Nitin Lodhe
Nitin Lodhe

Reputation: 235

Node js client for grpc server

I have GRPC server running using openssl - static way and I am trying to connect to server using nodejs client

I do not see any error but I do not see its connecting to server either. Please share if you have any sample.

Please refer code below:

    var rootCertPath = path.join('.','.', 'server-root.PEM');
    var privateCertPath = path.join('.','.', 'server-private.PEM');
    var domainCertPath = path.join('.','.', 'server-domain.PEM');

    var rootCert = fs.readFileSync(rootCertPath);
    var privateCert = fs.readFileSync(privateCertPath);
    var domainCert = fs.readFileSync(domainCertPath);

    var buf1 = new Buffer('rootCert');
    var buf2 = new Buffer('privateCert');
    var buf3 = new Buffer('domainCert');

    var chat_proto = grpc.load("Chat.proto");
    var client = new chat_proto.ChatService('https://servervip:443',grpc.credentials.createSsl(buf1,buf2,buf3));


  syntax = "proto3";

        // Service definition.

            service ChatService {
              // Sends a chat
               rpc chat(stream ChatMessage) returns (stream ChatMessageFromServer) {}
        // The request message containing the user's name.
        message ChatMessage {
          string name = 1;
          string message = 2;

        // The response message containing the greetings
        message ChatMessageFromServer {
            string name = 1;
            string message = 2;

//Code to make a request

var username = process.argv[2];
var stdin = process.openStdin();

function main() {
    console.log(client); // prints { '$channel': Channel {} }
    chat.on('data', function(msg) {
      console.log( + ': ' + msg.message);
        console.log("after message");

    stdin.addListener('data',function(input) {
        chat.write({ name: username, message: input.toString().trim()



Upvotes: 1

Views: 2695

Answers (1)

Nitin Lodhe
Nitin Lodhe

Reputation: 235

so good new is - below thing worked for me

var rootCertPath = path.join('.','.', 'roots.PEM');
var rootCert = fs.readFileSync(rootCertPath);
var chat_proto = grpc.load("Chat.proto");
var client = new chat_proto.ChatService('servervip:443',grpc.credentials.createSsl(rootCert));

Looks like an issue with the cert - I used the default roots.PEM in grpc client and it worked for me. will look internally to have correct root of my servervip CA certificate chain.

Thanks all for your support

Upvotes: 1

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