Reputation: 2097
I am struggling with testing @Cacheable within a Spring Boot Integration Test. This is my second day learning how to do Integration Tests and all of the examples I have found use older versions. I also saw an example of assetEquals("some value", is())
but nothing with an import statement to know which dependency "is" belongs to. The test fails at the second
This is my integration test....
@DataJpaTest // used for other methods
@SpringBootTest(classes = TestApplication.class)
@Sql(executionPhase = ExecutionPhase.BEFORE_TEST_METHOD,
scripts = "classpath:data/Setting.sql") })
public class SettingRepositoryIT {
private SettingRepository settingRepository;
private Cache applicationCache;
public void testCachedMethodInvocation() {
List<Setting> firstList = new ArrayList<>();
Setting settingOne = new Setting();
settingOne.setValue("method invocation");
List<Setting> secondList = new ArrayList<>();
Setting settingTwo = new Setting();
settingTwo.setValue("method invocation");
// Set up the mock to return *different* objects for the first and second call
Mockito.when(settingRepository.findAllFeaturedFragrances()).thenReturn(firstList, secondList);
// First invocation returns object returned by the method
List<Setting> result = settingRepository.findAllFeaturedFragrances();
assertEquals("first", result.get(0).getKey());
// Second invocation should return cached value, *not* second (as set up above)
List<Setting> resultTwo = settingRepository.findAllFeaturedFragrances();
assertEquals("first", resultTwo.get(0).getKey()); // test fails here as the actual is "second."
// Verify repository method was invoked once
Mockito.verify(settingRepository, Mockito.times(1)).findAllFeaturedFragrances();
// Third invocation with different key is triggers the second invocation of the repo method
List<Setting> resultThree = settingRepository.findAllFeaturedFragrances();
assertEquals(resultThree.get(0).getKey(), "second");
ApplicationContext, components, entities, repositories and service layer for tests. The reason why I do it this way is because this maven module is used in other modules as a dependency.
@ComponentScan({ "com.persistence_common.config", "" })
@EntityScan(basePackages = { "com.persistence_common.entities" })
@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = { "com.persistence_common.repositories" })
public class TestApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Cache config....
public class CacheConfig {
public static final String APPLICATION_CACHE = "applicationCache";
public FilterRegistrationBean registerOpenSessionInViewFilterBean() {
FilterRegistrationBean registrationBean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter filter = new OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter();
return registrationBean;
public Cache applicationCache() {
return new GuavaCache(APPLICATION_CACHE, CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.expireAfterWrite(30, TimeUnit.DAYS)
The repository under test....
public interface SettingRepository extends JpaRepository<Setting, Integer> {
@Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "SELECT * FROM Setting WHERE name = 'featured_fragrance'")
@Cacheable(value = CacheConfig.APPLICATION_CACHE, key = "#root.methodName")
List<Setting> findAllFeaturedFragrances();
Upvotes: 20
Views: 44601
Reputation: 2261
In my case I wanted to validate the expression in the unless expression in the @Cacheable annotation, so I think it makes perfect sense and I'm not testing Spring's code.
I managed to test it without using Spring Boot, so it is plain Spring test:
public class MyTest {
private static MyCacheableInterface myCacheableInterfaceMock = mock(MyCacheableInterface.class);
static class Config {
public MyCacheableInterface myCacheableInterface() {
return myCacheableInterfaceMock;
public CacheManager cacheManager() {
return new ConcurrentMapCacheManager("myObject");
private MyCacheableInterface myCacheableInterface;
public void test() {
when(myCacheableInterfaceMock.businessMethod(anyString())).then(i -> {
List<MyObject> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(new MyObject(new Result("Y")));
return list;
In MyCacheableInterface I have the following annotation:
public interface MyCacheableInterface {
@Cacheable(value = "myObject", unless = "#result.?[Result.getSuccess() != 'Y'].size() == #result.size()")
List<MyObject> businessMethod(String authorization);
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1676
The first problem with SettingRepositoryIT is, the @Mock anotation on the field settingRepository. This is paradox for any normal-test, integration-test or any else.
You should let Spring bring in the dependencies for the class-under-test, which is SettingRepository in your case.
Please look at this example how @Autowired is used for the class-under-test, which is OrderService in this example:
// ApplicationContext will be loaded from the
// static nested Config class
public class OrderServiceTest {
static class Config {
// this bean will be injected into the OrderServiceTest class
public OrderService orderService() {
OrderService orderService = new OrderServiceImpl();
// set properties, etc.
return orderService;
private OrderService orderService;
public void testOrderService() {
// test the orderService
Go for the documentation with the full example: § 15. Integration Testing
The second problem is that you do not have to test @Cachable. You should only test your implementation. Here is a very good example from Oliver Gierke on how you should test it: How to test Spring's declarative caching support on Spring Data repositories?
Upvotes: 9