Reputation: 55
I want to copy every file from one folder to another folder, and if the file already exists, copy it with a 2 before the extention. as @BenH told me i used test-path and extension properties but it doesn't copy an already existing file with 2, and i can"t figure out what's wrong
# script to COPY and RENAME if files already exists
try {
Write-Host " -- process start --"
$usersPath = "C:\Users\mhanquin\Desktop\test_PS\users\mhanquin"
$oldPath = "C:\Users\mhanquin\Desktop\test_PS\OLD\mhanquin"
$folders = dir $usersPath
$files = dir $oldPath
foreach ($d in $folders) {
$z = test-path $files\$d
if($z -eq $true){
$c.basename = $d.basename + "2"
$c.extension = $d.extension
rename-item $userspath\$d -newname $c
copy-item $userspath\$c $oldpath
else{ copy-item $userspath\$d $oldpath }
Write-Host "---Done---"
} catch {
Write-Host "ERROR -"$_.Exception.Message
Upvotes: 0
Views: 538
Reputation: 10044
Here is a more complete solution for what you are attempting to do. Comments inline:
$UserPath = "C:\Users\mhanquin\Desktop\test_PS\users\mhanquin"
$OldPath = "C:\Users\mhanquin\Desktop\test_PS\OLD\mhanquin"
$UserItems = Get-ChildItem $UserPath -Recurse
foreach ($UserItem in $UserItems) {
#Escape the Regex pattern to handle / in paths
$UserPathRegEx = [Regex]::Escape($usersPath)
#Use a replace Regex to remove UserPath and leave a relative path
$RelativePath = $UserItem.FullName -replace $UserPathRegEx,""
#Join the Destination and the Relative Path
$Destination = Join-Path $OldPath $RelativePath
#Test if it is a directory
if ($UserItem.PSIsContainer) {
if (!(Test-Path $Destination)) {
New-Item $Destination -Type Directory
} else {
if (Test-Path $Destination) {
#Rather than use just a 2, get a timestamp for duplicates
$TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format MMddhhmm
#Using subexpression $() to evaluate the variable properties inside a string
$NewFileName = "$($usersItem.basename).$TimeStamp$($usersItem.extension)"
#For the rename, join the Directory with the new file name for the new destination
$NewDestination = Join-Path $($Destination.Directory.fullname) $newFileName
Rename-Item $Destination -newname $NewDestination
Copy-Item $UserItem.fullname $Destination
} else {
Copy-Item $UserItem.fullname $Destination
Upvotes: 1