your attributes are not saving is because you haven't tied the field to the model, so incorrect field names are being submitted in the form.
It seems to me as if what you need is a radioList
. The Html::radio()
method just adds a radio button, not tied to any model. To use a radioList
you need to do something like this;
First, create an array of possible answers in your view file;
$answers = array('q_c1' => $model->q_c1, 'q_c2' => $model=>q_c2, 'q_c3' => $model=>q_c3, 'q_c4' => $model=>q_c4);
Now, because it's a radio list, it will only submit data for one of the radio button. It will not allow selection of more than one radio button. Because of the way you are storing your data, you will need a temporary model attribute to store this value oin while the model gets populated and validated. Create this in your model like so;
public $answerToQuestion;
And allow it to be massively assigned;
public function rules() {
return [
[['answerToQuestion'], 'safe]
Now you can create your form field like this;
echo $form->field($model, 'answerToQuestion')->radioList($answers);
Yii should now generate the list of radio buttons with the correct names to tie them into your model and allow them to be massively assigned.
The attributes submitted by the form will be of the form (assuming your model is called Question
Question[answerToQuestion] => 'q_c2'
It will pass validation. It's now up to your model logic to decode the selected answer into the relevant fields in your database.
Upvotes: 0