Reputation: 9944
I'm trying to define a general method for making string-like types. For example, I'd like
case class Foo1(s: String) extends AnyVal
case class Foo2(s: String) extends AnyVal
to have, say scalaz.Show, scalaz.Equal, argonaut.CodecJson, etc. instances. I know this is possible using hacky methods like grabbing the apply/unapply functions generated by the case classes, but I was hoping to come up with a type-safe, boilerplate-free solution with shapeless. Here's the best I've come up with:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import argonaut._, Argonaut._
import shapeless._
trait HasName[A] {
def to(v: A): String
def fr(v: String): A
object HasName {
def apply[A](implicit instance: HasName[A]): HasName[A] = instance
def instance[A](f: A => String, g: String => A): HasName[A] = new HasName[A] { def to(v: A) = f(v); def fr(v: String) = g(v) }
implicit val hlist: HasName[String :: HNil] = new HasName[String :: HNil] {
def to(v: String :: HNil) = v.head
def fr(v: String) = v :: HNil
implicit def generic[A, R](implicit F: Generic.Aux[A, R], G: HasName[R]): HasName[A] = instance(
v =>,
v => F.from(
trait Name[A] {
val F: HasName[A]
implicit val show: Show[A] = Show.shows(
implicit val read: Read[A] = Read.readUnsafe(
implicit val json: CodecJson[A] = CodecJson[A](v => jString(, c =>[String] map
implicit val equal: Equal[A] = Equal.equalA[A]
Then users can do
case class Foo1(s: String) extends AnyVal
object Foo1 extends Name[Foo1] {
val F = cachedImplicit[HasName[Foo1]]
This isn't too much boilerplate, but there is still that pesky F. I tried this:
class Name[A](implicit F: HasName[A]) {
implicit val show: Show[A] = Show.shows(
implicit val read: Read[A] = Read.readUnsafe(
implicit val json: CodecJson[A] = CodecJson[A](v => jString(, c =>[String] map
implicit val equal: Equal[A] = Equal.equalA[A]
which would be nicer at the call site:
object Foo1 extends Name[Foo1]
but it doesn't work; you can't have implicit by-name parameters, and you can't pass a non-by-name circular reference.
Any ideas on how to keep both the caller and callee code nice?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 58
Reputation: 5305
You could use the fact that your HasName
will be implicitly in scope to do the following
trait Name[A] {
implicit def show(implicit F: HasName[A]): Show[A] = Show.shows(
implicit def read(implicit F: HasName[A]): Read[A] = Read.readUnsafe(
implicit def json(implicit F: HasName[A]): CodecJson[A] = CodecJson[A](v => jString(, c =>[String] map
implicit def equal(implicit F: HasName[A]): Equal[A] = Equal.equalA[A]
Upvotes: 1