I have a grid which adapts to columns and rows. In that grid I have to draw an arc which extends and stretches to the Whole parent grid.
I have tried that
Canvas cnv = new Canvas();
Path pth = new Path() { HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch };
PathGeometry pg = new PathGeometry();
PathFigureCollection pfc = new PathFigureCollection();
PathFigure pf = new PathFigure();
ArcSegment a = new ArcSegment(new Point(0, 0), new Size(300, 300), 45, true, SweepDirection.Clockwise, true);
pth.Data = pg;
pg.Figures = pfc;
but nothing appears.
Additionally I am wondering if there is a more straithforward solution to achieve the goal.
And then, I don't want to set the size of the arc, I want it to stretch to the parent size, possibly with a margin.
Thank you very much
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I hope this will help any mind boggled people. I myself searched for this without luck. If this is a remedy for the problem I am so happy ;) ... this is a a simple math concept that it kicked in the ... ass so many times. This is the code "we use":
/// <summary>
/// Defines an arc
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" />
public class Arc : Shape
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the <see cref="Arc"/> class.
/// </summary>
// Angle that arc starts at
public double StartAngle
get => (double)GetValue(StartAngleProperty);
set => SetValue(StartAngleProperty, value);
// DependencyProperty - StartAngle
private static PropertyMetadata startAngleMetadata =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
0.0, // Default value
FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender | FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure,
null, // Property changed callback
new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceAngle))
}; // Coerce value callback
public static readonly DependencyProperty StartAngleProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("StartAngle", typeof(double), typeof(Arc), startAngleMetadata);
// Angle that arc ends at
public double EndAngle
get => (double)GetValue(EndAngleProperty);
set => SetValue(EndAngleProperty, value);
// DependencyProperty - EndAngle
private static PropertyMetadata endAngleMetadata =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
90.0, // Default value
FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender | FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure,
null, // Property changed callback
new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceAngle)); // Coerce value callback
public static readonly DependencyProperty EndAngleProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("EndAngle", typeof(double), typeof(Arc), endAngleMetadata);
/// <summary>
/// Coerces the angle.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="depObj">The dep object.</param>
/// <param name="baseVal">The base value.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static object CoerceAngle(DependencyObject depObj, object baseVal)
double angle = (double)baseVal;
angle = Math.Min(angle, 360.0);
angle = Math.Max(angle, 0.0);
return angle;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the sweep direction.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The sweep direction.
/// </value>
public SweepDirection SweepDirection
get => (SweepDirection)GetValue(SweepDirectionProperty);
set => SetValue(SweepDirectionProperty, value);
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for SweepDirection. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty SweepDirectionProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("SweepDirection", typeof(SweepDirection), typeof(Arc), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
SweepDirection.Counterclockwise, // Default value
FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender | FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure,
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value that represents the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Geometry" /> of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" />.
/// </summary>
protected override Geometry DefiningGeometry
var width = Visibility == Visibility.Visible ? ActualWidth : 0.0;
var height = Visibility == Visibility.Visible ? ActualHeight : 0.0;
double maxWidth = Math.Max(0.0, width - StrokeThickness);
double maxHeight = Math.Max(0.0, height - StrokeThickness);
if (maxWidth == 0
|| maxHeight == 0)
return new StreamGeometry();
var arcSize = new Size(maxWidth / 2.0, maxHeight / 2);
var calculator = new ElipticCurveCalculator(new Size(width, height), new Size(maxWidth / 2, maxHeight / 2));
var angle = EndAngle - StartAngle;
var firstAngle = Math.Min(angle, 180);
var secondAngle = Math.Max(angle - 180, 0);
// start = 20; end = 200; angle = 180
var firstStart = SweepDirection == SweepDirection.Clockwise ? -StartAngle : StartAngle;
var firstEndAngle = SweepDirection == SweepDirection.Clockwise ? firstStart - firstAngle : firstStart + firstAngle;
var secondEndAngle = 0.0;
if (secondAngle > 0)
secondEndAngle = SweepDirection == SweepDirection.Clockwise ? firstStart - firstAngle - secondAngle : firstStart + firstAngle + secondAngle;
var p1Start = calculator.GetPoint(firstStart);
var p1End = calculator.GetPoint(firstEndAngle);
StreamGeometry geom = new StreamGeometry();
using (StreamGeometryContext ctx = geom.Open())
0.0, // rotationAngle
false, // greater than 180 deg?
true, // isStroked
if (secondEndAngle != 0)
var p2End = calculator.GetPoint(secondEndAngle);
0.0, // rotationAngle
false, // greater than 180 deg?
