Reputation: 323
I need to add a current date to the output I am exporting from SAS in the following format: filename_YYYYMMDDhhmmss.csv
I am creating a macro variable the following way:
%let date_human = %sysfunc(today(), YYYYMMDDn8.);
Does anybody know how to create a custom format for the date I have got? datetime20. gives an incorrect one.
Thank you.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 11042
Reputation: 51621
Use the B8601 formats.
%let now=%sysfunc(datetime());
%let date_human=%sysfunc(putn(&now,B8601DN8))%sysfunc(timepart(&now),B8601TM6);
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 873
Use picture
in proc format
proc format;
*custom format for the datetime values;
picture cust_dt other = '%0Y%0m%0d%0H%0M%0S' (datatype=datetime);
** put into macro **;
data test;
dt = datetime();
call symputx("dt",strip(put(dt,cust_dt.)));
%put &dt.;
** use macro for filename **;
data file_&dt.; set sashelp.class;
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Reputation: 12909
Two solutions:
1. Create a picture format with datetime directives using proc format
Here, we are creating a format called date_human
. You can name this anything that you'd like.
proc format;
picture date_human other='%0Y%0M%0D%0H%0M%0S' (datatype=datetime);
%let date_human = %sysfunc(datetime(), date_human.);
2. Mash together various macro variables
/* YYYYMMDD part */
%let yymmdd = %sysfunc(today(), yymmdd8.);
%let datetime = %sysfunc(datetime());
%let time = %sysfunc(putn(%sysfunc(timepart(&datetime.)), time8.0));
/* hhmmss part */
%let hour = %scan(&time., 1, :);
%let min = %scan(&time., 2, :);
%let sec = %scan(&time., 2, :);
/* Put it all together */
%let date_human = &yymmdd.&hour.&min.&sec.;
Upvotes: 5