Reputation: 724
This is a pretty common spark related question regarding handling situation which piece of code is executed on which park of spark (executor/driver). Having this piece of code I am a bit surprised why I do not get values I am expecting:
1 stream
2 .foreachRDD((kafkaRdd: RDD[ConsumerRecord[String, String]]) => {
3 val offsetRanges = kafkaRdd.asInstanceOf[HasOffsetRanges].offsetRanges
4 import argonaut.Argonaut.StringToParseWrap
6 val rdd: RDD[SimpleData] = kafkaRdd.mapPartitions((records: Iterator[ConsumerRecord[String, String]]) => {
7 val invalidCount: AtomicLong = new AtomicLong(0)
8 val convertedData: Iterator[SimpleData] = => {
9 val maybeData: Option[SimpleData] = record.value().decodeOption[SimpleData]
10 if (maybeData.isEmpty) {
11 logger.error("Cannot parse data from kafka: " + record.value())
12 invalidCount.incrementAndGet()
13 }
14 maybeData
15 })
16 .filter(_.isDefined)
17 .map(_.get)
19 val statsDClient = new NonBlockingStatsDClient("appName", "", 8125) // I know it should be a singleton :)
20 statsDClient.gauge("invalid-input-records", invalidCount.get())
22 convertedData
23 })
25 rdd.collect().length
26 stream.asInstanceOf[CanCommitOffsets].commitAsync(offsetRanges)
27 })
Idea: getting JSON data from kafka report number entries that have invalid format (if any). I assume that when I am using mapPartitions method code inside will be executed for each partition I have. I.e. I would expect that lines 7-22 will be wrapped/closure-d and sent to executor for execution. In this case I was expecting that
variable will be in scope of execution on executor and will be updated if there is an error happened during json->object conversion (lines 10-13). Because internally there is no notion of RDD or something - there is only regular scala iterator over regular entries. In lines 19-20 statsd client sends to metric server invalidData value. Apparently I am always getting '0' as a result.
However if I change code to this:
1 stream
2 .foreachRDD((kafkaRdd: RDD[ConsumerRecord[String, String]]) => {
3 val offsetRanges = kafkaRdd.asInstanceOf[HasOffsetRanges].offsetRanges
5 // this is ugly we have to repeat it - but argonaut is NOT serializable...
6 val rdd: RDD[SimpleData] = kafkaRdd.mapPartitions((records: Iterator[ConsumerRecord[String, String]]) => {
7 import argonaut.Argonaut.StringToParseWrap
8 val convertedDataTest: Iterator[(Option[SimpleData], String)] = => {
9 val maybeData: Option[SimpleData] = record.value().decodeOption[SimpleData]
10 (maybeData, record.value())
11 })
13 val testInvalidDataEntries: Int = convertedDataTest.count(record => {
14 val empty = record._1.isEmpty
15 if (empty) {
16 logger.error("Cannot parse data from kafka: " + record._2)
17 }
18 empty
19 })
20 val statsDClient = new NonBlockingStatsDClient("appName", "", 8125) // I know it should be a singleton :)
21 statsDClient.gauge("invalid-input-records", testInvalidDataEntries)
23 convertedDataTest
24 .filter(maybeData => maybeData._1.isDefined)
25 .map(data => data._1.get)
26 })
28 rdd.collect().length
29 stream.asInstanceOf[CanCommitOffsets].commitAsync(offsetRanges)
30 })
It works as expected. I.e. if I count invalid entries implicitly I am getting expecting value.
Not sure I am getting why. Ideas?
Code to play with can be found at github
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1274
Reputation: 9338
The reason is actually pretty simple and not at all Spark related.
See this Scala console sample, that does not involve Spark at all :
scala> val iterator: Iterator[String] = Seq("a", "b", "c").iterator
iterator: Iterator[String] = non-empty iterator
scala> val count = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger(0)
count: java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger = 0
scala> val mappedIterator = => {print("mapping!! "); count.incrementAndGet(); letter})
mappedIterator: Iterator[String] = non-empty iterator
scala> count.get
res3: Int = 0
See how I start with an iterator and a fresh counter, I map on this iterator but nothing happened : the println
did not show, and the count is still zero.
But when I materialize the mappedIterator
's content :
mapping!! res1: String = a
Now something happened, and I got a print
, and an augmented counter.
scala> count.get
res2: Int = 1
The same happens in your code on the spark executor.
It is because Scala iterators are lazy with respect to a map
operation. (See also here and here)
So, in your first sample what chronogically happens is :
In the second scenario, you call val testInvalidDataEntries: Int = convertedDataTest.count...
which performs the actual mapping (and in the process, the incrementation of the counter), before sending your counter to your server.
So, it is the lazyness that makes your 2 samples perform differently.
(That is also why, generally and theoretically speaking, we tend not to side-effect in map
operations in functionnal programming-oriented languages, because the result becomes dependant on the order of execution, whereas pure functionnal style should prevent this).
One way to count failures could be the use of a Spark Accumulator to accumulate results and perform your update on the driver side after the RDD has gone through a terminal operation.
Upvotes: 3