Reputation: 15099
I've tried to do it in this really simply way. It works, new text is added to original text, but formatting(bold, etc.) of the original text is lost!
ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 13).Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 13) & vbCrLf & Date
Is there any simple solution how to keep the formatting?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 3249
Reputation: 1
I was researching this problem and found a solution on another forum called OzGrid.
(check out the thread at
A simple way to append to a cell while maintaining previous formatting is to use the .insert method. It inserts new content starting at a designated character, so you need to first determine the index number of the character you want to start your addition at.
Sub AppendToCell()
PreCellCont = ActiveCell.Value 'Stores the content previously in the cell.
ActiveCell.Characters(Len(PreCellCont) + 1).Insert "(Your New Content Here)"
'Inserts new content starting at the character one beyond the number of characters previously in the cell
End Sub
This short code stores the previous contents of the cell to allow us to determine the length. It then inserts the new content starting at the character that will immediately follow the last character of the contents previously in the cell. This index is given by the length of the previous contents plus one.
I hope this is able to help someone else as much as it has helped me!
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Reputation: 4122
Only way I have found so far that works reliabily (but very slow) is to save format of each character, append text, and reapply formatting.
I've tried to optimise code by reapplying format to strings of characters but I do not know if this is faster than applying formatting to each character.
call pcExcelCellAppendText(sh.cell(r,3), "start")
call pcExcelCellAppendText(sh.cell(r,3), "red & bold", rgb(&H80,0,0), true)
call pcExcelCellAppendText(sh.cell(r,3), "green", rgb(0,&H80,0))
Sub pcExcelCellAppendText(cell As Excel.Range, word As String, Optional wordColor As Long = 0, Optional wordBold As Boolean = False, Optional wordStrike As Boolean = False)
' append word to excel cell
' copy current cell formatting
If cell Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' cell not exists
Dim n As Integer: n = cell.Characters.Count
Dim s As Integer: s = n + Len(word)
Dim clen() As Long: ReDim clen(1 To s) ' length of characters with same font
Dim color() As Long: ReDim color(1 To s)
Dim bold() As Boolean: ReDim bold(1 To s)
Dim strike() As Boolean: ReDim strike(1 To s)
Dim c As Integer
Dim p As Integer: p = 1
for c = 1 to n
With cell.Characters(c, 1).Font
If .color = color(p) _
and .bold = bold(p) _
and .StrikeThrough = strike(p) Then ' same format
clen(p) = clen(p) + 1 ' increase length of characters with same format
Else ' change of format
p = c ' new base or start of character string
clen(p) = 1
color(c) = .color
bold(c) = .bold
strike(c) = .StrikeThrough
End If
End With
' append word - this resets all formatting so we need to put formatting back
cell = cell & word
' re-apply previous formatting
c = 1
While c <= n
With cell.Characters(c, clen(c)).Font ' restore character font
.color = color(c)
.bold = bold(c)
.StrikeThrough = strike(c)
End With
c = c + clen(c)
' highlight appended word
With cell.Characters(c, Len(word)).Font ' apply specified font to new text
.color = wordColor
.bold = wordBold
.StrikeThrough = wordStrike
End With
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
This might do the trick:
ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 13).Copy
ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 13).Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 13) & vbCrLf & Date
ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 13).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
For the line break to show you either need to make sure that the target cell has line break enabled, or you set it by code, like this:
ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 13).WrapText = True
Edit: For another approach check @Masouds excelent answer.
Edit: This adds text while preserving all other formatting:
With ActiveCell
.Characters(Len(.Value) + 1).Insert vbCrLf & Date
End With
Note that the added text fill have the format of the last character in the cell.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 29203
If you don't want to use Copy/Paste you can use something like below:
With ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 13)
With .Font
f_name = .Name
f_style = .Style
f_size = .Size
f_italic = .Italic
f_line = .Underline
End With
.Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 13) & vbCrLf & Date
With .Font
.Name = f_name
.Style = f_style
.Size = f_size
.Italic = f_italic
.Underline = f_line
End With
End With
It is probably even faster than copy/paste but more laborious in terms of scripting (do it the hard way, but the right way).
For partial formatted cells it is a little bit harder. You need to loop through each character. Otherwise, Null
will be returned.
With ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 13)
For i = 1 To Len(.Value)
With .Characters(i, 1).Font
f_name = .Name
f_style = .Style
f_size = .Size
f_italic = .Italic
f_line = .Underline
End With
Next i
.Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 13) & vbCrLf & Date
For i = 1 To Len(.Value)
With .Characters(i, 1).Font
.Name = f_name
.Style = f_style
.Size = f_size
.Italic = f_italic
.Underline = f_line
End With
Next i
End With
The latter satisfies your desired output.
Upvotes: 1