Ger Mc
Ger Mc

Reputation: 640

Using Parameters to Add Columns?

I have a stored procedure which adds a currency record to my exchange rate table but I also need a corresponding column for the added currency.

The table structure is as follows:

CurrencyID  CurrencyName Rupee                  Euro                   Dollar                 Pound
----------- ------------ ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------
1           Rupee        1                      0.008                  0.009                  0.007
2           Euro         121.3                  1                      1.08                   0.84
3           Dollar       111.4                  0.91                   1                      0.77
4           Pound        143.6                  1.18                   1.28                   1

and my stored procedure so far is this:

    @CurrencyName varchar(30),
    @Rupee float,
    @Euro float,
    @Dollar float,
    @Pound float
    INSERT into [dbo].[CurrencyTbl] (CurrencyName, Rupee, Euro, Dollar, Pound) 
    VALUES (@CurrencyName, @Rupee, @Euro, @Dollar, @Pound)

    SELECT @SQL = 'ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CurrencyTbl] ADD ' + @CurrencyName + ' VARCHAR(30)'

But the column is not created

Upvotes: 1

Views: 99

Answers (2)

Jay Wheeler
Jay Wheeler

Reputation: 379

I created Temp Tables but this ought to work with standard ones as well...

CREATE TABLE #Currencies (
Currencyid INTEGER identity(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY
,CurrencyName VARCHAR(255)

CREATE TABLE #ConversionRates (
CurrencyId1 INTEGER
,CurrencyId2 INTEGER
,Conversion1To2Rate DECIMAL(19, 6)

Then we have a stored proc to handle the work

Stored Procedure: dbo.usp_AddCurrency
M. Jay Wheeler  -- [email protected]
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].usp_AddCurrency --
    @CurrencyName VARCHAR(255) = NULL
    ,@CurrencyId INTEGER = NULL
    ,@Currency2Id INTEGER = NULL
    ,@Currency1ToCurrency2ExchangeRate DECIMAL(19, 6) = NULL
    DECLARE @ErrorMessage VARCHAR(MAX) = ''
    DECLARE @ThrowErrorOnAddingAlreadyExists CHAR(1) = 'N' -- If N will automatically update the currency Name.

        -- Check Parameters
        IF @CurrencyId IS NULL
            AND @CurrencyName IS NULL
            SELECT @ErrorMessage += '@CurrencyID and @CurrencyName cannot both be null.' + CHAR(13)

        IF @CurrencyId IS NULL
            AND NOT EXISTS (
                SELECT 1
                FROM #Currencies
                WHERE CurrencyName = @CurrencyName
            INSERT INTO #Currencies (CurrencyName)
            SELECT @CurrencyName

            SELECT @CurrencyId = SCOPE_IDENTITY()

        SELECT @CurrencyId = CurrencyId
        FROM #Currencies
        WHERE CurrencyName = @CurrencyName
            AND @CurrencyId IS NULL

        SELECT @CurrencyName = CurrencyName
        FROM #Currencies
        WHERE Currencyid = @CurrencyId
            AND @CurrencyName IS NULL

        IF NOT EXISTS (
                SELECT 1
                FROM #Currencies
                WHERE Currencyid = @CurrencyId
            SELECT @ErrorMessage += '@CurrencyID: ' + isnull(Cast(@CurrencyId AS VARCHAR(15)), 'NULL') + ' Does Not Exist.' + CHAR(13)

        IF EXISTS (
                SELECT 1
                FROM #Currencies c
                WHERE c.Currencyid <> @CurrencyId
                    AND c.CurrencyName = @CurrencyName
            SELECT @ErrorMessage += 'Currency: ' + @CurrencyName + ' already exists with an ID of ' + cast((
                        SELECT currencyId
                        FROM #Currencies
                        WHERE CurrencyName = @CurrencyName
                        ) AS VARCHAR(15)) + CHAR(13)

        IF EXISTS (
                SELECT 1
                FROM #Currencies c
                WHERE c.Currencyid = @CurrencyId
                    AND c.CurrencyName <> @CurrencyName
            UPDATE #Currencies
            SET CurrencyName = @CurrencyName
            WHERE Currencyid = @CurrencyId

