Reputation: 1619
I need to implement conditional formatting in my datatable. See an example below. What I need is to highlight the third row, "PercentDone", based on if that number is greater than the thresholds in rows 4 and 5.
If the number is greater than 50%, I would like to highlight it green.
If it is between 25% and 50%, I would like to highlight it yellow.
If it is under 25%, I would like to highlight it red.
This is similar to something someone would do in Excel with conditional formatting, I am just unsure as to how to implement it in a datatable in R.
In the example below, the 46% in column 1 should be yellow, the 11% in column 2 should be red, and the 65% in column 3 should be green.
df = data.frame(
c(51, 59, '46%', '25%', '50%'),
c(12, 93, '11%', '25%', '50%'),
c(40, 22, '65%', '25%', '50%'))
colnames(df) = c('Location1', 'Location2', 'Location3')
rownames(df) = c('Done', 'Need', 'PercentDone', 'Threshold1', 'Threshold2')
DT = datatable(df) %>%
Upvotes: 2
Views: 3261
Reputation: 56
Late reply, but might prove useful for someone else so I'm posting.
If transposing the table is not a problem, you can try the following.
The final table should look like this:
DF = data.frame(
c(51, 59, '46%', '25%', '50%'),
c(12, 93, '11%', '25%', '50%'),
c(40, 22, '65%', '25%', '50%'), stringsAsFactors = FALSE )# variables as chr, w/o factor levels)
colnames(DF) = c('Location1', 'Location2', 'Location3')
rownames(DF) = c('Done', 'Need', 'PercentDone', 'Threshold1', 'Threshold2')
Retrieve only the numbers from the percentages, convert to numeric to be able to perform the comparisons:
# Define function for retrieving digits; One-liner courtesy of @stla at GitHub
Numextract <- function(string){ unlist(regmatches(string,gregexpr("[[:digit:]]+\\.*[[:digit:]]*",string)))}
# Apply Numextract to all dataframe;
# retrieves only digits but still class is chr
DF [,] <- lapply(DF[,], Numextract)
# Convert to numeric to allow for comparison
DF [,] <- lapply(DF[,], as.numeric)
# Transpose dataframe to access the `PercentDone` as a column
DF = t(DF)
Consider removing the values from the dataframe and have as vars
Threshold1 = 25
Threshold2 = 50
Customizing datatable: Highlight PercentDone
filter = "bottom",
caption = "I am the title",
options = list(
initComplete = JS(
"function(settings, json) {",
"$(this.api().table().header()).css({'background-color': '#000', 'color': '#fff'});",
columnDefs = list(list(targets = length(colnames(DF)), visible = TRUE)))) %>%
# Change fontsize of cell values
formatStyle(columns = c(1:length(colnames(df))),
fontSize = "85%",
fontFamily = "Verdana")%>%
# Format column based on P.Value levels
formatStyle(fontWeight = 'bold',
# Format this:
# Font color
color = styleInterval(c(0.0), c('black', 'black')),
backgroundColor = styleInterval(c(Threshold1, Threshold2),
c('lightgreen', '#f4d35e', "tomato"))) -> fancyTable
# Print customized color-coded datatable:
Upvotes: 4