SweepDirection, // == SweepDirection.Clockwise ? SweepDirection.Counterclockwise : SweepDirection.Clockwise,
true, // isStroked
return geom;
private double GetFistAngle(double startAngle, double angle)
var endAngle = SweepDirection == SweepDirection.Counterclockwise
? Math.Min(startAngle - angle, 180)
: Math.Min(angle - startAngle, 180);
return endAngle;
/// <summary>
/// Calculates points for an eliptic curve
/// </summary>
class ElipticCurveCalculator
/// <summary>
/// The point calculator
/// </summary>
private readonly EllipsePointCalculator _ellipsePointCalculator;
/// <summary>
/// The half of a box size
/// </summary>
private readonly Size _boxSizeHalf;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ElipticCurveCalculator"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="boxSize">Size of the box.</param>
/// <param name="arcSize">Size of the arc.</param>
public ElipticCurveCalculator(Size boxSize, Size arcSize)
_ellipsePointCalculator = new EllipsePointCalculator(arcSize);
_boxSizeHalf = new Size(boxSize.Width / 2, boxSize.Height / 2);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the point.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="angle">The angle.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Point GetPoint(double angle)
var point = new Point(_boxSizeHalf.Width, _boxSizeHalf.Height);
var offset = _ellipsePointCalculator.GetPoint(angle);
point.Offset(offset.X, -offset.Y);
return point;
/// <summary>
/// Calculates ellipse points based on simple math
/// </summary>
public class EllipsePointCalculator
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EllipsePointCalculator"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="size">The size of the ellipse.</param>
public EllipsePointCalculator(Size size) => Size = size;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the size.
/// </summary>
/// <value>
/// The size.
/// </value>
public Size Size { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the point.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="angle">The angle.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Point GetPoint(double angle)
switch (angle)
case 0:
case 360:
return new Point(Size.Width, 0);
case 90:
return new Point(0, Size.Height);
case 180:
return new Point(-Size.Width, 0);
case 270:
return new Point(0, -Size.Height);
double x = Size.Width * Math.Cos(angle * Math.PI / 180.0);
double y = Size.Height * Math.Sin(angle * Math.PI / 180.0);
return new Point(x, y);
If any can update this code to work better ;) please do so! :P
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If you cannot access ActualWidth and ActualHeight it's for the grid isn't still loaded. What I suggest is to put the code in the gridLoaded Event. Additionally I strongly suggest that solution for it makes it much easier to draw arcs.
So in short in the constructor:
grd.Loaded += Grd_Loaded;
and then after the event has been fired
private void Grd_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Canvas cnv = new Canvas();
Path pth = new Path();
pth.Fill = Brushes.Transparent;
pth.Stroke = Brushes.GreenYellow;
pth.StrokeThickness = 20;
PathGeometry pg = new PathGeometry();
PathFigureCollection pfc = new PathFigureCollection();
PathFigure pf = new PathFigure();
double dim = grd.ActualHeight;
arcs = new Arc();
arcs.Center = new Point(dim / 2, dim / 2);
arcs.StartAngle = 0;
arcs.EndAngle = 0;
arcs.Radius = dim / 2;
arcs.Stroke = Brushes.YellowGreen;
arcs.StrokeThickness = 20;
arcs.SmallAngle = false;
grd.Children.Insert(0, cnv);
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The destination point of the arc should not be be 0,0. Set it to a valid point and also set the Stroke
and Fill
properties of the Path
Canvas cnv = new Canvas();
Path pth = new Path();
pth.Fill = Brushes.BlueViolet;
pth.Stroke = Brushes.OrangeRed;
PathGeometry pg = new PathGeometry();
PathFigureCollection pfc = new PathFigureCollection();
PathFigure pf = new PathFigure();
ArcSegment a = new ArcSegment(new Point(200, 100), new Size(300, 300), 45, true, SweepDirection.Clockwise, true);
pth.Data = pg;
pg.Figures = pfc;
grd.Children.Insert(0, cnv);
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