
Reputation: 173

How to modify a StopLoss of an active trade?

I have trouble with modifying the stoploss of a running trade using MQL5. Selecting the order works out for me. But if I try to access the variables ( for instance OrderTicket() & OrderOpenPrice() ), it always returns 0.00000:

2017.06.01 00:06:32.114 2016.04.08 00:00:00   failed modify  buy 0.00  sl: 0.00000, tp: 0.00000 -> sl: 1.41594, tp: 0.00000 [Invalid request]

Here's my stoploss modyfing void:

void modifyStops() {

   int total = OrdersTotal();          // total number of placed pending orders
   Print( total + " Orders on the line!!!" );

   //--- Over all placed pending orders
   for ( int i = 0; i <  total; i++ )
   {     bool isOrderSelected = OrderSelect( i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES );
         if (  isOrderSelected )
         {  // TODO: Check the Trades to contain the correct Order Number

               Print( "Symbol & Magicnumber matching" );
               double newStopLoss;

            // Update the stop loss
               if (  OrderType() == OP_BUY )
                     newStopLoss = addTolerance( SL );
               else if (  OrderType() == OP_SELL )
                          newStopLoss = minusTolerance( SL );
               newStopLoss = NormalizeDouble( newStopLoss, Digits );
               Print( "NEW STOP LOSS::::=====> ", Symbol(), " at ", newStopLoss );

               if ( !OrderModify( OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), newStopLoss, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Green ) )
                     Print( "OrderModify returned the error of ", GetLastError() );

The CTrade class isn't working properly for me. I tried to implement the code you've posted - however: It still doesn't seem to work out.

Unfortunately I implemented that in my EA and the OrderGetTicket(i) returns zero when the trade is live. So my void looks like this:

void modifyStops() {
for(int i=0; i<PositionsTotal();i++) 
    ulong ticket;
         //--- return order properties 
         double open_price    =PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN); 
         datetime time_open     =(datetime)PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TIME); 
         string symbol        =PositionGetString(POSITION_SYMBOL); 
         int order_magic   =PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC); 
         double volume        =PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME); 
         double stoploss      =PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SL); 
         double takeprofit    =PositionGetDouble(POSITION_TP); 
         ENUM_ORDER_TYPE type          =EnumToString(ENUM_ORDER_TYPE(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE))); 
         //--- prepare and show information about the order 
         printf("#ticket %d %s %G %s at %G, with sl: %G tp: %G was set up at %s", 
                ticket,                 // order ticket 
                type,                   // type 
                volume,                 // placed volume 
                symbol,                 // symbol 
                open_price,             // specified open price
                stoploss,               //
                takeprofit,             // 
                TimeToString(time_open) // time of order placing 

And the printf function returns nothing:

2017.06.02 01:42:26.910 2016.04.07 00:00:00   #ticket 1 (non-string passed) 0  at 0, with sl: 0 tp: 0 was set up at 1970.01.01 00:00

I can't believe it's that hard to simply modify an SL in MQL5. That's horribly. However I need to get through it to test my strategy over several pairs...

Do you have another idea? I set up trades with the following code:

void createPendingOrder(ENUM_ORDER_TYPE orderType, double lots, double stopLoss) {
   MqlTradeRequest request={0};
   MqlTradeResult  result={0};

//--- parameters to place a pending order
   request.action   =TRADE_ACTION_PENDING;                             // type of trade operation
   request.symbol   =Symbol();                                         // symbol
   request.volume   =lots;                                             // volume of 0.1 lot
   //request.deviation=2;                                              // allowed deviation from the price
   request.magic    =224466      ;                                     // MagicNumber of the order
   //int offset = 3;                                                   // offset from the current price to place the order, in points
   double price;                                                       // order triggering price
   double point=SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_POINT);                // value of point
   int digits=SymbolInfoInteger(_Symbol,SYMBOL_DIGITS);                // number of decimal places (precision)
   //--- checking the type of operation
      request.type         =ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP;                            // order type
      price                =entryPrice;   
      request.price        =NormalizeDouble(price,digits);                      // normalized opening price           =stopLoss;
   else if(orderType==ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP)
      request.type         =ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP;                           // order type
      price                =entryPrice;           
      request.price        =NormalizeDouble(price,digits);                  // normalized opening price           =stopLoss;
   else Alert("This example is only for placing pending orders");   // if not pending order is selected
//--- send the request
      PrintFormat("OrderSend error %d",GetLastError());                 // if unable to send the request, output the error code
//--- information about the operation
   PrintFormat("retcode=%u  deal=%I64u  order=%I64u",result.retcode,,result.order);

Would it for instance be possible to save the result object in a Array and then access the running trade through that object?

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Views: 11029

Answers (1)


Reputation: 568

Your problem is you are trying to run MQL4 code in MQL5.

There are no OrderModify(), OrderOpenPrice(), OrderTicket() in MQL5!!!

See the documentation here on how to select, query values and modify trades.

you will need to be using OrderGetDouble(), OrderGetInteger() and OrderGetString() to query open price, stop loss etc. e.g.

