

Merge info from two xml files in one, using xslt

File a.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TABLE NAME="pivot.cs">
      <RECORD ID="1">
      <RECORD ID="2">

file b.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <DATA RECORDS="20">
      <RECORD ID="53">
      <RECORD ID="53">
      <RECORD ID="54">
      <RECORD ID="55">
      <RECORD ID="59">
      <RECORD ID="60">
         <RECORD ID="5511">

and output file should be, the file a.xml, but with the TOBEEXTRACTED element text appended into [], if matched one or two times:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TABLE NAME="pivot.cs">
      <RECORD ID="1">
      <RECORD ID="2">

Also, it would be of much help, if we could have a txt file as output, that would have the following info: from file a.xml,

INTERNALID: 5511 (and all the rest in a normal xml file) was matched.
INTERNALID: 5510 was matched more than two times, so no join took place.
INTERNALID: 5537 did not match
RECNO 5512 did not have a TOBEEXTRACTED element.

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Views: 655

Answers (2)

Martin Honnen
Martin Honnen

Reputation: 167716

If you use a key as suggested in a comment you can reference and match elements as follows:

<xsl:transform xmlns:xsl="" version="2.0">

    <xsl:param name="doc2">
        <TABLE NAME="ALT.CS">
   <DATA RECORDS="20">
      <RECORD ID="53">
      <RECORD ID="53">
      <RECORD ID="54">
      <RECORD ID="55">
      <RECORD ID="59">
      <RECORD ID="60">
         <RECORD ID="5511">


    <xsl:key name="ref" match="DATA/RECORD[TOBEEXTRACTED]" use="RECNO"/>

    <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>

    <xsl:template match="DATA/RECORD[key('ref', INTERNALID, $doc2)]/CODAL">
            <xsl:apply-templates select="node(), key('ref', ../INTERNALID, $doc2)/TOBEEXTRACTED"/>  

    <xsl:template match="DATA/RECORD[not(key('ref', INTERNALID, $doc2))]"/>

    <xsl:template match="TOBEEXTRACTED">
        <xsl:value-of select="concat(' [', ., ']')"/>


That gives the output you have posted at There I have used an xsl:param name="doc2" with inline contents but you can of course use <xsl:param name="doc2" select="doc('fileb.xml')"/> instead.

As in an edit the question was additionally tagged as I have also tried to implement it using the xsl:merge instruction of that version:

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
    exclude-result-prefixes="xs math"

    <xsl:param name="doc2-uri" as="xs:string" select="'test201705120102.xml'"/>

    <xsl:mode on-no-match="shallow-copy"/>

    <xsl:output indent="yes"/>

    <xsl:template match="TABLE/DATA">
            <xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
                <xsl:merge-source name="internal" select="RECORD" >
                    <xsl:merge-key select="INTERNALID"/>
                <xsl:merge-source name="recno" select="doc($doc2-uri)//RECORD">
                    <xsl:merge-key select="RECNO"/>
                    <xsl:if test="current-merge-group('internal') and current-merge-group('recno')">
                            <xsl:copy-of select="@*, * except CODAL"/>
                                <xsl:value-of select="CODAL, current-merge-group('recno')/TOBEEXTRACTED/('[' || . || ']')"/>


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Michael Kay
Michael Kay

Reputation: 163595

This kind of merging can often be accomplished using xsl:for-each-group:

<xsl:for-each-group select="$doc1//REC, $doc2//REC" group-by="RECNO">

in the body, current-group() holds the records from both files with the required key. You can separate them out with, for example

<xsl:variable name="doc1rec" select="current-group()[(/) is $doc1]"/>
<xsl:variable name="doc2rec" select="current-group()[(/) is $doc2]"/>

and then the remaining processing should be straightforward if you understand the logic (which I don't).

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