Reputation: 868
So what I have now will (below) will search for XX-##-#
and force it to XX-##-#0000
How can I do this to return XX-##-0000#
Is there a way to force 5 digits at the end, filling preceding 0s, to cover the other possibilities (XX-##-##
, XX-##-###
, XX-##-####
)? As opposed to copying this 4 times, slightly adjusting for each.
$Pattern1 = '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9]'
Get-ChildItem 'C:\path\to\file\*.txt' -Recurse | ForEach {
(Get-Content $_ |
ForEach { $_ -replace $Pattern1, ('$1'+'0000')}) |
Set-Content $_
EDIT: I would like to do the following
Search Replacement
XX-##-# XX-##-0000#
XX-##-## XX-##-000##
XX-##-### XX-##-00###
XX-##-#### XX-##-0####
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3452
Reputation: 27463
Simple example. Search numbers at the end of a string.
$text = 'aa-11-123'
$text -match '\d+$' # sets $matches
$result = ($matches.0).padleft(5,'0')
$text -replace '\d+$', $result # \d* won't work right
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 425073
Use a look-ahead:
$Pattern1 = '(?<=[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]-\d\d-)(?=\d)(?!\d\d)'
Get-ChildItem 'C:\path\to\file\*.txt' -Recurse | ForEach {
(Get-Content $_ |
ForEach { $_ -replace $date_pattern1, ('000')}) |
Set-Content $_
The look-ahead (?=\d)
asserts, without consuming, that the next char is a digit.
The negative look-ahead '(!\d\d)
asserts there are not 2 digits at the end, so you don't end up with XX-##-0000##
Also note that \d
(a "digit") is exactly the same as [0-9]
(but easier to code.
I think you have to do the replacement 4 times.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 448
This is ancillary information that should help you fix your current code and come to the correct conclusion.
I recommend utilizing a combination of the techniques listed in this documentation. The example provided is very helpful in numeric formatting:
$a = 348
"{0:N2}" -f $a
"{0:D8}" -f $a
"{0:C2}" -f $a
"{0:P0}" -f $a
"{0:X0}" -f $a
34,800 %
You can also utilize [String]::Format and add in some assertions to insure the item is formatted properly; If a specific value is not specified for example you could simply default it to 0.
Hope this helped.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 10044
Create capturing groups. Combine them while applying the formatting to the second.
Edit: Updated to remove the assumption that the line is only the matching string. Note, the assumption that there is only one match per line still exists.
$Pattern1 = '^(.*?)([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]-\d\d-)(\d+)(.*)$'
Get-ChildItem 'C:\path\to\file\*.txt' -Recurse |
ForEach-Object {
(Get-Content $_ |
ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match $Pattern1) {
"{0}{1}{2:D5}{3}" -f $matches[1],$matches[2],[int]$matches[3],$matches[4]
} else {
}) | Set-Content -Path $_
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 438143
Unfortunately, PowerShell's -replace
operator doesn't support passing an expression (script block) as the replacement string, which a succinct solution would require here.
However, you can use the appropriate [regex]
.NET type's .Replace()
method overload:
Note: This solution focuses just on the regex-based replacement part, but it's easy to embed it into the larger pipeline from the question.
# Define sample array.
$lines = @'
Line 1 AB-00-0 and also AB-01-1
Line 2 CD-02-22 after
Line 3 EF-03-333 it
Line 4 GH-04-4444 goes
Line 5 IJ-05-55555 on
'@ -split "`n"
# Loop over lines...
$lines | ForEach-Object {
# ... and use a regex with 2 capture groups to capture the substrings of interest
# and use a script block to piece them together with number padding
# applied to the 2nd group
([regex] '\b([a-zA-Z]{2}-[0-9]{2}-)([0-9]+)').Replace($_, {
$match.Groups[1].Value + '{0:D5}' -f [int] $match.Groups[2].Value
The above yields:
Line 1 AB-00-00000 and also AB-01-00001
Line 2 CD-02-00022 after
Line 3 EF-03-00333 it
Line 4 GH-04-04444 goes
Line 5 IJ-05-55555 on
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 24430
#example of the text we'd load in from file / whereever
$value = @'
this is an example of a value to be replaced: 1AB-23-45 though
we may also want to replace 0CD-87-6 or even 9ZX-00-12345 that
#regex to detect the #XX-##-##### pattern you mentioned (\b word boundaries included so we don't pick up these patterns if they're somehow part of a larger string; though that seems unlikely in this case)
$pattern = '\b(\d[A-Z][A-Z])-(\d\d)-(\d{1,5})\b'
#what we want our output to look like; with placeholders 0, 1, & 2 taking values from our captures from the above.
$format = '{0}-{1}-{2:D5}'
# #use select-string to allow us to capture every match, rather than just the first
# $value | Select-String -Pattern $pattern -AllMatches | %{
# #loop through every match replacing the matched string with the reformatted version of itself
# $_.matches | %{
# #NB: we have to convert the match in group#3 to int to ensure the {2:D3} formatting from above will be applied as expected
# $value = $value -replace "\b$($_.value)\b", ($format -f $_.Groups[1].Value,$_.Groups[2].Value,([int]$_.Groups[3].Value))
# }
# }
#or this version's a little more efficient; using the matched positions to replace the strings in those positions with our new formatted value
$value | Select-String -Pattern $pattern -AllMatches | %{
$_.matches | sort index -Descending | %{
$value = $value.remove($_.index, $_.value.length).insert($_.index, ($format -f $_.Groups[1].Value,$_.Groups[2].Value,([int]$_.Groups[3].Value)))
Upvotes: 0