     //--- return order properties 
     open_price    =OrderGetDouble(ORDER_PRICE_OPEN); 
     time_setup    =(datetime)OrderGetInteger(ORDER_TIME_SETUP); 
     symbol        =OrderGetString(ORDER_SYMBOL); 
     order_magic   =OrderGetInteger(ORDER_MAGIC); 
     positionID    =OrderGetInteger(ORDER_POSITION_ID); 
     type          =EnumToString(ENUM_ORDER_TYPE(OrderGetInteger(ORDER_TYPE))); 
     //--- prepare and show information about the order 
     printf("#ticket %d %s %G %s at %G was set up at %s", 
            ticket,                 // order ticket 
            type,                   // type 
            initial_volume,         // placed volume 
            symbol,                 // symbol 
            open_price,             // specified open price 
            TimeToString(time_setup)// time of order placing 

Orders are modified using the OrderSend() function


MQL5 uses a much more complex system of Orders, Positions, Deals and historyOrders. An MQL5 community article attempts to explain how they all relate to one another.

  • Orders = Pending trades (Buy Stop, Buy Limit, Sell Stop, Sell Limit)
  • Positions = Open trades (Buy, Sell)
  • HistoryOrders = Closed/Deleted Trades
  • Deals = transactions that make up an order/position

To loop through and look at pending Orders:

for(int i=0; i<OrdersTotal();i++) 
         //--- return order properties 
         open_price    =OrderGetDouble(ORDER_PRICE_OPEN); 
         time_setup    =(datetime)OrderGetInteger(ORDER_TIME_SETUP); 
         symbol        =OrderGetString(ORDER_SYMBOL); 
         order_magic   =OrderGetInteger(ORDER_MAGIC); 
         positionID    =OrderGetInteger(ORDER_POSITION_ID); 
         type          =EnumToString(ENUM_ORDER_TYPE(OrderGetInteger(ORDER_TYPE))); 
         //--- prepare and show information about the order 
         printf("#ticket %d %s %G %s at %G was set up at %s", 
                ticket,                 // order ticket 
                type,                   // type 
                initial_volume,         // placed volume 
                symbol,                 // symbol 
                open_price,             // specified open price 
                TimeToString(time_setup)// time of order placing 

To loop through and look at open trades:

for(int i=0; i<PositionsTotal();i++) 
    if((ticket= PositionGetTicket(i))>0) 
         //--- return order properties 
         open_price    =PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PRICE_OPEN); 
         time_open     =(datetime)PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TIME); 
         symbol        =PositionGetString(POSITION_SYMBOL); 
         order_magic   =PositionGetInteger(POSITION_MAGIC); 
         volume        =PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME); 
         stoploss      =PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SL); 
         takeprofit    =PositionGetDouble(POSITION_TP); 
         type          =EnumToString(ENUM_ORDER_TYPE(PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE))); 
         //--- prepare and show information about the order 
         printf("#ticket %d %s %G %s at %G, with sl: %G tp: %G was set up at %s", 
                ticket,                 // order ticket 
                type,                   // type 
                volume,                 // placed volume 
                symbol,                 // symbol 
                open_price,             // specified open price
                stoploss,               //
                takeprofit,             // 
                TimeToString(time_open) // time of order placing 

Hopefully, someone else will be able to provide a better explanation of Orders, Positions, Deals, history Orders as they still give me a headache.

To make it simpler I usually just create an instance of the CTrade Class


Minimal example of trailSL for buy Positions using standard trade functions and Ctrade class


Ctrade *m_trade;
CSymbolInfo *m_symbol;
Void OnInit()
    m_trade  = new Ctrade();
    m_symbol = new CSymbolInfo();
void OnTick()

Trail SL of Buy trade with standard functions

void modifysl()
   ulong ticket;
   MqlTradeRequest request = {0};
   MqlTradeResult  result  = {0};
   double newsl;

   for(int i=0; i<PositionsTotal();i++)
         request.action   = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP; // type of trade operation
         request.position = ticket;   // ticket of the position
         request.symbol   = PositionGetString(POSITION_SYMBOL);     // symbol        = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_SL);                // Stop Loss of the position       = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_TP);                // Take Profit of the position
         request.magic    = 100;                                    // MagicNumber of the position

         newsl = NormalizeDouble(m_symbol.Bid()-100*m_symbol.Point(),
   = newsl;
               PrintFormat("OrderSend error %d",GetLastError());  // if unable to send the request, output the error code
            //--- information about the operation   
            PrintFormat("retcode=%u  deal=%I64u  order=%I64u",result.retcode,,result.order);

Trail Buy Position StopLoss using CTrade

void modifyslCtrade()
   ulong ticket;
   MqlTradeRequest request= {0};
   MqlTradeResult response ={0};
   double newsl;

   for(int i=0; i<PositionsTotal();i++)
         newsl = NormalizeDouble(m_symbol.Bid()-100*m_symbol.Point(),

Upvotes: 6

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