        IF @Currency2Id IS NOT NULL
            AND @Currency1ToCurrency2ExchangeRate IS NULL
            SELECT @Errormessage += 'Improper Syntax no exchange rate to assignmen.' + CHAR(13)

        IF @Currency2id IS NULL
            AND @Currency1ToCurrency2ExchangeRate IS NOT NULL
            SELECT @Errormessage += 'Improper Syntax no "To Currency" for rate assignment.' + CHAR(13)

        IF len(@ErrorMessage) > 0
         RAISERROR ('%s' ,16 ,1 ,@ErrorMessage)

        -- you get the idea more error checking needed to bullet proof.  Now assume
        -- We have all the correct Parameters set up, we've made sure anything coming in
        -- needs to be added or updated by this point.
        -- nothing to do if @Currency2Id is null
        IF @Currency2Id IS NULL

        -- see if we need to add/Update a conversion rate.
        UPDATE #ConversionRates
        SET Conversion1To2Rate = @Currency1ToCurrency2ExchangeRate
        WHERE @CurrencyId = CurrencyId1
            AND @Currency2Id = CurrencyId2

        INSERT INTO #ConversionRates (
        SELECT @CurrencyId
                SELECT 1
                FROM #ConversionRates
                WHERE @CurrencyId = CurrencyId1
                    AND @Currency2Id = CurrencyId2

        IF @@Trancount > 0
            ROLLBACK TRAN

        DECLARE @ErrorBlockLineLen INTEGER = 0
        DECLARE @ErrorBlockGotTheFormat BIT = 0
        DECLARE @ErrorFormatIndent INTEGER = 3
        DECLARE @ErrorBlockBeenThrough INTEGER = NULL -- must be set to null
        DECLARE @ThisProcedureName VARCHAR(255) = ISNULL(OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID), 'Testing')
        DECLARE @ErrorProc VARCHAR(4000) = CONVERT(VARCHAR(4000), ISNULL(ERROR_PROCEDURE(), @ThisProcedureName))

        WHILE @ErrorBlockGotTheFormat = 0
            IF @ErrorBlockBeenThrough IS NOT NULL
                SELECT @ErrorBlockGotTheFormat = 1

            SET @errormessage = Space(isnull(@ErrorFormatIndent, 0)) + @ThisProcedureName + ' Reports Error Thrown by: ' + @ErrorProc + CHAR(13)
            SET @errormessage += Space(isnull(@ErrorFormatIndent, 0)) + '-------->' + ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(4000), ERROR_MESSAGE()), 'Unknown') + '<--------' + CHAR(13) --               + Space(isnull(@ErrorFormatIndent,0)) + REPLICATE('=', @ErrorBlockLineLen) + CHAR(13) --               + Space(isnull(@ErrorFormatIndent,0)) + UPPER(@ThisProcedureName + ' Variable dump:') + CHAR(13) --               + Space(isnull(@ErrorFormatIndent,0)) + REPLICATE('=', @ErrorBlockLineLen) + CHAR(13) --
                + CHAR(13) + Space(isnull(@ErrorFormatIndent, 0)) + '@Currency1ToCurrency2ExchangeRate:.....<' + ISNULL(CAST(@Currency1ToCurrency2ExchangeRate AS VARCHAR(25)), 'Null') + '>' + CHAR(13) + SPACE(ISNULL(@ErrorBlockBeenThrough, 0)) --
                + CHAR(13) + Space(isnull(@ErrorFormatIndent, 0)) + '@Currency2Id:..........................<' + ISNULL(CAST(@Currency2Id AS VARCHAR(25)), 'Null') + '>' + CHAR(13) + SPACE(ISNULL(@ErrorBlockBeenThrough, 0)) --
                + CHAR(13) + Space(isnull(@ErrorFormatIndent, 0)) + '@CurrencyId:...........................<' + ISNULL(CAST(@CurrencyId AS VARCHAR(25)), 'Null') + '>' + CHAR(13) + SPACE(ISNULL(@ErrorBlockBeenThrough, 0)) --
                + CHAR(13) + Space(isnull(@ErrorFormatIndent, 0)) + '@CurrencyName:.........................<' + ISNULL(CAST(@CurrencyName AS VARCHAR(25)), 'Null') + '>' + CHAR(13) + SPACE(ISNULL(@ErrorBlockBeenThrough, 0)) --

