Reputation: 3
Hi I am making a C# Roulette wheel as part of a college project. I cannot seem to use arrays to program my Roulette wheel to recognise the Red or Black colours.
I used arrays to code the roulette ball to land on the numbers of the wheel, this works fine. I tried to use the same concept but with the two colours. This is what I have done so far:
int[] x = {213, 231, 250, 268, 285, 297, 310, 319, 324, 325, 326, 323, 315, 304, 291, 277, 260, 242, 223, 204, 183, 165, 147, 132, 120, 110, 102, 97, 98, 99, 104, 115, 126, 142, 158, 176, 194};
int[] y = {152, 153, 158, 165, 174, 185, 202, 219, 236, 254, 270, 293, 307, 322, 333, 348, 355, 361, 367, 364, 362, 357, 347, 338, 321, 307, 288, 269, 254, 234, 217, 201, 185, 174, 164, 160, 155};
string[] Number = { "0", "32", "15", "19", "4", "21", "2", "25", "17", "34", "6", "27", "13", "36", "11", "30", "8", "23", "10", "5", "24", "16", "33", "1", "20", "14", "31", "9", "22", "18", "29", "7", "28", "12", "35", "3", "26" };
string[] Red = { "32", "19", "21", "25", "34", "27", "36", "30", "23", "5", "16", "1", "14", "9", "18", "7", "12", "3" };
string[] Black = { "15", "4", "2", "17", "6", "13", "11", "8", "10", "24", "33", "20", "31", "22", "29", "28", "35", "26" };
string guessColour = cboColour.Text;
if (position == ballPos && loopTimes == loopCount)
tmrRoll.Enabled = false;
// Arrays (guessing)
int arraypos = Array.IndexOf(Number, guess);
int arrayRed = Array.IndexOf(Red, guessColour);
int arrayBlack = Array.IndexOf(Black, guessColour);
// Number + colour correct
if (ballPos == arraypos && ballPos == arrayBlack || ballPos == arraypos && ballPos == arrayRed)
MessageBox.Show("You guessed the number and the colour correctly!");
addEarnings = currentBet * 35 + 10;
totalGrapes = totalGrapes + addEarnings;
// Only colour correct
else if (ballPos != arraypos && ballPos == arrayBlack || ballPos != arraypos && ballPos == arrayRed)
MessageBox.Show("You guessed the colour correct!");
addEarnings = currentBet + 10;
totalGrapes = totalGrapes + addEarnings;
// Only Number correct
if (ballPos == arraypos && ballPos != arrayBlack || ballPos == arraypos && ballPos != arrayRed)
MessageBox.Show("You guessed only the number correctly!");
addEarnings = currentBet * 35;
totalGrapes = totalGrapes + addEarnings;
// Nothing correct
else if (ballPos != arraypos && ballPos != arrayEven || ballPos != arraypos && ballPos != arrayOdd)
MessageBox.Show("You have failed to guess the number or colour correctly.");
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1290
Reputation: 10818
I'm not going to do the work for you, so this will all be psuedo code, but it should lead you to finding the right path.
You do not want to get in the business of trying to keep related data in two different places. This is a perfect time to use classes. Imagine if you had a single object that contained all the properties of a single Roulette wheel instance.
Something like this:
class RouletteInstance
//an integer representing the number
//an enum representing the color
Then you had some collection of all the possible instances on a roulette wheel:
Collection<RouletteInstance> instances
Then you could "spin" the wheel by selecting a single instance at random from the collection.
From there you would check the randomly selected instance against the users input to see if its a match.
Also, keep in mind that a Roulette wheel has more than two colors...
Upvotes: 2