Reputation: 89
I would like to use multiple cache scenarios for multiple groups like: 1-this image group should exist refresh every 60 seconds. 2-this image group should exist forever unless memory warning occurs. I don't know how to implement multiple cache programs with one library like AlamofireImage(or Kingfisher). I wrote this code but it can not clear expired images in folder(I dont want to purge all the cache folder content):
let downloader = ImageDownloader(name: "shortlived_image_downloader")
let cache = ImageCache(name: "shortlived_cache")
cache.maxCachePeriodInSecond = 60
cell.onPlayingImageView.kf.setImage(with: url,
placeholder: UIImage(named:"Placeholder_S"),
options: [.transition(ImageTransition.fade(0.25)),
progressBlock: nil,
completionHandler: nil)
func clearKFShortLiveCache() {
let cache = ImageCache(name: "shortlived_cache")
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1558
Reputation: 24341
In Kingfisher,
You can clear different types of cache
let cache = ImageCache(name: "shortlived_cache")
To set cache size and time
according to your requirement, you can use:
cache.maxMemoryCost = YOUR_VALUE
cache.maxCachePeriodInSecond = YOUR_VALUE
cache.maxDiskCacheSize = YOUR_VALUE
Image group should exist forever unless memory warning occurs: It is handled automatically by Kingfisher
concept is not handled by Kingfisher
. This is supported by AlamofireImage
. In Kingfisher
, you have to handle auto purging
based on last access date
For details on these properties and methods, you can refer to:
Upvotes: 1