            --SELECT @ErrorBlockLineLen = MAX(LEN(RTRIM(item)))
            --FROM dbo.fnSplit(@errormessage, CHAR(13))
             SELECT @ErrorBlockLineLen = 120

            SELECT @ErrorBlockBeenThrough = 1

             RAISERROR ('%s' ,16 ,1 ,@ErrorMessage)


And this is the code to populate. I used the inverse for some of the rates as it was easier.

set nocount on

exec usp_AddCurrency 'Rupiee'
exec usp_AddCurrency 'Euro'
exec usp_AddCurrency 'Dollar'
exec usp_AddCurrency 'Pound'

exec usp_AddCurrency "Rupiee", Null, 1, 1.000000
exec usp_AddCurrency "Rupiee", Null, 2, 0.008000
exec usp_AddCurrency "Rupiee", Null, 3, 0.009000
exec usp_AddCurrency "Rupiee", Null, 4, 0.007000   

Declare @Inverse Decimal(19,6)
Select @Inverse =  cast ((1.000000/ (Select Conversion1To2Rate From #ConversionRates Where CurrencyId1 = 1 and CurrencyId2 =2 )) as decimal(19,6))
exec usp_AddCurrency 'Euro'   , Null, 1, @Inverse
exec usp_AddCurrency 'Euro'   , Null, 2, 1.000000
exec usp_AddCurrency 'Euro'   , Null, 3, 1.090000
exec usp_AddCurrency 'Euro'   , Null, 4, 0.850000

Select @Inverse =  cast ((1.000000/ (Select Conversion1To2Rate From #ConversionRates Where CurrencyId1 = 1 and CurrencyId2 =3 )) as decimal(19,6))
exec usp_AddCurrency 'Dollar' , Null, 1,@Inverse
Select @Inverse =  cast ((1.000000/ (Select Conversion1To2Rate From #ConversionRates Where CurrencyId1 = 2 and CurrencyId2 =3 )) as decimal(19,6))
exec usp_AddCurrency 'Dollar' , Null, 2, @Inverse
exec usp_AddCurrency 'Dollar' , Null, 3, 1.000000
exec usp_AddCurrency 'Dollar' , Null, 4, 0.770000

Select @Inverse =  cast ((1.000000/ (Select Conversion1To2Rate From #ConversionRates Where CurrencyId1 = 1 and CurrencyId2 =4 )) as decimal(19,6))
exec usp_AddCurrency 'Pound'  , Null, 1, @Inverse
Select @Inverse =  cast ((1.000000/ (Select Conversion1To2Rate From #ConversionRates Where CurrencyId1 = 2 and CurrencyId2 =4 )) as decimal(19,6))
exec usp_AddCurrency 'Pound'  , Null, 2, @Inverse
Select @Inverse =  cast ((1.000000/ (Select Conversion1To2Rate From #ConversionRates Where CurrencyId1 = 3 and CurrencyId2 =4 )) as decimal(19,6))
exec usp_AddCurrency 'Pound'  , Null, 3, @Inverse
exec usp_AddCurrency 'Pound'  , Null, 4, 1.000000

This is the end of your question I think. I tested the output with this code:

Declare @MySQL nVarChar(max) = 'Create Table ##output ([Currency Name] Varchar(255),' + char(13)

SELECT @MySQL += STUFF(( SELECT  ',[' + CurrencyName + '] VARCHAR(255) '
                FROM    #Currencies 
       order by Currencyid asc
                XML PATH('')
              ), 1, 1, '') + ')'

exec sp_executesql @MySQL

select * into #output from ##output
Drop Table ##Output

Declare @PivotThings varchar(max)

select @PivotThings = STUFF(( SELECT  ',[' + CurrencyName + ']  '
                FROM    #Currencies 
       order by Currencyid asc
                XML PATH('')
              ), 1, 1, '')

Select @MySQL = '
  select c1.CurrencyName  as Rows, c1.Currencyid as r,  c2.CurrencyName as Cols,   Conversion1To2Rate as [Value] from #ConversionRates r
join #Currencies c1 on c1.Currencyid = r.CurrencyId1
join #Currencies c2 on c2.Currencyid = r.CurrencyId2
) WorkOrders
  FOR [cols] IN (

) AS PivotTable

Select @MySQL = REPLACE(@mysql , '##PivotThings##', @pivotthings)

exec sp_executesql @mysql

Hope you find this useful. It is my first post evah!

