Reputation: 92357
I want to check whether at least one element of a collection (u.organisations
) is contained in another collection (?
= excludedOrganisations):
select distinct u from SystemUser u
join u.userGroups g
join u.organisations o
where 3 in elements(g.permissions) and
EACH_ELEMENT_OF(o) not in (?)
How can I express the EACH_ELEMENT_OF
with HQL?
My last trial is:
select distinct u from SystemUser u
join u.userGroups g
where 3 in elements(g.permissions) and
not exists (
select org from Organisation org
where org in elements(u.organisations)
and org not in (?)
But I get the exception:
IllegalArgumentException occurred calling getter of
Upvotes: 11
Views: 12182
Reputation: 1181
This is the classical example from Hibernate documentation:
from Cat as cat
left join cat.kittens as kitten
with kitten.bodyWeight > 10.0
In your case, this would be:
select distinct u from SystemUser u
join u.userGroups g
join u.organisations o
where 3 in elements(g.permissions) and not in (?)
I'm assuming the Organisation entity has an id field and you can pass in the list of ids.
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Reputation: 242676
I guess you need a subquery to express it in SQL, therefore subquery is also needed in HQL:
select u from SystemUser u
where not exists (
select 1 from UserGroup g where g.user = u and g not in (?)
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