Reputation: 833
My current situation is that I open a process, which opens in a random location (thats how this process works).
I have the process PID so I need to somehow focus this window, and move it to the center of my screen. Im doing something wrong as I can't even set focus on that window... tried it with different apps and got the same result...
The way I select the window -
appl = pywinauto.application.Application()
app_dialog = appl.top_window_()
##app_dialog.SetFocus() ##doesn't work aswell
##pywinauto.win32functions.SetForegroundWindow(app_dialog)## doesn't work
Thanks for reading :)
Upvotes: 3
Views: 10472
Reputation: 1
It looks like you missed backend="uia" parameters and it supposed to add that param.
appl = pywinauto.application.Application(backend="uia")
hope this help!
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Reputation: 9971
Method app_dialog.set_focus()
should work in pywinauto 0.6.2. If not, it might be a bug. Is your application publicly available somehow? I'd like to reproduce it on my side. Are you trying to activate a background window while you have modal dialog on top of it?
Second case is a wrong usage of SetForegroundWindow(...)
. It should give a handle, but you pass WindowSpecification
object app_dialog
. Right way is the following:
handle = app_dialog.wrapper_object().handle
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Reputation: 833
Can't say why it doesn't work with pywinauto... Got it to work with win32gui as the answer here- Python Window Activation
long yet efficient ;)
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