Reputation: 73
OK, so this is the last hurdle in the development side of my uni project, which is due VERY soon, I need to pick my daughter up from school in a minute (so I apologise for any delay in response - I assure you that I have not disappeared).
OK, so I am displaying various times (booking slots) to users which have been retrieved from the database. The user can then select the radio button relating the the time slot they wish to book. I have appended a counter so that the radio buttons each have a unique id. Upon clicking the 'book appointment' button the startTime
value and slotId
values need to be inserted into the bookings
table, along with the bookingId
from the availability
table and userId
from the users
table, based on the current SESSION
My problem is that as the radio buttons have different values, I am unsure how to define which radio button has been selected, and therefore how to write the query in which to insert the data relating to each unique radio button.
I know there is going to be an if statement in there somewhere, I am just not sure how to approach it, I have spent ages mulling this over, I am running out of time, the dog is driving me insane and my daughter means that time is very limited, so I really do appreciate any help or guidance offered :)
bookings.php `
<!--Display available slots based on chosen date-->
$datepicker = strip_tags($_POST['datepicker']);
$datepicker = $DBcon->real_escape_string($datepicker);
$sql=("SELECT slotId, startTime, endTime, date FROM availability
WHERE date= '".$datepicker."'");
$query_s=mysqli_query($DBcon, $sql);
if (!$row) {echo 'Error, No bookings available for this date,
please choose another';}
$counter = 1;
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query_s)){
$id = 'slot_id'.$counter;
//echo '<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-6">';
<table class="table-responsive">
<form class="form-bookings" method="post" action="<?php echo
htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" autocomplete="off">
<td><?php echo $row['startTime'] ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row ['endTime'] ?></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="<?php echo ['slotId']?
>" id="<?php $id ?>" Value="<?php echo ['startTime']?>"></td>
<td><?php echo $id ?></td>
Bookings Table columns are:
Upvotes: 1
Views: 456
* Some general recommendations:
* - Always provide semicolons (;) in PHP codes.
* - Maintain lowercase for the HTML attributes.
* - Start/end HTML tags on the same page scope. Same for PHP codes.
* - Don't write text direct in body. Wrap it in span, div, label, etc, first.
* - The HTML tags should also have a coressponding end/close tag.
* Only the ones that requires it (div, span, etc).
* Breaks, inputs, etc don't require this
* - Always validate $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION, etc, values
* and assign defaults if not valid.
* - Use camelCase when naming PHP variables.
* - Preserve table structure definition. Inject HTML tags only where they belong.
* When using forms (<form>) with tables (<table>), insert them just in TD's (<td>),
* not anywhere else. Or wrap the whole table in a form.
// Code for session starting and includes...
<title>App/page title</title>
try {
// Read the user ID from session.
$userId = isset($_SESSION['userId']) ? $_SESSION['userId'] : NULL;
* -----------------------------------
* Upon submission by book app button.
* -----------------------------------
$bookApp = isset($_POST['bookApp']) ? $_POST['bookApp'] : NULL;
if (isset($bookApp)) {
$bookingMessages = '';
// Get posted availabilityId.
$receivedAvailabilityId = isset($_POST['availability']) ? $_POST['availability'] : NULL;
// Insert availability_id & user_id into bookings
if (isset($receivedAvailabilityId)) {
* -------------------------------------------
* Insert the booking information into the DB.
* -------------------------------------------
$sqlBookAvailability = "INSERT INTO bookings (availability_id, user_id) VALUES (" . $receivedAvailabilityId . ", " . $userId . ")";
$isAvailabilityBooked = mysqli_query($DBcon, $sqlBookAvailability);
if (!$isAvailabilityBooked) {
throw new Exception('The selected availability could not be booked.');
// Get last inserted booking ID upon booking.
$lastInsertedBookingId = mysqli_insert_id($DBcon);
if ($lastInsertedBookingId == 0) {
throw new Exception('The selected availability could not be booked.');
$bookingMessages .= "The selected availability were successfully booked. Booking ID: " . $lastInsertedBookingId . ".";
$bookingMessages .= "<br/>";
} else {
$bookingMessages .= "Please choose an availability.";
$bookingMessages .= "<br/>";
echo $bookingMessages;
* ----------------------------------------
* Upon selection of a date in date picker.
* ----------------------------------------
// Read selected date from date picker.
$getDate = isset($_POST['getDate']) ? $_POST['getDate'] : NULL;
if (isset($getDate)) {
$postDatePicker = isset($_POST['datepicker']) ? $_POST['datepicker'] : NULL;
$strippedDatePicker = strip_tags($postDatePicker);
$datePicker = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBcon, $strippedDatePicker);
* ---------------------------------
* Display available availabilities.
* ---------------------------------
$sqlBookedAvailabilities = "SELECT, av.start_time, av.end_time,
FROM availabilities as av
LEFT JOIN bookings AS bo ON bo.availability_id =
WHERE IS NULL AND = '" . $datePicker . "'";
$queryBookedAvailabilities = mysqli_query($DBcon, $sqlBookedAvailabilities);
if (!$queryBookedAvailabilities || mysqli_num_rows($queryBookedAvailabilities) == 0) {
echo 'No bookings available for this date, please choose another.';
echo '<br/>';
} else {
<form id="chooseAvailabilities" class="form-bookings" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<table class="table-responsive">
// Read availabilities list.
while ($rowAvailability = mysqli_fetch_array($queryBookedAvailabilities)) {
$availabilityId = $rowAvailability['id'];
$availabilityStartTime = $rowAvailability['start_time'];
$availabilityEndTime = $rowAvailability ['end_time'];
<?php echo $availabilityStartTime; ?>
<?php echo $availabilityEndTime; ?>
<input type="radio" name="availability" id="availability_id<?php echo $availabilityId; ?>" value="<?php echo $availabilityId; ?>">
} // End reading availabilities list.
<tr class="book-appointment-outer-wrapper">
<td colspan="4" class="book-appointment-inner-wrapper">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="bookApp">
Book Appointment
} // End reading date from date picker.
$closed = mysqli_close($DBcon);
if (!$closed) {
echo 'The database connection can not be closed!';
} catch (Exception $exception) {
echo $exception->getMessage();
Upvotes: 1