Reputation: 869
I tried a few times via the web UI, but first the file wasn’t shown to me in the explorer and when i finally got around that and uploaded my .json there was one entry:
error: "Auth token is expired“
i just want to import that .json file, how does one do that?
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Views: 2250
Reputation: 1121
I have successfully imported data from a JSON file into Firebase by running a Node.js script.
Pre-requesites: Before running this script, ensure that the following packages are installed either globally or available within your project.
I utilized the following packages:
npm i firestore-export-import
npm i firebase-admin
Packages short description:
- lets you export and import data from firestore with sub collection;fs
- File system package, aiding in file read/write operations;path
- module provides utilities for working with file and directory paths. (I used this to get directory separator by getting path.sep
- enables access to Firebase services from privileged environments (such as servers or cloud) in Node.js.Your serviceAccount.json
file [
"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "yourProject_id",
"private_key_id": "yourPrivate_key_id",
"private_key": "yourPrivate_key",
"client_email": "yourClient_email",
"client_id": "yourClient_id",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_x509_cert_url": "",
"universe_domain": ""
Here is an example of what this actually does: it removes IDs and adds them as keys to those objects where they exist, or simply adds a key if there was no ID in the object
how it looks like in firebase after import:
// Imports
const firestoreService = require('firestore-export-import')
const serviceAccount = require('./serviceAccount.json')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const tempFileName = `${__dirname}${path.sep}data-temp.json`;
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// Initialize Firebase Admin SDK
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount)
// Get a reference to the Firestore database
const db = admin.firestore();
(async() => {
try {
const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/src/data.json`, 'utf8');
const data = JSON.parse(fileContents);
const transformed = transformDataForFirestore(data);
fs.writeFileSync(tempFileName, JSON.stringify(transformed));
await jsonToFirestore();
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error occurred during the import process:', error);
async function jsonToFirestore() {
try {
console.log('Initialzing Firebase')
await firestoreService.initializeFirebaseApp(serviceAccount)
console.log('Firebase Initialized')
await firestoreService.restore(db, tempFileName)
console.log('Upload Success')
} catch (error) {
// In order to preserve ids in data.json
// as ids in firestore
// must use keyed object (id being the key) instead of array of records
function transformDataForFirestore(data) {
const collections = {
}; // Create a shallow copy to avoid mutating the original 'data'
delete collections.stats;
const collectionsById = {};
Object.keys(collections).forEach((collectionKey) => {
collectionsById[collectionKey] = {};
// Check if 'collection' is an array before iterating
const collection = collections[collectionKey];
if (Array.isArray(collection)) {
collection.forEach((record) => {
collectionsById[collectionKey][] = { ...record
}; // Create a copy of 'record' to avoid modifying the original object
delete collectionsById[collectionKey][].id;
} else {
console.error(`The collection '${collectionKey}' is not an array.`);
// Decide how to handle this scenario, whether to skip or handle differently
return collectionsById;
Parts which can be improved:
Parts of this code was taken from this source - gist.github
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 7698
The Auth Token probably expired because you were on the page too long before you uploaded it. Keep trying and it will work, given that the .json
is correctly formatted.
Upvotes: 1