Reputation: 3696
Where to get Biginteger modules and how import them into visual basic that is part of ms access?
I wish to work with (very) large integers in visual basic and avoid the integer overflows. Reportedly there are Biginteger modules that can be used for this - but where to get them and which one to use? And, then how to import them into my VB environment?
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Views: 2523
Reputation: 21370
I found some code for this a very long time ago, don't remember where from and haven't run it in very long while, but here it is:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public cDecMax As Variant, cDecMaxLen As Integer, cSqrDecMaxLen As Integer
Function LargeAdd(ByVal Nbr1 As String, ByVal Nbr2 As String) As String
If Len(Nbr1) <= cDecMaxLen And Len(Nbr2) <= cDecMaxLen Then
LargeAdd = CStr(CDec(Nbr1) + CDec(Nbr2))
Exit Function
End If
If Len(Nbr1) > cDecMaxLen Then LargeAdd = addByParts(Nbr1, Nbr2) _
Else LargeAdd = addByParts(Nbr2, Nbr1)
End Function
Function LargeMult(ByVal Nbr1 As String, ByVal Nbr2 As String) As String
If Len(Nbr1) <= cSqrDecMaxLen And Len(Nbr2) <= cSqrDecMaxLen Then
LargeMult = CStr(CDec(Nbr1) * CDec(Nbr2))
Exit Function
End If
If Len(Nbr1) > cSqrDecMaxLen Then
LargeMult = factorOneNbr(Nbr1, Nbr2)
LargeMult = factorOneNbr(Nbr2, Nbr1)
End If
End Function
Public Sub Initialize()
Static Initialized As Boolean
If Initialized Then Exit Sub
Initialized = True
cDecMax = _
CDec(Replace("79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335", ",", ""))
'this is 2^96-1
cDecMaxLen = Len(cDecMax) - 1
cSqrDecMaxLen = cDecMaxLen \ 2
End Sub
Private Function addByParts(ByVal Nbr1 As String, ByVal Nbr2 As String) As String
Dim NbrChunks As Integer
If Len(Nbr1) > Len(Nbr2) Then _
Nbr2 = String(Len(Nbr1) - Len(Nbr2), "0") & Nbr2 _
Else _
Nbr1 = String(Len(Nbr2) - Len(Nbr1), "0") & Nbr1
NbrChunks = Ceil(Len(Nbr1) / cDecMaxLen)
Dim i As Integer, OverflowDigit As String, Rslt As String
OverflowDigit = "0"
For i = NbrChunks - 1 To 0 Step -1
Dim Nbr1Part As String
Nbr1Part = Mid(Nbr1, i * cDecMaxLen + 1, cDecMaxLen)
Rslt = CStr(CDec(Nbr1Part) _
+ CDec(Mid(Nbr2, i * cDecMaxLen + 1, cDecMaxLen)) _
+ CDec(OverflowDigit))
If Len(Rslt) < Len(Nbr1Part) Then
Rslt = String(Len(Nbr1Part) - Len(Rslt), "0") & Rslt
OverflowDigit = "0"
ElseIf i = 0 Then
ElseIf Len(Rslt) > Len(Nbr1Part) Then
OverflowDigit = Left(Rslt, 1): Rslt = Right(Rslt, Len(Rslt) - 1)
OverflowDigit = "0"
End If
addByParts = Rslt & addByParts
Next i
End Function
Private Function factorOneNbr(ByVal LargeNbr As String, ByVal Nbr2 As String) As String
Dim NbrChunks As Integer, i As Integer, _
Nbr1Part As String, PowersOf10 As Integer, _
Rslt As String, FinalRslt As String
FinalRslt = "0"
NbrChunks = Ceil(Len(LargeNbr) / cSqrDecMaxLen) - 1
For i = NbrChunks To 0 Step -1
Nbr1Part = Mid(LargeNbr, i * cSqrDecMaxLen + 1, cSqrDecMaxLen)
Rslt = LargeMult(Nbr1Part, Nbr2)
FinalRslt = LargeAdd(FinalRslt, Rslt & String(PowersOf10, "0"))
PowersOf10 = PowersOf10 + Len(Nbr1Part)
Next i
factorOneNbr = FinalRslt
End Function
Function Ceil(x As Single) As Long
If x < 0 Then Ceil = Fix(x) Else Ceil = -Int(-x)
End Function
Also just found this
Upvotes: 2