Reputation: 1
i'm new to this so my terminology may be off sorry.
Ok so I am referencing some tables in SQL which is producing a table like this. (I mostly understand it) You will see the Parameters column has a string in which a list is separated by a Pipe "|" there's also a #"random letter" after the = which I need to sort at a later date as well.
This table is then used some reporting software.
My question is can I split this parameters field into each parameter and value? or just select the specific parameter/s I need or is this a bad idea altogether?
This is my code so far[SQL][2]
Sorry this is the code, ill focus on what i'm after
SELECT [Parts].[Parameters]
FROM [Parts]
which returns this
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Views: 86
Reputation: 82010
There are many split/parse examples available. If 2016 you can use String_Split()
The following is an in-line example
Select A.ID
,Item = left(B.RetVal,charindex('=',B.RetVal+'=')-1)
,Value = right(B.RetVal,len(B.RetVal)-charindex('=',B.RetVal+'=')-1)
From YourTable A
Cross Apply (
Select RetSeq = Row_Number() over (Order By (Select null))
,RetVal = LTrim(RTrim(B.i.value('(./text())[1]', 'varchar(max)')))
From (Select x = Cast('<x>' + replace((Select replace(A.Parameters,'|','§§Split§§') as [*] For XML Path('')),'§§Split§§','</x><x>')+'</x>' as xml).query('.')) as A
Cross Apply x.nodes('x') AS B(i)
) B
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Reputation: 1456
All I can see is that you chose one column which results in a lot of text in that column. You can export this to excel and use the "Text to Column" function, and have PIPE | as a delimiter, and the EQUAL = sign. This will result in a separate column for each | and = sign.
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