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 38023

Not that I think any of that is a good idea, but you do not actually execute your created @SQL, you are just selecting it.

Your code vulnerable to SQL Injection (because you are directly executing sql with concatenated parameters), so be careful with that code.

Also, if you are storing numbers, why is your datatype varchar(30)? Your other datatypes are float (which should probably be a numeric/decimal instead of float).

You could use exec sp_executesql @SQL like so:

CREATE PROC addCurrency @CurrencyName  varchar(30),@Rupee float,
@Euro float,@Dollar float,@Pound float
    INSERT into [dbo].[CurrencyTbl] (CurrencyName , Rupee,Euro, Dollar,Pound ) 
    VALUES (@CurrencyName,@Rupee,@Euro,@Dollar,@Pound )
    Declare @SQL nVarChar(1000)
    SELECT @SQL = 'ALTER TABLE [dbo].[CurrencyTbl] ADD ' + @CurrencyName + ' float;'
    exec sp_executesql @SQL;

dynamic sql

For example:

/* Monies is the term used by Irkens to refer to their form of currency */
exec addCurrency 'Monies',1,1,1,1 
select * from CurrencyTbl

rextester demo:


| CurrencyID | CurrencyName |   Rupee    |   Euro   |  Dollar  |  Pound   | Monies |
|          1 | Rupee        | 1,000000   | 0,008000 | 0,009000 | 0,007000 | NULL   |
|          2 | Euro         | 121,300000 | 1,000000 | 1,080000 | 0,840000 | NULL   |
|          3 | Dollar       | 111,400000 | 0,910000 | 1,000000 | 0,770000 | NULL   |
|          4 | Pound        | 143,600000 | 1,180000 | 1,280000 | 1,000000 | NULL   |
|          5 | Monies       | 1,000000   | 1,000000 | 1,000000 | 1,000000 | NULL   |

It may be better to consider an alternative form for your table that does not require adding new columns and updating columns using dynamic sql.

Here is one option:

create table CurrencyTbl (FromCurrencyName varchar(30), ExchangeRate decimal(19,6), ToCurrencyName varchar(30))
insert into CurrencyTbl values
 ('Rupee ',1.000000,'Rupee')
,('Rupee ',0.008000,'Euro')
,('Rupee ',0.009000,'Dollar')
,('Rupee ',0.007000,'Pound')
,('Euro  ',121.300000,'Rupee')
,('Euro  ',1.000000,'Euro')
,('Euro  ',1.090000,'Dollar')
,('Euro  ',0.850000,'Pound')
,('Pound ',143.600000,'Rupee')
,('Pound ',1.180000,'Euro')
,('Pound ',1.280000,'Dollar')
,('Pound ',1.000000,'Pound')

And you could pivot the table dynamically like so:

declare @cols nvarchar(max);
declare @sql  nvarchar(max);
  select @cols = stuff((
    select distinct 
      ', ' + quotename(ToCurrencyName)
      from CurrencyTbl
      for xml path (''), type).value('.','nvarchar(max)')
select  @sql = '
 select FromCurrencyName as CurrencyName,' + @cols + '
  from CurrencyTbl
 pivot (max([ExchangeRate]) for [ToCurrencyName] in (' + @cols + ') ) p'
exec sp_executesql @sql;

rextester demo:


| CurrencyName |  Dollar  |   Euro   |  Pound   |   Rupee    |
| Dollar       | 1,000000 | 0,910000 | 0,770000 | 111,400000 |
| Euro         | 1,090000 | 1,000000 | 0,850000 | 121,300000 |
| Pound        | 1,280000 | 1,180000 | 1,000000 | 143,600000 |
| Rupee        | 0,009000 | 0,008000 | 0,007000 | 1,000000   |

Upvotes: 3

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