Rohith Balaji
Rohith Balaji

Reputation: 43

How to use middlewares when using julienschmidt/httprouter in goLang?

What's the best way to chain middlewares while using julienschmidt/httprouter?

As far as I have googled, http.HandlerFunc accepts functions only in the form func (w ResponseWriter, r *Request) whereas httprouter.Handle functions are of the form func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params).

How to I chain middlewares without converting the httprouter.Handle function into http.HandlerFunc?

For example:
My routes.go is of the form,

router  :=  httprouter.New()
router.POST("/api/user/create", middlewares.EscapeStringsMiddleware(User.CreateUser))
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000",  router))

How do I write middleware functions for the above mentioned route?

Already tried methods:


func EscapeStringsMiddleware(next http.Handler) httprouter.Handle {

    return func (response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
        err := request.ParseForm()
        if err != nil {

        for key, values := range request.Form {
            for i, value := range values {
                value = template.HTMLEscapeString(value)
                value = template.JSEscapeString(value)
                request.Form[key][i] = value
        next.ServeHTTP(response, request)

Error obtained:

cannot use User.CreateUser (type func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, httprouter.Params)) as type http.Handler in argument to middlewares.EscapeStringsMiddleware:
func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, httprouter.Params) does not implement http.Handler (missing ServeHTTP method)


func EscapeStringsMiddleware(next httprouter.Handle) httprouter.Handle {

    return func (response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
        err := request.ParseForm()
        if err != nil {

        for key, values := range request.Form {
            for i, value := range values {
                value = template.HTMLEscapeString(value)
                value = template.JSEscapeString(value)
                request.Form[key][i] = value
        next.ServeHTTP(response, request)

Error obtained:

next.ServeHTTP undefined (type httprouter.Handle has no field or method ServeHTTP)

Also how do I chain multiple middleware?

For example,

router.POST("/api/user/create", middlewares.VerifyCSRF(middlewares.EscapeStringsMiddleware(User.CreateUser)))

Upvotes: 4

Views: 7481

Answers (2)

Matjaz Hirsman
Matjaz Hirsman

Reputation: 344

From lib where adapters are also added to chain request middleware functions.

func compatibleHandler(h http.Handler, httprParamsCtxKey interface{}) httprouter.Handle {
return toHttpRouterHandle(h, httprParamsCtxKey)
func toHttpRouterHandle(h http.Handler, httprParamsCtxKey interface{}) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, p httprouter.Params) {
   return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, p httprouter.Params) {
    if httprParamsCtxKey != nil {
        r = SetCtxValue(r, httprParamsCtxKey, p)
    h.ServeHTTP(w, r)

If you are looking for example/idea how to define routes:

Upvotes: 0

R Menke
R Menke

Reputation: 8391

This issue is not with your middleware handler. You are getting errs because User.CreateUser is not of type http.Handler.

Try this pattern :

The important bit is to return a http.Handler and wrap func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) with http.HandlerFunc.

func Handler() http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        // do stuff

go source :

// The HandlerFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of
// ordinary functions as HTTP handlers. If f is a function
// with the appropriate signature, HandlerFunc(f) is a
// Handler that calls f.
type HandlerFunc func(ResponseWriter, *Request)

// ServeHTTP calls f(w, r).
func (f HandlerFunc) ServeHTTP(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
    f(w, r)

Based on your feedback:

httprouter.Handle does not implement ServeHTTP. It is called directly. For example : next(w, r, ps)

Below you will find examples of middleware handlers.

// Middleware without ""
func StdToStdMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {

    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        // do stuff
        next.ServeHTTP(w, r)

// Middleware for a standard handler returning a "" Handle
func StdToJulienMiddleware(next http.Handler) httprouter.Handle {

    return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
        // do stuff
        next.ServeHTTP(w, r)

// Pure "" middleware
func JulienToJulienMiddleware(next httprouter.Handle) httprouter.Handle {

    return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
        // do stuff
        next(w, r, ps)

func JulienHandler() httprouter.Handle {
    return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
        // do stuff

func StdHandler() http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        // do stuff

func main() {
    router := httprouter.New()
    router.POST("/api/user/create", StdToJulienMiddleware(StdHandler()))
    router.GET("/api/user/create", JulienToJulienMiddleware(JulienHandler()))
    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", router))

Upvotes: 18

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