Reputation: 136
Is it possible to join two separate PubSubIo Unbounded PCollections using a key present in both of them? I try to accomplish the task with something like:
Read(FistStream)&Read(SecondStream) -> Flatten -> Generate key to use in joining -> Use Session Windowing to gather them together -> Group by key then rewindow with fixed size windows -> AvroIOWrite to disk using windowing.
Here is the pipeline code I created. I experience two problems:
I need to handle ~ 10 000 sessions a second. Each session comprises of 1 or 2 events, then needs to be closed.
PubsubIO.Read<String> auctionFinishedReader = PubsubIO.readStrings().withTimestampAttribute(TIMESTAMP_ATTRIBUTE)
PubsubIO.Read<String> auctionAcceptedReader = PubsubIO.readStrings().withTimestampAttribute(TIMESTAMP_ATTRIBUTE)
PCollection<String> auctionFinishedStream = p.apply("ReadAuctionFinished", auctionFinishedReader);
PCollection<String> auctionAcceptedStream = p.apply("ReadAuctionAccepted", auctionAcceptedReader);
PCollection<String> combinedEvents = PCollectionList.of(auctionFinishedStream)
PCollection<KV<String, String>> keyedAuctionFinishedStream = combinedEvents
.apply("AddKeysToAuctionFinished", WithKeys.of(new GenerateKeyForEvent()));
PCollection<KV<String, Iterable<String>>> sessions = keyedAuctionFinishedStream
.apply(Window.<KV<String, String>>into(Sessions.withGapDuration(Duration.standardMinutes(1)))
PCollection<SodaSession> values = sessions
.apply(ParDo.of(new DoFn<KV<String, Iterable<String>>, SodaSession> () {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c, BoundedWindow window) {
c.output(new SodaSession("auctionid", "stattedat"));
PCollection<SodaSession> windowedEventStream = values
.apply("ApplyWindowing", Window.<SodaSession>into(FixedWindows.of(Duration.standardMinutes(2)))
AvroIO.Write<SodaSession> avroWriter = AvroIO
.withFilenamePolicy(new EventsToGCS.PerWindowFiles("sessionsoda"))
windowedEventStream.apply("WriteToDisk", avroWriter);
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1486
Reputation: 136
I've found an efficient solution. As one of my collection was disproportionate in size compared to the other one so I used side input to speed up grouping operation. Here is an overview of my solution:
It handles joining 4000 events/sec stream (larger one) + 60 events/sec stream on 1-2 DataFlow workers versus ~15 workers when used Session windowing along with GroupBy.
Upvotes: 5