
Reputation: 921

Amazon S3 Cognito - Upload image from image picker - Swift 3

I have done static image upload to AWS server successfully. When i combine it with imagepicker, I am facing a wierd issue due to which same image is being uploaded to AWS even though I pick and name them differently. The code is as follows:

internal func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController,
 didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : Any])
    let image = info[UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] as! UIImage
    var imageUrl          = info[UIImagePickerControllerReferenceURL] as? NSURL
    let imageName         = imageUrl?.lastPathComponent
    let documentDirectory = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true).first!
    let photoURL          = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: documentDirectory)
    let localPath         = photoURL.appendingPathComponent(imageName!)

    print("image name : \(imageName)")

    if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: localPath!.path) {
        do {
            try UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 1.0)?.write(to: localPath!)
            print("file saved")
            //let imageData = NSData(contentsOf: localPath!)
            //let finalURL = localPath!

            //this is in swift 2; above 2 lines are its equivalent in swift3. I think the problem lies here
            //let imageData = NSData(contentsOfFile: localPath)!
            //imageURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: localPath)

        }catch {
            print("error saving file")
    else {
        print("file already exists")

    self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

    let credentialProvider = AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider(regionType: .USEast1, identityPoolId: "identity pool id")
    let configuration = AWSServiceConfiguration(region: .APSoutheast1, credentialsProvider: credentialProvider)
    AWSServiceManager.default().defaultServiceConfiguration = configuration

    //these are the static values I used that worked perfectly fine with separate images
    //let localFileName = "Alerts_bg"
    //let ext = "png"
    //let remoteName = localFileName + "." + ext
    //let imageURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: localFileName, withExtension: ext)!

    let transferManager = AWSS3TransferManager.default()

    let uploadRequest = AWSS3TransferManagerUploadRequest()!
    uploadRequest.bucket = "bucket"
    let imageAWSName = "ios_" + NSUUID().uuidString + ".jpg"
    uploadRequest.key = imageAWSName
    uploadRequest.body = localPath! as URL
    uploadRequest.contentType = "image/jpg"

    print("req123 : \(uploadRequest)")

    uploadRequest.uploadProgress = { (bytesSent, totalBytesSent, totalBytesExpectedToSend) -> Void in
        DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
            //self.amountUploaded = totalBytesSent // To show the updating data status in label.
            //self.fileSize = totalBytesExpectedToSend
            print("progress : \(totalBytesSent)/\(totalBytesExpectedToSend)")

    transferManager.upload(uploadRequest).continueWith(executor: AWSExecutor.mainThread(), block: { (task:AWSTask<AnyObject>) -> Any? in
        if let error = task.error {
            print("Upload failed with error: (\(error.localizedDescription))")
        if task.result != nil {

            let s3URL = URL(string: "\(imageAWSName)")!
            print("Uploaded to:\(s3URL)")
        return nil

 dismiss(animated:true, completion: nil) //5

I have seen lot of blogs such as this and this but these are in earlier versions of swift and I am unable to convert it in Swift 3 and combine imagepicker with AWS properly. Someone please help.

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Views: 1047

Answers (2)


Reputation: 921

I found a solution to my problem:

let imageAWSName = "ios_" + NSUUID().uuidString + ".jpg"

    let image = info[UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] as! UIImage
    let documentDirectory = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true).first!
    let photoURL          = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: documentDirectory)
    let localPath         = photoURL.appendingPathComponent(imageAWSName)

    if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: localPath!.path) {
        do {
            try UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image, 1.0)?.write(to: localPath!)
            print("file saved")
        }catch {
            print("error saving file")
    else {
        print("file already exists")

    let credentialProvider = AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider(regionType: .USEast1, identityPoolId: “your identity pool id”)
    let configuration = AWSServiceConfiguration(region: .APSoutheast1, credentialsProvider: credentialProvider)
    AWSServiceManager.default().defaultServiceConfiguration = configuration

    let transferManager = AWSS3TransferManager.default()

    let uploadRequest = AWSS3TransferManagerUploadRequest()!
    let yourBucketName = “your bucket name”
    uploadRequest.bucket = yourBucketName

    uploadRequest.key = imageAWSName
    uploadRequest.body = localPath! as URL
    uploadRequest.contentType = "image/jpg"

    uploadRequest.uploadProgress = { (bytesSent, totalBytesSent, totalBytesExpectedToSend) -> Void in
        DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
            //self.amountUploaded = totalBytesSent // To show the updating data status in label.
            //self.fileSize = totalBytesExpectedToSend
            print("progress : \(totalBytesSent)/\(totalBytesExpectedToSend)")

    transferManager.upload(uploadRequest).continueWith(executor: AWSExecutor.mainThread(), block: { (task:AWSTask<AnyObject>) -> Any? in
        if let error = task.error {
            print("Upload failed with error: (\(error.localizedDescription))")
        if task.result != nil {

            let s3URL = URL(string: "\(yourBucketName)/\(imageAWSName)")!
            print("Uploaded to:\(s3URL)")
        return nil

    self.picker.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

Make sure the imageAWSName used in localPath is always different as I have done. That is the main thing otherwise AWS will save same image multiple times even though you pick different images from picker.

Hope it helps someone in future!

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 3402

Actually, when you are doing this:

let photoURL          = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: documentDirectory)
let localPath         = photoURL.appendingPathComponent(imageName!)

you are creating localPath as URL.
So when you are doing:

let imageURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: localPath)

It's giving error, because localPath is URL not String. Here you can directly using as:

let imageURL = localPath!

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